What stops people from creating bullshit jobs for their relatives at 1 dollar an hour and getting full benefits, or deliberately looking for bullshit jobs at 1 dollar an hour for full benefits. I don't think living income would work either because different areas have different costs of living.unigolyn wrote:And the response to this would be a negative income tax. The gist of it is that as long as you work, the government takes a percentage of your earnings (let's say 20%) but also gives you a set amount of money, which would be enough to live on (let's say 12K CAD yearly). Therefore you can go stack dog turds for $1 per hour and make 2000 bucks a year and give 400 of that to the government, but they'll also give you $11600 back, and you're making $13200 a year. (obviously higher-income people would pay more in taxes than they get back)
Since anyone giving you that buck per hour to stack those dog turds is making money off you doing that, and since no one would hire someone to do that for $7.65 an hour, there's an economic gain where there wasn't one before.
Benefits? Minimum wage eliminated, and since it's basically a flat tax, all the benefits of tax code simplification also ensue (i.e. less loopholes and writeoffs equals more tax revenue). Everyone who works is guaranteed a living income (not wage). No one will want to hire illegal immigrants, because any unskilled citizen entitled to the tax refund will actually work for less than any immigrant. Unemployment should all but vanish.
<edit>I guess the only real argument for minimum wage is DW's point that it stops the illegal immigrant labour. Since illegal immigrants will always be willing to work for less, it undermines the economy to allow them to take jobs from tax paying citizens. Also my earlier point about "you have to wonder about their working conditions if they pay a dollar an hour" is true because I can mention sweatshops that pay a few dollars whose working conditions are terrible. It costs a certain amount of money to make the workplace safe and conditions humane, definitely more than $1 or $2.</edit>