The "tow mode" you refer to is to disable the locking torque converter, to prevent long term damage to the engine and trans. The slippage acts as a torque multiplyer, and shock absorber.
Many "overdrives" are not true overdrives, that is to say a greater than 1 to 1 final drive set of gears. They are mechanical locks on the torque converter in the tranny. This eliminates the 200/500 rpm lost due to "slippage." (the mechanism is similar to "on the fly" locking hubs of a 4wd) It is effectivly an extra gear. However, the slippage helps the longevity of the engine, by making the engine not sxtressed by surges and drags caused by uneven road conditions. Bumps and potholes act on your drive traive like mini hills and valleys. This downhill/uphill surge takes place in microseconds, and without the cushion of the slippage, the force goes all the wat to the pistons, from the wheel. This is only a significant factor when the load is heavey, or you are considering total longevity. 150k miles, or 200k miles of life in the motor.
This is why the manufacturers recomend you disengage you overdrive when towing, or changing elevation.(it guarentees you will get more than 3 miles past you warrenty expiring!)Many of the newer cars also have long term memory in their computers, and if you over rev, run too hot, too fast, or lug your motor up hill in overdrive, they will void your warranty, citing "abuse."
The locking electrical clutch is usualy the part that fails. It is an economy measure, not a performace measure. Towing IS a form of high performance driving, as you are asking close to the limits of the vehicle's performance enveloup, which is the true definition of "high performance," not driving fast.
"It is happening now, It has happened before, It will surely happen again."
Oldest member of, not most mature.
Brotherhood of the Monkey
If there is a button and its in the trunk and its near the bottom of the trunk hidden kindive... its probly the fuel pump turn ON switch... most modern cars if you get into a car accident the fuel pumps auto shut off so your car dont catch on fire and explode or somthing bad like that...
anyways you push that button to turn the pump back on so you can drive away if the car is in shape to allow you to do so....
If I die in Vietnam.
Write a letter to my mom.
Tell her I died with a grin.
Putting smoke on Ho Chi Minh!
Im a sore loser, ok? We need to stop the Iraq and Korea shit and go re invade Vietnam and kick some commie ass!
my 66 Lincoln has a button in the glove compartment that turns on the hazard lights. a guy had wired up a switch under the dash to turn the headlights on in the 64 Galaxie i had. i still wont figure that one out. the stock switch worked just fine. and in a 77 Lincoln i had, i wired up a push button starter in the seat by the seat controls. the ignition switch broke and could be turned on without the key so i fixed it were it wouldnt start if you turned the switch. i figured the push button would be camouflaged with the seat controls.
Bungeeeeeee!!! Nooooooooo!!!
Oh no, sweetie. I don't think you're a whore....whores actually charge money.