Nope, nuke plants please.C.S.Strowbridge wrote:Yep, and places like the States with the vast open planes could put up a lot of them. It's the right way to go, Unlike B.C., which is looking into building coal power plants.Admiral Piett wrote:Of course it would not be the wisest use of arable land.But they are economically viable.MKSheppard wrote: Jesus, CSS clone shows his stupidity again. Wind farms are worthless,
take up enormous amounts of land in return for negligable MW ratings..
Beautiful British Columbia, Welcome to the 16th century.
God I hate the provincial liberals.
Take ALOT less area than wind or solar power.
Centralized solar/wind power plants are bad ideas, but home owners having their own private ones to help them minimize their dependancy on central power however is a good idea.