You seem forget, old Bean IS a serviceman and likley will be called up for Service when we go to War, Specficly CmdrWilkens I'm a Navy Cyrpty whos due for a re-asignment in Augest and likley this time it will be shipboardIn the future you might gain more respect by considering the number of service men who WILL die doing this
Frankly its NOT blood thirst its a basic calucation of worth, Saddamn has repeatbly been show to demosrate support for various terriorst groups, has access to various mass-destruction chemical/biolgiocal and possibly Nuclear and whats to stop him from *Handing it off to some other group or having it be *stolen or hell, Blame the Russians when it goes off in Boston and kills twenty thousand, the state Russia is in, they keep track of thier nukes, but not enough to convinse us...Frankly I think that war mongers who think we have some right and need to invade should be placed in their stead so that they don't have to die for your blood thirst.
And as IRG mentioned
Yes thusly my point, every day we are giving him time to prepare means more people will die, Be it citizins in the US when he perfects his nuclear or biological weaponry or Troops dieing to defenses and such he had time to prepareErr....B-2's and Tomahawks bombing their tanks mean that it would save more lives when we do eventually invade...I fail to see your point.
Right now half the Tanks of the Iraqy are out being serviced or out in the open, If we can elminate a good twenty to seventy perecent of his Armor with a suprise attack before he has time to dispurce them and hide them, Think that might save some lives?
Belive me if you think you've seen stonewalling by the Democrats so far, you've seen NOTHING comapred to what would happen if a Nuke or Plauge was realeased and Saddam threatens the US with more if they attack...