To the Anti War crowd

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Axis Kast
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Post by Axis Kast »

Do you even read your articles? The article mentions how a hamas bomber trained with al-qaeda. The article did not specify the details about where he trained or who financed his training. Oh but of course, since Saddam has donated money to the families of martyrs then he must have been involved.
Hussein is a known supporter of terrorist organizations such as HAMAS. Money that trickles down from his private accounts almost certain does more than merely provide sustenance to the families of suicide bombers.
reat! The rest of arguement seems to be based on speculations as well...I see a pattern starting to appear.
Speculation is at times – as with the al-Qaeda connection – all we’ve got. We put pieces of the puzzle together in order to try and determine overall patterns.
Again, prove how Al-Qaeda will be seriously hurt without Saddam in power.
We will limit yet another government’s ability to provide direct funding to Palestinian terrorists, and by extension, empower those same organizations to send their young men into the hands of al-Qaeda.
Again, where is the direct proof that Hussein funds Al-Qaeda? Where are they trained in Iraq?
Hussein would never willingly pass funds to al-Qaeda – though Iraqi money likely flows through them via a Palestinian source.

There is however the case of Abu Musab Zarqawi, whose operatives – part of the al-Qaeda network and recipient of their support – are confirmed to be working, in part, out of Baghdad. He is purportedly “beyond the reach of Saddam’s control.” The Ba’ath can no longer prevent violations of their borders by those intending to harm the United States and its allies. The situation demands action on our part to assure security.
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I'm kinda in the grey area with this whole thing. But I like the pro-war people a lot less. I hate how they make futile attempts to connect Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein, if there is one provide explict proof. If not, give it up, you are confusing all the morons out there. I also hate how they Pro-war people are seemingly borderline facsist ion how they demonize antiwar protesters or anyone with veiws that contradict their own, esp France, they may have their intentions, but they way they are demonized is really childish and old (think back to WW1 with the Germans).

As for the antiwar protesters, they are too foolishly idealistic for me to agree with.

Personally the only way to get peace is with two more world wars (with the minimal or nonusage of nukes), with some luck most of the ignorant douche bags in the world will be killed.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman
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I'm kinda in the grey area with this whole thing. But I like the pro-war people a lot less. I hate how they make futile attempts to connect Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein, if there is one provide explict proof. If not, give it up, you are confusing all the morons out there. I also hate how they Pro-war people are seemingly borderline facsist ion how they demonize antiwar protesters or anyone with veiws that contradict their own, esp France, they may have their intentions, but they way they are demonized is really childish and old (think back to WW1 with the Germans).

As for the antiwar protesters, they are too foolishly idealistic for me to agree with.

Personally the only way to get peace is with two more world wars (with the minimal or nonusage of nukes), with some luck most of the ignorant douche bags in the world will be killed.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman
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Post by Cap'n Hector »

I don't care enough about the situation to argue against the war, but I will state that I'd be much more comfortable with it if Bush and Co. didn't stand to profit from the war, as is argued on these pages: ... 02001.html
Cap'n Hector

Q: How do you play religious roulette?
A: You stand around in a circle and blaspheme and see who gets struck by lightning first.

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Post by Stuart Mackey »

jegs2 wrote:
Stuart Mackey wrote:I will say it again, as you seemed to have missed it. who do you think you are to tell another person how he/she may or may not answer a question?
Eh, no more flames (I'm almost disappointed, since I was almost beginning to enjoy this...) :wink: Well, to the point:
So was I, but I didnt want to see this closed/HOSed for it, as it is a interesting thread.
jegs2 wrote: snip
Now, I was too harsh on Spyder, but that is perhaps because I normally launch into people in my line of work who complain without offering solutions. Realizing that he should not be held to those standards, I apologized to him, and he subsequently offered an alternative course of action.
What you are forgetting is that here, and anywhere else in civvie life, things do not work as they do in the millitary or in bussiness, more so in bussiness I have found.
Outside of the workplace it does not matter what you think of what someone says, you dont have the right to tell anyone what they may or may not say.
If you were to take your line of reasoning in a pub and go on as you have, you would get turfed out. Take that attitude in a conversation, you would simply be told to fuck off. Why? because everyone has the democratic right to say whatever they want, no matter how inane, stupid or otherwise. If you dont like it, bite your tounge and get on with it.
This place is no different, its called freedom of speech.
Via money Europe could become political in five years" "... the current communities should be completed by a Finance Common Market which would lead us to European economic unity. Only then would ... the mutual commitments make it fairly easy to produce the political union which is the goal"

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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Stuart Mackey wrote:
What you are forgetting is that here, and anywhere else in civvie life, things do not work as they do in the millitary or in bussiness, more so in bussiness I have found.
Outside of the workplace it does not matter what you think of what someone says, you dont have the right to tell anyone what they may or may not say.
If you were to take your line of reasoning in a pub and go on as you have, you would get turfed out. Take that attitude in a conversation, you would simply be told to fuck off. Why? because everyone has the democratic right to say whatever they want, no matter how inane, stupid or otherwise. If you dont like it, bite your tounge and get on with it.
This place is no different, its called freedom of speech.
Didn't you come from ASVS? :wink:

Edit - Irrelevant quoting
Last edited by Kamakazie Sith on 2003-03-14 07:45pm, edited 1 time in total.
Milites Astrum Exterminans
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Stuart Mackey
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Kamakazie Sith wrote:
Didn't you come from ASVS? :wink:
Yes, and I would take the same veiw there as here.

Don't overquote~CO
Via money Europe could become political in five years" "... the current communities should be completed by a Finance Common Market which would lead us to European economic unity. Only then would ... the mutual commitments make it fairly easy to produce the political union which is the goal"

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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote:
Hussein’s links to terrorism – both Palestinian and otherwise – are hardly the only basis on which I support a war against Iraq.
Indeed, you've already displayed yourself as a moral bankrupt by declaring that 'might makes right'- you are a common, unprincipled bully.
We have hard evidence that al-Qaeda is making good use of agents trained by Iraq.
NO, it fucking didn't. I read what you posted, and there is nothing that makes any connection. You are a liar.
The BBC article I posted earlier gave proof of that.
Post the exact place where it proves it, goddamit.
And while you’re willing to dismiss that as one man among a sea of thousands, I am not as ready to do so. Nor, thankfully, is my President.
That one man in thousands was trained in Afghanistan by Al-Qaeda. Please point out where it says he has anything to do with Iraq, dumbass.
If the Ba’ath cannot police their own borders to prevent infiltration by al-Qaeda or is in a position to be prevented from disseminating resources that ultimately wind up in the hands of Osama Bin Laden’s orchestrates of violence, it’s yet another argument against Saddam.
If the Bush administration cannot police their own borders to prevent infiltration by al-Qaeda or is in position to be prevented from disseminating resources that ultimately wind up in the hands of OBL orchestrates of violence, it's yet another argument against Bush.

You're a dumbass.
The CIA has argued against (1) Hussein’s possession of nuclear weaponry and (2) Hussein’s direct ties to al-Qaeda, not Iraq’s possession of chemicals and biologicals or the potential for a “trickle-down” effect among terrorist groups active in the West Bank or Gaza Strip.
Provide your source for making this claim that they restrict their analysis to 'direct' ties, for fuck's sake.

I think not.
Got a basis for that? Two words: Iran 1950s. Concession Accepted. And I can bring up plenty more 'regime changes' supported by the US where a democracy was not the result.
Try a new government put in place by popular vote. Will there be ties to the White House? Of course. Is that better than Saddam Hussein however? Expotentially so. Remember that this new government will fall under the aegis of the United Nations – whom I guarantee will “hop on the train” once their opposition to war is no longer valid.
Fall under the aegis of the UN? Not accoridng to the signatories for the 'New American Century'- all current members of the Bush administration, or tied to it intimately. Check your damn facts.

That’s equally as great a jump as you claim I take in suggesting that Hussein gives support to al-Qaeda on an indirect basis.
It's not a controversial fact that Osama Bin Laden was incensed by infidel troops on holy land. Your failure to even know this is not my problem.
Will the attack on Iraq spur more terrorism? Probably – but it would have come anyway. Will it prove nearly as effective as that of September 11th? Unlikely. Is the blow we deal to Saddam probably going to hurt al-Qaeda more than any kind of “retaliation” they can mount against us? Absolutely.
Forgetting of course all the bitter recruits with dead relatives and friends that will flock to their cause :roll:
My point is that the region won’t tumble into chaos. You’ve not proved otherwise.
No, everything will just be fine and dandy, just like in Afghanistan right now- oh wait a minute ....

When did I say that Yemen possessed nuclear weapons? I’m arguing that North Korea does.
At that point, we were talking about Iraq, not North Korea.
So Iraq has produced an infrastructure capable of developing long-range missiles prohibited by the United Nations Security Council and acknowledged to be a threat to Iraq’s neighbors – whom he has directed such weapons upon in the past -, but this “means nothing” to you?
Unless you want Iraq to revert to the Stone Age, it is not extremely hard to produce a long-range missile. Whether they have the intent or will to do so is another matter entirely.

According to the BBC, one terrorist with ties to both Iraq and al-Qaeda is already serving a twenty-seven year prison sentence in Israel.
You are a fucking liar. Again, point to where in that article where the ties to both Iraq and Al-Qaeda are shown, for fuck's sake. Next of Kin has repeatedly pointed that there is nothing in the article that says anything of the sort.
Common sense is acknowledging the danger that drop canisters might be fitted to the UAVs in place of cameras or electronic monitoring systems
Dumbass. The sensor package mount is in the nose of the aircraft. Where all sensor packages for UAVs go.
After all, Hussein’s command-and-control capabilities are minimal at best. Any half-decent tactician is able to see that he can do far more with a flying bomb than with a camera.
Ever heard of situational awarenss and reconaissance? Obviously not.
No, but he might over-fly our troops or those of the United Kingdom.
Ah, the broken record repeats itself. I ask again- what. has. he. got. to. gain?

The point is that this is a violation.[/quote]

Not only has it not been shown to be a violation, but even if it was, it wouldn't justify any war- unless you hang your hat on the 'moral authority' of the United Nations (not that such a thing exists). And, if you want to get legalistic, 1441 says nothing about war.
He’s taking steps to evade us. What makes you think those steps won’t get larger over time?
More speculation eh?
Why wouldn’t Hussein use his weapons? He’s made such gambles before during the Gulf War.
Not in the 91 Gulf War. Nothing like using what might happen in a war, as a reason to go to war. Are you always this thick?
He’s fairly well-convinced that an attack on Israel might gain him the support of the Arab world. Baghdad is also confident of European support. He’s becoming – if anything – emboldened.
Empty bullshit devoid of evidence- no surprise. Explain why he did not use WMD on Israel in 1991.

The United States won’t. It has a mounting for reconnaissance equipment? You mean just like the ones for canisters full of chemicals? Shock horror, who woulda’ thought, eh?
You are a fucking moron. Do you know how big a camera is compared to 'canisters full of chemicals'?

I believe my Department of State
That's your problem, I'm not the one going in front of the United Nations with plagiarized term papers.
far more than I believe your predications of Hussein’s rational behavior or the likelihood of the success for the inspectorate.
That's because you're an idiot jingoist.
Again, the man is convinced he is leaving power.
Have lunch with him the other day, did you? If you were any more full of shit ... :roll:
He’s also now encouraged by European opposition to the United States and rising Arab hatred for Israel.
Yes, this makes him using WMD on enemy troops without being attacked all the more likely! You are a fucking idiot.
He might very well provide indirect support to HAMAS and Hizbollah, assuming it won’t be traced back to an Iraqi source.
And you might wake up and realize you've got your head up your ass and no evidence or even well-reasoned speculation- but I doubt it.
The program was. That’s not a good sign. If it’s as easy as finding “a truck with rails,” then why has this effort petered out without so much as a failed prototype?
I'm tired of talking to a fucking brick wall. The truck with rails is the system it's mounted on. The rocket is the complicated part.
I’m so glad you’re willing to take these risks with the security of my nation.
Sorry if I don't have your grand delusions, jingoist.
Embaressed themselves enough? Like insisting the only reason that Hussein wants UAVs is for “reconnaissance?”
Considering that's what UAVs are used for, and any attempt to use them for anything else would be fucking moronic considering that it's an indigenous Iraqi design not seen anywhere else, the only person embarassing himself is you, you halfwit.
The inspectors have also acknowledged a dangerous potential for several of the recently-discovered weapons (all of which were prohibited anyway) to be deployed or refashioned as weaponry. You need to understand that speculation is a driving factor behind the maintenance of and preparation for security.
Weapons can be deployed as weaponry? Wow- who woulda thought. :roll:

As for speculation- it is based on reason- not insane ramblings and mumbling incoherently about 'proof' in BBC articles that noone can see but you.
MiG-29s, T-80UMs, and BMP-3 IFVs are a bit more difficult to smuggle across borders than a handful of rocket tubes and a dozen or so technical advisors. Iraq’s certainly got enough oil money to support a crash program to build rocket-artillery even if it hasn’t begun to import squadrons of Russian aircraft.
Idiot. Read what I wrote again. Did you see the 1991 part?

Illicit spare parts that help maintain and ensure the combat deployment of Hussein’s combat aircraft are fairly damning. Hell, the Yugoslavs admitted last October that they were still funneling Hussein munitions if not small arms as well. You’re going to pass this over?
Shifting the goal posts again? STAY ON THE FUCKING TOPIC. You just claimed illicit spare parts from third parties is the same as recieving rocket technology from the industry leaders. I grow tired of your fucking games.
Containment of that sort only works when the country has got an infrastructure and population to defend or about which the government must constantly worry.
Iraq doesn't fit into this category? Is it some sort of special fantasy nation?
And the Soviets still proliferated.
They did? Which terrorists did they give WMD to?
The possibility of the Iraqi government being able to pass off knowledge, funding, or technical assistance is substantial. Hell, none of the compromise resolutions even broached the matter of their ties to HAMAS and Hizbollah.
Maybe this is because Israel isn't exactly a saint either and they're reaping what they sowed- oh wait, lemme use your phrase- are you going to let their violations pass? Course you are. :roll:
More to come …
Well I can't take much more of this bullshit goal post shifting and non-evidence.
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Vympel wrote:snip

Well I can't take much more of this bullshit goal post shifting and non-evidence.
I am not surprised, this guy has Darkstar qualitys in this debate.
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote: The wrong definition of containment? The Soviet Union was prevented from hitting an American or allied target. That does not mean it was prevented from wrecking havoc in other portions of the world.
Ah, of course, we should've fucking attacked them for engaging in proxy wars that the US was equally responsible for.
No threat of force, but other initiatives besides. In Korea and South Africa, early forms of disarmament were more or less obliged by sanction.
Not that this argument works with Hussein either. Maintaining a presence in the Persian Gulf puts Hussein in the mind that we plan to strike anyway.

How the fuck do you know what's in Hussein's mind? Furthermore- the effect of having NATO forces on the border with the Warsaw Pact certainly didn't make war more likely- it made it less likely.
As I’ve pointed out already, terrorist attacks are in the works on behalf of both al-Qaeda and Iraq. What hen?
Terrorist attacks on behalf of Iraq? Remarkable! Got any evidence? No? I'm so surprised.
In a conventional sense? No. Could they potentially do so in the future? Yes.
Ah- so they were deterred from doing anything for 12 years. But- they might in the future, even though nothing has changed since then and if anything the situation has improved since the inspectors left in 1998. But they might in the future. Perfect reason to invade.
Irrelevant red herring as compared to what? I acknowledge that after 1980, Nigeria might not have been engaged to provide Hussein with uranium. We’re talking about the risks of Saddam Hussein’s long-term objectives and ongoing programs here. His desire to gain uranium is hardly off-topic.
I'm tired of playing merry-go-round let's see what was posted due to your:

a: deliberate shifty debating
b: poor fucking memory

You go back and read that tier of the argument, and you fucking see if you can see why it's a red herring, goddammit.
You’ve ignored all the other evidence I put forth as well.
Oh, like the invisble ink in the BBC report? :D
I’m glad you ignore all the other valid points Powell has made over the failure of United Nations weapons inspectors to do more than pull teeth.
Which valid points were those? We've seen successful disarmament and disclosure since the inspection regime restarted. The regime is less of a threat now than it was 6 months ago (even then it was miniscule), that's for sure.
I’m glad you ignore the obvious trend by Hussein to circumvent the inspections with small steps of non-compliance.
Of course that brutal dumbshit will kick and scream to preserve any capabilities he has- e.g. his Al-Samoud missiles. Still doesn't change the fact that he is being disarmed whether he likes it or not.

I’m not going to sit around and wait for the weapons inspectors to pull up more proof that Hussein has and is still developing prohibited weapons before I go in and prevent his somehow doing us any harm.
That's because you're a warmonger. He poses no threat, and this has been demonstrated for over a decade. As for "before I go in"- I doubt you're in the Army.
Assumptions and guesswork are necessary in this situation as much as you insist you’d like only real and tangible proof. One must often make educated guesses while pursuing preemption.
Not when thousands of innocent lives and the stability of a region are at stake they're not. It's easy for you sitting in your cushy lifestyle to make grandiose claims about what's necessary when the bombs aren't falling on you.

Yes, I do. You just don’t read them. Try the BBC article.
You know the word IRAQ doesn't even OCCUR in that entire piece? I've had it with you.
Because he was under constant observation.
And he isn't now?!
There’s still the potential he might support the use of WMD by a third party in the future, hoping that no links will be made to his own country. He’s certainly got all the potential to do so.
Why? What's he got to gain? You contradict yourself. You've already said that he believes that he'll get support from the Arabs if he attacks Israel. If it's not traced back to him, he gets no support from the Arabs, because noone knows it's him. If it does get traced back to him, he gets annihilated by Israeli nuclear weapons. Painted yourself into a pretty corner, haven't you?
You’re ignoring the argument. The average North Korean isn’t the awful soldier or sailor you seem to imply.
The US Army has already sent up men before Congress to testify on the quality of the NK Army. Your fallacious false analogies about NK patrol boats in skirmishes do not change anything.

If we move in and march too far, the Chinese will react to that sort of thing as provocation. Will we exchange shots? No. Might they support the remnants of the North Korean army with superior technology in order to impede our progress toward their borders? Perhaps.
Not a real concern.
Could criminal cartels shift the momentum of the war in Kim’s favor? No. Could they provide thousands of rocket-propelled grenades and other advanced small arms for use in the field? Potentially. It’s a small risk, but one we must consider nonetheless. I admit this is the most minor of all concerns.
So you do have some modern sense.
“Several tens of thousands of rounds” of shells that could potentially be filled with biological or chemical agents. Great argument.
Thousands of rounds filled with chemical agents? There is no military benefit to be derived from lobbing chemical agents at civilians behind the lines when you have a juggernaut slicing through your lines. In addition- it is an absolute worst case scenario. In reality, any US preemptive strike would destroy their artillery corps with JDAMs and BLUs before they could pose any significant threat. If NK is doing their attacking, then their artillery will perform attacks on the SK and US lines, rather than a militarily irrelevant target like Seoul.
Seoul won’t just be burning, it’ll be choking because the air is no longer pure!
Sure- if you have not an ounce of common sense :roll:
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

Vympel, I salute your patience and bravery.

Also, I think someone finally deserves Azeron's old "jingoistic warmongering idiot" title.
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Post by Edi »

I was just thinking of exactly the same thing. It's been a long while since I saw a person as fucking stupid as Axis Kast is. The words moron, idiot and imbecile don't even begin to describe him.

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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Edi wrote:I was just thinking of exactly the same thing. It's been a long while since I saw a person as fucking stupid as Axis Kast is. The words moron, idiot and imbecile don't even begin to describe him.

A right wing blend of Azeron and Darkstar with a heathy pinch of jingoism for flavour.
Via money Europe could become political in five years" "... the current communities should be completed by a Finance Common Market which would lead us to European economic unity. Only then would ... the mutual commitments make it fairly easy to produce the political union which is the goal"

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Post by Strate_Egg »

Im not a war monger, but I believe that there comes a time when we have to stop being pissed on like we always are.

I DONT believe Iraq has any weapons of mass destruction other than chemical and bio weapons, but the point still stands. He has never complied with ANY resolutions, he does not intend to, and he never will. The whole ordeal is a waste of UN time.

If the UN weren't as useless as the LON was, maybe the world would be a better place and the US would not have to go unilateral.

When you have nations like France, but moreso Germany who state they wouldn't support an effort even IF Iraq had Nukes, you have to admit they are fucked up.

As for the economy, more than likely....war would BRING UP the economy following Keneysian tacticts. Even so, this is not a just reason to go starting off wars, but as I said, some nations need to get their ass handed to them, and its gonnna happen sooner or later.

A festering wound doesn't disappear by itself.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

Strate_Egg wrote:Im not a war monger, but I believe that there comes a time when we have to stop being pissed on like we always are.

I DONT believe Iraq has any weapons of mass destruction other than chemical and bio weapons, but the point still stands. He has never complied with ANY resolutions, he does not intend to, and he never will. The whole ordeal is a waste of UN time.
When the inspectors on the field say otherwise, and we see Iraq destroying their missiles as requested, I wonder why do you think that.
When you have nations like France, but moreso Germany who state they wouldn't support an effort even IF Iraq had Nukes, you have to admit they are fucked up.
Where did they say that?
As for the economy, more than likely....war would BRING UP the economy following Keneysian tacticts. Even so, this is not a just reason to go starting off wars, but as I said, some nations need to get their ass handed to them, and its
:roll: Portugal is facing a mild recession. Perhaps we should team with Spain and declare war on Morocco. After all, they're not a democracy and are always trying to fish in our waters, not to mention failing to control their borders, which leads to thousands of illegal emmigrants every year [potential terrorists, of course, there's no trusting these muslims :roll: ].
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Post by Next of Kin »

Axis Kast wrote: Hussein is a known supporter of terrorist organizations such as HAMAS. Money that trickles down from his private accounts almost certain does more than merely provide sustenance to the families of suicide bombers.
Prove that cheques that are cut for the families of Palestinian martyrs eventually fall into the hands of Al-Qaeda. YOU have done nothing to prove your points except mention a bbc article that you never read apparantly!
Axis Kast wrote: Speculation is at times – as with the al-Qaeda connection – all we’ve got.
Correct! It is very clear that your arguement is based on paranoid speculation. Most of the board members and myself have realized this fact a while ago!
Axis Kast wrote:We will limit yet another government’s ability to provide direct funding to Palestinian terrorists, and by extension, empower those same organizations to send their young men into the hands of al-Qaeda.
Again, prove that this money that is going to the families of martyrs falls into the hands of Al-qaeda! Oh wait, you can't.
Axis Kast wrote:Hussein would never willingly pass funds to al-Qaeda – though Iraqi money likely flows through them via a Palestinian source.
Pure speculation.
Axis Kast wrote:There is however the case of Abu Musab Zarqawi, whose operatives – part of the al-Qaeda network and recipient of their support – are confirmed to be working, in part, out of Baghdad. He is purportedly “beyond the reach of Saddam’s control.” The Ba’ath can no longer prevent violations of their borders by those intending to harm the United States and its allies. The situation demands action on our part to assure security.
Source please....
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote:There is however the case of Abu Musab Zarqawi, whose operatives – part of the al-Qaeda network and recipient of their support – are confirmed to be working, in part, out of Baghdad. He is purportedly “beyond the reach of Saddam’s control.” The Ba’ath can no longer prevent violations of their borders by those intending to harm the United States and its allies. The situation demands action on our part to assure security.
Source please....
He's merely applying bullshit jingoist logic- any nation that cannot prevent terrorists within it's borders demands action on the part of the global hegemon to 'assure security'- when even America couldn't prevent violations of it's own borders, never mind anyone elses :roll:

Interesting, that our resident jingoist ignores (or purposely conceals, hoping that noone else will sniff it out) the fact that this guy was also in a camp in Northern Iraq- not under the control of the Iraqi regime-because this camp is, in a really odd twist, under the swath of territory covered by the Northern No fly zone. The group that owns the camp- Ansar Al-Islam- dedicated to overthrowing Saddam. The guy's also been in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and even Qatar. I suppose we should invade everywhere he's been- after all, we need to assure ... security. :lol:

Nothing has been 'confirmed' (surprise surprise)- he was in Baghdad sometime in between May-August 2002, getting his leg amputated and replaced with an artificial one- and he left the country to go we-know-not-where. The CIA cannot decide where he is, or what he's doing- but what they do know is he's certainly not in cahoots with Iraq (not exactly a surprise considering his visit to Ansar Al-Islam; this group is also not known to have ties to Al-Qaeda, but my have ties with Iran).
Last edited by Vympel on 2003-03-14 10:55am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BoredShirtless »

Ouch Axis Kast, that's gotta hurt! Vympel is a WMD...someone deport the bastard I've got family in Sydney!! :P
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Post by Next of Kin »

Vympel wrote:
Interesting, that our resident jingoist ignores (or purposely conceals, hoping that noone else will sniff it out)
Vympel, what I find hilarious is that Axis Kast doesn't even bother to read his bbc articles. He posts them and then just makes up facts that don't even appear in the original article!
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Post by Strate_Egg »

Actually, the US is technically not a democracy anyway. :)
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Post by Strate_Egg »

lol yes, is destroying missles in a lame cat amd mouse game. He gives a little rope each time.

You are a smart guy from what i have seen, but if you cannot see past this game of his, its sad. Its like when parents tell you maybe just to shut you up. He is not complying, rather jerking you around. He destroyes a few more missiles each time when he should have sat down, shut up, and got rid of them all.

Accordingly, do you really think he needs chemical and bio weapons? Nukes arent the only weapon you know. Inspectors, such as hans blix have ACTUALLY...recognized that Saddam was not in compliance fully. Its only out of a want to stave off bloodshed that they are allowing Saddam's stall tactic to work. Don't think for a minute that its legitimate. :wink: THe job of the inspectors isn't "hide and seek." They are to maintain an eye and make sure weapons that are already PROVIDED are destroyed. THe inspectors are stupid and being led around by the nose.

as for the Germany and France thing, CNN. Althought, France "might" support something as of now. They just wanna make sure they do not get left in the dust in a pre-war Iraq.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

Strate_Egg wrote:

Accordingly, do you really think he needs chemical and bio weapons? Nukes arent the only weapon you know. Inspectors, such as hans blix have ACTUALLY...recognized that Saddam was not in compliance fully. Its only out of a want to stave off bloodshed that they are allowing Saddam's stall tactic to work. Don't think for a minute that its legitimate. :wink: THe job of the inspectors isn't "hide and seek." They are to maintain an eye and make sure weapons that are already PROVIDED are destroyed. THe inspectors are stupid and being led around by the nose.
The inspectors have saying clearly that, although there's still plenty Iraq can do, they are satisfied with the results and that their demands are being met. They found no new evidence concerning WMD or hidden illegal armement. The attempts of the U.S government to provide that proof has been pathetic, to say the least, with mistifications envolving false documents and artesanal short range miniplanes which suddenly become weapons of Doom. I have no reasons to suspect Hans Blix credentials, and certainly no evidence of his stupidity. He's doing his job, and if he says things are going well, I don't see why he shouldn't be trusted.
as for the Germany and France thing, CNN. Althought, France "might" support something as of now. They just wanna make sure they do not get left in the dust in a pre-war Iraq.
France has never said that if WMD are found or proved to exist it will still veto a war. They oppose a new resolution (the ultimatum) and war in the present conditions (without proof).

Find me a quote where the french government said "we oppose the war, even if Iraq is proven to be building nukes"

And, as much as they are arrogant, I don't see why the U.S companies should be the only ones reconstructing the oil plants the U.S military destroyed. Call it paranoia, but it does give a bad image about the country. The U.S could wait for the war to happen, and then for the new Iraqi governor to launch an international program for the reconstructions.
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Post by theski »

Colonel Olrik, Ummmmm They did help build the last Iraqi Nuke Plant sorry (picky) :wink:
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Stuart Mackey wrote:
Kamakazie Sith wrote:
Didn't you come from ASVS? :wink:
Yes, and I would take the same veiw there as here.

Don't overquote~CO
Damn your seriousness....
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Stuart Mackey wrote:
Vympel wrote:snip

Well I can't take much more of this bullshit goal post shifting and non-evidence.
I am not surprised, this guy has Darkstar qualities in this debate.
I suggest an acronym for when we insult someone with insults like "this guy has Darkstar qualities" or "you debate like Darkstar", ect. The acronym I suggest is MOAI - Mother of All Insults

8) :lol:
Milites Astrum Exterminans
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