CmdrWilkens wrote:
Actually Mark on that note you are technically incorrect. If you present in documented proof, along with an applicaton fee, evidence that your job (such as plain clothes security officer) or other reasons makes carrying a weapon you can be granted a permit to either open carry, or in some cass, concealed carry. The conditions for recieving such a permit are not that easy to meet but they exist.
Actually in order to get that permit in MD, you have to be politically connected,
and/or handle LOTS of money to get a CCW permit. It's the same as having
NO permits at all......
Maryland is what we call a "can issue state"
It's on the books, but they never ever issue them, only to
well-connected people, as issuance of the permits is controlled
by the state police, and the state police is the lapdoog of
whichever governor is in office.
Virginia OTOH, is a "MUST issue state"
If you meet the minimum standards, they MUST give you a permit.