note* this post basicly applies to both threads I have started, since they are so closely intertwined I will post the same on both threads.
Ahh. as I can see, that even bright and early the minds are at work good for you
For any one who has been trying to sort out this endless babel of retoric and contradiction let me summerise my arguments. And i'll liet the opposition do the same for their's.
1. A Communist
Dictatorship is evil as is any and should never be allowed to come to power again. (Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, ect.)
Therefore we need a
true democracy, free from all the imperialist tendancies of capitalism. I.E. the Nike Empire, Microsoft Kingdom, and the Starbucks Dutchy. You look at reality for a change and SEE all which is not told. Globalization and Free Markets world wide. Are not supplying people with better life, they are in fact degrading life. These facts are clear to those who seek them.
Here is are links you should check out before you, blindly believe what a Money, driven, Extream Right-Wing, Majority government has to say.
BTW, these are all US institutions which, have a
true sense for what it means to be Constitutionally Democratic.
2. The leadership and the government of the US is corrupt to the extream, hense the need for us to remember the roots of indepndence,
thanks to BenRG who first adressed it
the exact exerpt from the Declaration of Indpendence:
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
3. Seeing what our forefathers envisioned of America, it is clearly eveident that the tyranny of the British Empire now rivals that of the tyranny of the United States.
a. This is clear in the book entitiled Feudalism... alias American Capitalism, which can be found here:
b. Along with what is stated in the book here are the most pressing violations by the current government against the constitutional rights it pretends to up hold:
i. The powers of democratic checks and balances have been disregarded by the Executive Branch. This is evedient in the continued active nature of Executive Orders, which since 1933 under 1917 the War Powers Act allow the President to indefinatly suspend constitutional rights.
Here are examples of the most incrminating ones:
10995: Right to seize all communications media in the United States.
10997: Right to seize all electric power, fuels and minerals, both public and private.
10999: Right to seize all means of transportation, including personal vehicles of any kind and total
control of highways, seaports and waterways.
11000: Right to seize any and all American people and divide up families in order to create work
forces to be transferred to any place the gov. sees fit.
11001: Right to seize all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.
11002: Right to force registration of all men, women and children in the United States.
11003: Right to seize all air space, airports and aircraft.
11004: Right to seize all housing and finance authorities in order to establish "Relocation Designated
Areas" and to force abandonment of areas classified as "unsafe".
11005: Right to seize all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public and private.
While this may seem ironicly like communism it isn't, because if you have discovered the government is wholly dominated by the elite.
ii. This is even more evident today, with the passing of the Patriot Act and others which,
illegally restrict our constituational rights under the
Bill of Rights. These actions include limitation of free speech, an end to search and seisure rights, and even thought of eliminating the 5th Amendment.
This Is An
example of what legislation the governmment has been the last 70 or so years. Why should
we the people allow the government to place restrictions on us that we fought to be free from. (See DoI quote)
We are not Equal in the eyes of our government, and they will do anything to hold and reinforce their power.
Now to answer for your questions.
First off I don't even want to venture into what unfouned and useless coments that Chrostas presents, Tautologies and False Causes will get you nowhere. And while it would be fun to quickly deconstruct your argument as eeasily as you rambled it together. I simpily don't have the time.
As for
Mr Bean
Need I remind you of the emission standered or lack there off that used to turn St Peterburg into a place worse than San Francsisco by FAR
Need I remind you of the Raditoactive LAKES in Sibera that have no guards besides some Wire Fences and Signs Warning of
Need I remind you of the above ground nuclear testing ranges in Sibera that they used for quite some time and oh had villages with 30 Miles?
Bikini Atoll was delebrate sure as hell we needed a place to tests some nukes so we picked an island
Where there any natives on the Island? No but there sure as hell where in Sibera
Again im am reiterating the fact that, I am not refuting the claims of USSRs follies, in this case Enviornmental Issues, because they are
BOTH at fault. Again your bring back more Red Herring, which have no relevencey to the issue at hand.
That issue is the United States is not what it seems and should be refromed by the people who which to make it a true democracy following the outlines, of the constitution.
But since you did bring up the point about Nuclear Testing and Fallout, here are some interesting facts that you should take into consideration.
- Nuclear Testing in Nevada and Arizona in the 1950s created a large fallout in the US that reached as far as Chicago. This resulted in an increase probabilty of Cancer, Birth Defects and many other woes.
- The Bikini Atoll was
inhabited by a native population that endured starvation, inhumane treatment, and suffred the destruction of their culture.
Again while these facts are not the main issue but the do suppliment the fact that, again, both superpowers are at fault.
If you don't believe me and a doubt you do, here are some links that you should be aware of before you claim inconsistincies in my argument. ... /index.htm
And lastly John, your intellegence almost amounts to that of Chrostas
What crimes went unreported, And furthermore, if they went unreported, how did you find out about them?
for you too I will gift you with the ability of information,
Just because it goes unreported with mainstream, dosn't mean it doesn't exist. Thats simple fact. Think about who controls the news corporations and it will all make connections.
And remeber think before you post.
And if a don't hear from you good morning, good evening and good night
PS. how can you post pics, for some reason i can't get it to work when using BBcode.
If those in charge of our society-politicians, corporate executives and owners of press and television-can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves
-Howard Zinn