The fact of the matter is, he didn't present himself at all. He wasn't really smiling, nor did he look angry or depressed. I just, well, felt it.
To that I will respond as my friend once said to me
Bean? Yeah he's the kind of person who could play a Billionare on TV and you would not be sure if he was or just acting, I've him sing in a bar and every single person in thier would have said he was drunk of his ass but I know he was stone sober.
I've played many roles but I'm not an actor(I can't seem to do it structured)
This afternoon I played of all things, A christian, I'm visting my grandmother and we went(Her car was in the shop normaly I don't go along) to vist her older friends who are in retirment homes, and we ran accorss a particulary devote woman who was apporaching 100 and not looking like she was going to make it. Well while we were there she become upset at somthing and became angrey saying things like God had forsaken her and why had he done so many bad things to her and what-not, Well my grandmother being herself tried to talk her down but failed and kinda paniced. She left the room and sought the emergency priest they keep on hand at that retirment home(Yes the Town is THAT devote they keep a Priest on hand for anything)
Well drawing on my knowledge of Christianty and my excelent memoery I started talking with her and bit by bit I had worked her down and conviced her it would all get better even if she could not see it, Physcly I was torn as though I am quite the Atheist I know that shoving the fact that Yes Virginia your going to be Wormfood soon is not the nicest thing to say so for the good of that old lady I played the Christian
It ended pretty well, by the time the Preist got thier she was fine and calm and she said that I had explained everything to her and what-not
And I say pretty well as I was a bit disorted from the whole thing and somone-how ended up volitering to help with next Sunday's Pot Luck
Well have to go for now, Gotta figure out how to get myself out of that the nice way