Broomstick wrote:Have you considered writing a book? Wait, I think we've asked you that before...
Kanastrous wrote:You -absolutely- must write a book. Which must be adapted into a screenplay.
Thanks! I'll get off my ass and do it someday, probably. It'd mean I'd have to stop posting all my best material here for a while, though.Borgholio wrote:I'd buy the hardcover for sure.

No resemblance, but it'd make a lot more money that way.Kanastrous wrote:Not having met you I don't know about casting but let's start with Jake Gyllenhaal.

Of course, a movie studio would want creative control. They'd probably screw it up and turn it into some kind of action / romantic comedy where MFS (played very badly by Bryce Howard, over my insistence on Felicia Day) is the unlikely redemption story / love interest and I get into a car chase at some point. Of course, then I could maybe have fans on the internet who're outraged at the changes, like George R. R. Martin... Oh hey, speaking of which, what if HBO picked it up? An episodic format would suit the material way better, aaaand my head officially does not fit out the door anymore.