Seggy, you sir are an idiot. For the record, I am one who'd love to see every damned PETA "member" executed for crimes against humanity.
Anarchistbunny, sorry to hear about your chickens, back before I moved to Washington (from California) I had about 50 chickens, most of them had names, most would come when called, all of them were egg hens of course. We also used to have geese. 'Coons and possums were a serious problem, we lost like 3 geese to 'coons and always had to worry about the cats and the possums.
That has to suck having to do it that way, though on a similar note, in the future if you have to remove a creature like that from the world of the living, grab the tail (and/or back legs), step on the head, and pull sharply, they don't feel a thing and are dead even before you're done with the motion. I know how this works as I've had to do it with mortally injured animals, including a pet goose and a couple of chickens.
Just so you all know, having to put down an animal you own (even if not a pet, but especially a pet) never gets any easier, it seems to be an ingrained thing in a
normal human mind that taking a life is bad, even if it is for a reason, such as ending the creature's suffering.
A final note to Seggy: keep this PETA-esqu crap up and you'll shortly have an enemy on this board. On and PETA really stands for "People for the Eating of Tasty Animals"