Sinewmire wrote:YOUR DRIVER: If that's literally literal it's going to cost you an extra hundred bucks, FYI.
Sir, you are my hero.
Speaking of heroics, here's some highlights from a fun one that happened about five years ago (I'm not trying for 100% accuracy or to reproduce it in full, but you'll get the idea), dedicated to anybody who's contemplating dating a stripper:
TINY INSANE STRIPPER: [crying] Thank you so
so much, [Name!] You're a total lifesaver!
YOUR DRIVER: Yeah, any time. Why am I picking you up in an alley with no shoes, and what the fuck happened to your hand?
TINY INSANE STRIPPER: I was at this party a few blocks from here, when in walks that bitch [name], the one who fucked [name!]
YOUR DRIVER: Weren't you guys broken up then?
TINY INSANE STRIPPER: So then I grabbed her by the hair with both hands! I was trying to knee her in the face like in UFC, but then she had a knife!
YOUR DRIVER: Clearly. Okay, put pressure on your wrist, like this with your thumb here, and hold it up like this. Squeeze it as hard as you can until you think your hand's about to start turning blue, and then back off a little and hold it there. We're going to the hospital.
TINY INSANE STRIPPER: [near-hysterical]
NO HOSPITALS! Hospitals are a conspiracy to get people sick! They killed my Mom by giving her the wrong shit for her liver! I've been reading about it on the-
YOUR DRIVER: [hits the gas angrily] Fuck! Okay, no time for this, we're going to King Soopers and then your place.
shopping!? Now!?
YOUR DRIVER: Yes, unless you have rubbing alcohol, a brand-new toothbrush still in the box, a lot of gauze, and Neosporin. Seriously, keep it up this high, always, and over you, not the seat, please.
TINY INSANE STRIPPER: This was so dumb. I did a lot of Jame-O shots and coke [ed: not the bubbly liquid kind] right before that and I wasn't thinking.
YOUR DRIVER: I'm not going to debate the first part of that, and the second part is why you're bleeding like a stuck pig. Don't your parents both teach college-level math?
good at math!
[time passes]
ABRIDGED VERSION: She didn't die, but the scarring clearly indicates first aid administered by an adrenaline-pumped amateur.