Crown wrote:
If you even try and tell me that Israeli action is not on a par with the Fascist Germany which slaughtered and butchered Jews, then please let me say that you must have blinders on.
Since when did the jews in nazi germany start killing civilians by the dozen, weekly, in discos, pizza parlors, shopping malls etc...
Crown wrote:
Palestinian men are stopped on their way to prayer, they are not treated as equals. They require special permits to cross between and through Israel.
As they should be. When 95% of all suicide bombers coming from the west bank/gaza and are palestinian men, of course they should be treated as suspect.
And if the man has completely innocent intentions, well that's unfortunate. But let's put this in contemporary context now k?
It's the 1960's and several black churches were recently bombed by the KKK and multiple others white supremecist organizations.
Now, the next week, you see a white man trying to get into a predominately black neighborhood with a very large church. Please please tell me that he should not at the very least be questioned.
Crown wrote:
Can you say South Africa during apartheid?
Can you say the fact that Palestinians are killing Israeli's by the bushel almost every day and have a right to have restrictions on a population, 85% of whom, don't think that bombing a mall is a terrorist act and are trained form birth to hate them out of existance.
Crown wrote:
And if you seriously want me to believe that the refugee camps are a load of BS, you can stop that right now. The standard of living between your average Jewish Israeli is much higher than a Palastinian. To the point that the Palastinian people are living day by day, just trying to stay alive!
And why are they in the refugee camps instead of making a new life for themselves in another arab country? Because the arab countries DIDN'T WANT THEM THERE. The PLO was created by the other arab countries in an attempt to stop the massive palestinian immigration that was distrupting their economies. The thought that they would be fighting for a state has caused many palestinians to wait in the west bank and gaza for the chance to run over the border into the state of Palestine.
And I should remind you that the PLO was formed in 1964, when the arab states still had control of the west bank and gaza AND east jeruselem. If the arab states did actually want the creation of Palestine, they had 3 years to do it.
But of course history shows that they didn't, they only wanted to divert attention away from the problems of their own country, and so started to further antagonize Israel.
Crown wrote:
Every fucking week they are invading a village with 'suspected' terrorist activities with their tanks
Ah brilliant. You want the Israeli's to go into an area where they will be surrounded by hostile forces who probably have access to Kalishnikovs, and you want them to go in by
Can you say "dead IDF"? Tanks ensure that small arms fire will not eliminate the entire search force.
And if the Palestinians want the Israelis to stop invading, then stop killing
Israeli civilians.
Crown wrote:
The men and boys over the age of 16(?) are led away to 'holding camps', a clever little euphemism, while houses are searched at gun point.
Yes. Searhced at gun point. Not blown away. If the Israelis wanted massacre then arabic would only be spoken in hell.
But they don't want a massacre fortunately, so they only brutally searched.
The fact is, terrorist DO live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and you're saying that Israel doesn't have the right to find them and stop them from killing more of their population?
Crown wrote:
They bomb civillian residential areas from afar and dare to call the Palastines terrorist.
Newsflash my friend. Terrorists LIVE in civilian residential areas and hide behind a human shield of innocent victims.
Crown wrote:
So what are you arguing; if and act of terror is caused by a established military, its all okay?
And response to un-warranted agression is ok.
Crown wrote:
Israel is a military aggressor.
Name when they attacked without provocation.
Crown wrote:
When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour without warning, it was a day that will live in infamy.
When they bombed pearl harbor in the middle of peace talks.....sound familiar?
Crown wrote:
When Israel bombed the nuclear reactor in Iraq without warning; it was a good pre-emptive strike!
Damn right it was. During the Gulf War, though i'm sure you've "forgotten", Iraq launched scud misslers at Israeli cities. If Saddam was getting nukes, the Israelis, out of fear for their lives have the right to stop him.
Crown wrote:
I also maintain that the only reason Israel exists at all is because western powers need a friend in the region.
We have several "Friends" Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Of course we all know what the good people of Saudi Arabia have given us recently....
And if I were in control of a western power, I would support Israel regardless of whether or not they would be my "friend"