Rant against teenagers no 2: Dressing like me

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Post by ArmorPierce »

Col. Crackpot wrote:lol, i did the matrix style thing when i went to montreal! can't walk around looking like some assclown yankee tourist u know.
Hmm, I think I'll do that next time I am away on a trip 8)

and yes, walking around with a potbelly with the shirt not going all the way down is far from attractive. They'd probably would be the same people that would be walking around topless if it was legalized.
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Post by kojikun »

I already hate teenagers and I'm not 17 yet.
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Post by jaeger115 »

Bah, every time I see a little obese girl wearing tight shirts that expose her lack of a midriff, I give her a little dirty look. More often than enough, they look back with a haughty look, as if they can't be bothered with their obviou stupidity and lack of knowledge how to dress well. It really makes the heart desire..... to murder. :evil:
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Post by jaeger115 »

I already hate teenagers and I'm not 17 yet.
Me too. :evil: And I'm 16.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

[teenager]Oh yeah! Well I hate YOU! I HATE EVERYTHING![/teenager]

Ugh, everytime I hear one of those little whiny bitches going on about how life sucks, they wanna die, ohhhh feel sorry for poor angsty me; I just wanna...grrrr.... :evil:

I dunno whats with clothes anyways, style has never appealed to me. I wear the same combo of clothes everyday, that is: a pair of jeans, whichever one I happen to pull outta the drawer be it blue, black, or the occasional green. And a sweater if its cold, or a T-shirt if its warm. I could give less of a damn what they look like. Just mah two cents, anyways.
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Post by kojikun »

Gnome, those sound like Brats teenygoths. :p I say let them kill themselves. Better for the genepool.
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Post by Sr.mal »

Innerbrat I feel for ya. I was in HS a couple of years ago. I was the guy you saw wearing the TOOL shirts and whatnot. I was the only one my Junior year. Next year there are about 20 people emulating the way I dressed. I asked why they changed, they said because it was cool. I hate the way I feel like dressing becomes the next "in" thing to do. Its freaking moronic. One of them had the gall to say that I was dressing like them and that I should find my own style. Normally I'm am not a violent person, but it took the combined efforts of 5 of my friends to keep me from tearing him to shreds. I am 19 and I fucking hate teenagers and all of their bullshit.
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Post by Majin Gojira »

kojikun wrote:I already hate teenagers and I'm not 17 yet.

I hate the majority of teenagers, and those Upity "Tweens" as well, and I've hated them since I was your age (currently I am 19)
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Post by jaeger115 »

Everyone please don't come near me and kojikun... :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Sr.mal »

Correction: I don't hate all teenagers, just the ones that piss me off. The ones that I see here I have no problem with. So far they have not proven themselves to be stupid.
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Post by kojikun »

Nah I'm pretty tame. I dont have the balls to kill, I'm too sympathetic. Unless I'm severly depressed, in which case I load up Imperial March and get urges of destruction that makes Black Mage look like a pacifist.

BTW my idol is the New X from the revised version of Action Man. His goal in life is to basically destroy humanity. Sort of. :) He already nuked half the planet into oblivion. And his ship, Antioch, is gorgeous. My friend actually does the animation for him in the new season, and she designed Antioch from scratch. Kudos to ye who guesses the origin of the ships name..
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

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Post by kojikun »

Get out the chlorine gas shells, its time to clean the gene pool. OPEN FIRE!!!
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Post by Utsanomiko »

RedImperator wrote:Isn't amazing how quickly people find themselves hating teenagers so soon after they stop being teenagers. I know I started loathing the little bastards about a week after my 20th birthday. I think it's something about high school that makes them all insufferable.

And before the resident teenagers jump into this thread to denounce my ill-informed predjudice, just wait until you turn 20. I promise you'll find yourself disliking teens, too (except maybe for the "barely legal" kind you can find on the Internet for $39.95 per month).
Funny, I started hating them and failing to relate to them culturally by age 12. Go figure. :?
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Post by kojikun »

Utsano should start talking about the good old days any time now..
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

kojikun wrote:Its a personal thing, hemlock, and its fucking annoying when people start dressing like that for the sole purpose of "looking cool". Well, really I think it is that people who have an emotional issue (be it break up issues, etc) get it into their heads that they hav to change their entire style to show this. They say "oh, my boyfriend broke up with me and im sad so I'll dress black and hang with a crowd i dont know yet just to make myself feel like im worth something."

People like that are annoying. Me, I wear black. Why? Because tis an elegant color. It goes with anything too. Why do you think formal wear is almost always black? Granted I dont wear formal wear, I wear wide leg jeans, but I like long flowing garments. I'd have a trench coat if I could find a Matrix style one. And a floor length leather kilt, Peace Keeper/Scarran style. But I dont' wear these things because "its cool to be depressed". I wear these things because they appeal to me. I don't listen to "goth music" (such as souxie and the banshees) i listen to metal. I don't think about death except when it comes to ways to avoid it.

To sum up my opinion on the pseudogoths I rely on Lord Maddox..

I'm goth, but I just like the style. I dont go with the whole angst thing cuz Im goth, tho I do have black feelings at times. it doesnt relate to the outfit tho. I have a trenchcoat, but dont really take the whole culture that seriously. I listen to music totally unrelated to it, and go with what looks good. I am currently going for black and silver jewerly, skulls and celtic crosses for the most part, as well as a red beret and blue flame belt. I tried lipstick for a little while, but got over it. still have the fingernails.
I may get some spike bracelets soon, maybe a peircing. havent decided yet.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Darth Garden Gnome wrote:[teenager]Oh yeah! Well I hate YOU! I HATE EVERYTHING![/teenager]

Ugh, everytime I hear one of those little whiny bitches going on about how life sucks, they wanna die, ohhhh feel sorry for poor angsty me; I just wanna...grrrr.... :evil:

I dunno whats with clothes anyways, style has never appealed to me. I wear the same combo of clothes everyday, that is: a pair of jeans, whichever one I happen to pull outta the drawer be it blue, black, or the occasional green. And a sweater if its cold, or a T-shirt if its warm. I could give less of a damn what they look like. Just mah two cents, anyways.
I only wear a sweater if it's freaking freezing. I only look ok in them.
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

RedImperator wrote:Isn't amazing how quickly people find themselves hating teenagers so soon after they stop being teenagers. I know I started loathing the little bastards about a week after my 20th birthday. I think it's something about high school that makes them all insufferable.

And before the resident teenagers jump into this thread to denounce my ill-informed predjudice, just wait until you turn 20. I promise you'll find yourself disliking teens, too (except maybe for the "barely legal" kind you can find on the Internet for $39.95 per month).
It took you until you were 20 to dislike them? Hell, I started disliking them back when I was a teenager.
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Post by kojikun »

GrandMasterTerwynn, you have reached the holy post number.

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Post by RedImperator »

GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
RedImperator wrote:Isn't amazing how quickly people find themselves hating teenagers so soon after they stop being teenagers. I know I started loathing the little bastards about a week after my 20th birthday. I think it's something about high school that makes them all insufferable.

And before the resident teenagers jump into this thread to denounce my ill-informed predjudice, just wait until you turn 20. I promise you'll find yourself disliking teens, too (except maybe for the "barely legal" kind you can find on the Internet for $39.95 per month).
It took you until you were 20 to dislike them? Hell, I started disliking them back when I was a teenager.
The difference is, back when I was a teenager, I happened to like certain other teenagers--myself and my admittedly small social circle. Frankly, if I went back in time to anywhere between 1996 and 1999, I wouldn't like me at all. I had this, "I'm not like other teenagers, so I'm obviously better than everyone" thing going. A good ass whooping by a slightly older, wiser, and fatter me would have done me good back then.

EDIT: I just edited this post, and it went back to being unedited...Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...
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Post by InnerBrat »

RedImperator wrote:
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
RedImperator wrote:Isn't amazing how quickly people find themselves hating teenagers so soon after they stop being teenagers. I know I started loathing the little bastards about a week after my 20th birthday. I think it's something about high school that makes them all insufferable.

And before the resident teenagers jump into this thread to denounce my ill-informed predjudice, just wait until you turn 20. I promise you'll find yourself disliking teens, too (except maybe for the "barely legal" kind you can find on the Internet for $39.95 per month).
It took you until you were 20 to dislike them? Hell, I started disliking them back when I was a teenager.
The difference is, back when I was a teenager, I happened to like certain other teenagers--myself and my admittedly small social circle. Frankly, if I went back in time to anywhere between 1996 and 1999, I wouldn't like me at all. I had this, "I'm not like other teenagers, so I'm obviously better than everyone" thing going. A good ass whooping by a slightly older, wiser, and fatter me would have done me good back then.

EDIT: I just edited this post, and it went back to being unedited...Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...
I had the same 'I'm better than everyone else' attitude, but I wouldn't like the teenage me either.
Didn't even have good taste in music, or clothes, or anything else (apart from TV and books). It wasn't until I was at uni that I bought my first velvet basque and started listening to Black Sabbath...
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Post by Rob Wilson »

innerbrat wrote:
Rob Wilson wrote:
innerbrat wrote:Didn't exist in this magnitude when I was a teenager, and I'm 22.
Dear god, when I was a teenager there were Goths, Punks, ravers, the "Combat-wearers", and techno-gear crowds all represented at our local colleges and Uni (at lunch times the streets of the local town would be packed with huge roving bands of them, in their particular dress cliques), and I'm only 30. It's far from a new trend. :)
Yes, but then it was the first time round, and it actually was Goth.
And you still got teeny-goths and wannabe Goths in hordes. :wink:
innerbrat wrote: ALL these girls were dressed exactly the same - something that I've never seen among people even my age.
And there were very few teenygoths in the nineties, becasue the Osbournes wasn't on telly.
You think it has anything to do with the Osbournes? You're right there wasn't the Osbournes in the 80's and early 90's but there were always hordes of Identically dressed Teenagers (whether it be dressed as Goths, Punks, Techno, etc), trying to find a group of teenagers where they Aren't arranged in like-dressed groups is the real hard task :wink: .
I'm always amused when i ask them why they dress the way they do and get the same answer everytime : "Because i want to be Individual." - Said whilst surrounded by identically dressed teens. :roll: . The same can be applied to 99% of Piercings, tattoo's, hair-dying/styles, etc.
The ageless mantra of the teenager "I want to be an individual, just like everyone else." :roll:
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Post by InnerBrat »

Rob Wilson wrote:The same can be applied to 99% of Piercings, tattoo's, hair-dying/styles, etc.
The ageless mantra of the teenager "I want to be an individual, just like everyone else." :roll:
Which is why tatoos are only available for the over 18s. By then, hopefully, people know why they actaully want them.
I din't get any piercings until I was 18, and I think the same law should apply to that. Or at least, scrap the 'parental permission' for the under 16s.
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Post by Rob Wilson »

innerbrat wrote:
Rob Wilson wrote:The same can be applied to 99% of Piercings, tattoo's, hair-dying/styles, etc.
The ageless mantra of the teenager "I want to be an individual, just like everyone else." :roll:
Which is why tatoos are only available for the over 18s. By then, hopefully, people know why they actaully want them.
Actully tattoo's seem to fall into 2 huge categories and 1 tiny one.
In decending order.

1. Wanting to look cool like their friends, be part of a club/clique (all of whom have copied it off of the pop/movie/wrestling star de jour).
2. Drunk and wake up with it.
3. Actually wanting something for personal reasons.
innerbrat wrote: I din't get any piercings until I was 18, and I think the same law should apply to that. Or at least, scrap the 'parental permission' for the under 16s.
Isn't that there for the youngsters that want earrings?
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Post by InnerBrat »

Rob Wilson wrote: Actully tattoo's seem to fall into 2 huge categories and 1 tiny one.
In decending order.

1. Wanting to look cool like their friends, be part of a club/clique (all of whom have copied it off of the pop/movie/wrestling star de jour).
2. Drunk and wake up with it.
3. Actually wanting something for personal reasons.
Hmmm. Does wanting one because it's pretty and yet having lots of friends with tattoos count as 1 or 3?
It's not very personal, I guess
Rob wrote:
innerbrat wrote: I din't get any piercings until I was 18, and I think the same law should apply to that. Or at least, scrap the 'parental permission' for the under 16s.
Isn't that there for the youngsters that want earrings?
Yes, but then they've got gotes in their ears for life.
They should make that decision themselves as adults, not let their parents make it for them.
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