The official SD.N Dog Thread......

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Post by Raptor 597 »

Mr Bean wrote:
I'm going to agree with Shep here
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ie, you destroyed my posts. If I form a Blow up your Rival's Bunker Thread can you move the post or you throughly deleted them? :P
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Post by Darth Wong »

Here's a question for the official dog thread: what is it that makes certain people hate dogs?

I could understand a dislike of certain breeds, particularly the known aggressor breeds such as Dobermans, pit bulls, etc. But there's something seriously fucked up when someone says he loves cats but utterly despises every breed of dog, especially the cute little lapdog breeds (who are, after all, the most cat-like of the canines in terms of size and temperament).

My personal theories:
  • Traumatic childhood experience. Some kid gets bitten by a dog, learns to hate all dogs.
  • Traumatic adult experience. Some guy gets bitten by a dog, should be more rational than a kid but still forms a hasty generalization anyway, learns to hate all dogs
  • Allergy sufferers.
  • Obsessive-compulsive neat-freaks. It is impossible to be a neat freak with a dog around. Dogs either force you to relax about cleanliness or ruin your sterile existence. This is actually one of the things I like about dogs, since I dislike neat freaks.
  • Self-absorbed people. Dogs are like children; they require attention. People who prize their personal needs above all else are rarely willing to give that kind of attention to a pet. Such people tend to list a dog's need for love and attention as the chief failing of the species.
So there's my theory about why dog-haters exist. Any others?
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

Darth Wong wrote:I could understand a dislike of certain breeds, particularly the known aggressor breeds such as Dobermans, pit bulls, etc. But there's something seriously fucked up when someone says he loves cats but utterly despises every breed of dog, especially the cute little lapdog breeds (who are, after all, the most cat-like of the canines in terms of size and temperament).
I've grown up with dogs. The fist dog I had was a portuguese Serra da estrela, which was bought baby while my mother was pregnant of me. It's kind of like the german sheppard in size and behaviour. I cried for days when it died.

Perhaps because of that, the dogs I like most are the medium sized/big intelligent dogs. The pocket dogs are much fun and more easy to take care, but they're not the same. They lack the intelligence, strength and grace of a german sheppard.

There's a time, though, when I really dislike them. They must have a special hatred for mountain bikers, as an otherwise peaceful dog will recklessly chase a bike at sight. Granted, they stop and arf if we dismount, but that is not always easy. On account of it, I've been bitten once.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Allergy sufferers.
I love cats, saddly I happen to be alergic to them :D
Generaly why I liked Dogs is because I did not start snezing my head off when they came into the room

Oh yes and Max the Wonder Dog, he makes superman look like a chump when it comes to damage absorbation abilites

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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Who has a dog?

I got a little (sorta) Golden Retriever Puppy. Tears about anything in site, growls at anyone because she wants to play, vicious.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I've had a few but the two that stick out the most are Max the Wonder Dog(40 MPH Head on collussion, he was flung six feet into a ditch and hoped right back up and barked at the car)

And he survived around 11 of them, plus around fifty or some amusing times where he CAUGHT the car :D(By running into the bumper/trying to bite into the bumper)

And the Beason Fresia Dog(Its a French Breed one of the Lapdogs, looks like a Poddle but is not one) anyway thier breed has a very odd condition, its unviersal as far as I can tell, I've seen six puppys and four adults who did it but their is not other way to describ it than those Dogs WANT TO LOOK UP YOUR NOSE
Oh and they like to lick anything that will stand still

Seriously the worst thing you can do around them is lay back, little puppy, a week after he opened his eyes and looked around still kinda weak, I lay my head back look up at the cealing, get a tiny paw in my eye and steals the gum I was chewing on...

To say I was suprised was a bit of a understament

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Post by Kuja »

I knew a guy who, even though he loved puppys, could not keep them alive. The man is like, cursed or something.

1st puppy: broke its neck when he got out of bed one mornig and stepped on it.
2nd puppy: ran it over backing out of the driveway because he didn't realize the chain was too long.
3rd puppy: The dog was riding on his skis (no, I'm not shitting you), fell off and he ran it over. By the time he got back to it, it was dead.
4th puppy: fell out his truck's window as he made a high-speed turn and got run over.
5th puppy: ran out into traffic. He ran out after it, picked it up, and ran back, nearly hit by three cars. As he comforted it, the dam thing bit his thumb. In the automatic reaction, he threw out his arms. The dog let go, slammed into a steetlight, and broke its neck.

There's his sad tale (or should I say tail :twisted: )
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Currently, I have a beagle. Named Leia. (and four ferrets; Chewbacca, Serina, Loki and Corran)

I started with a chihuahua/terrier mix. She bit me when I was about 2.
7week old baby's first christmas; English Setter
a Schnauzer that was born on my 8th birthday.
We've had a Brittany, a husky mix, and some other mutt.

My family are dog nuts. Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retriever, English Springer Spaniel, German Shorthaired Pointer, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Bichon Friese, Beagle/Terrier mix, Dauchaunds... hm, I think that's it. Oh, I forgot about my neice's Greyhound.
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Post by Joe »

The choice between dog and cat has always been pretty simple for me.

Housebroken animal > boxes of shit in my house.

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Post by ArmorPierce »

I have a big for its breed american cocker spaniel. The vet and the people that we take for his hair cuts says that he is a English Cocker Spaniel... the pet store that we bought it from said that it was American... we have a certificate that says that its a pure American although it gots a longer snout thatn usual for its breed and is bigger. :?
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Post by Ted »

I've got 10 rats:
Dilly(aka fatty)
Dolly(aka fatty)
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Post by Darth Wong »

Hyperion's dog-hating rants split to a separate thread.
{EDIT: two "concession accepted" posts from Hyperion deleted. Claiming victory because I split your ranting into a separate thread is the cheesiest pussy-ass tactic I've ever seen. I don't like thread hijackers; you could have easily posted to the new thread if you wanted to continue, instead of acting like the whiny bitch that you are}
Last edited by Darth Wong on 2002-10-07 11:12pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Wong »

New sub-topic: how many places have you taken your dog? We figured out a trick of taking him with us in the under-basket of the baby stroller. David sits in the stroller, and Fuzzy pokes his head out from the under-basket. We smuggle him into shopping malls this way.

And how many of you have used kennels while going on vacation? Have you ever had any problems?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

My aunt has used kennels for her dogs, and her experience was that one of the dogs, did fine. The other more high strung dog, did poorly. Barking and moaning the whole time they were gone.

Is your dog relaxed ? Sorry, if you already stated this.
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Post by Robert Treder »

We took our dog (female Australian Sheppard) on a camping trip to Oregon one time. She gets very carsick, so to make the trip, we doped her up (don't worry, we got a prescription for it; it wasn't just whatever we had lying around). The car trip wasn't very pleasant, because she was in the back, half awake and terrified. But when we got there, she had a blast. The only problem arose when after a day or so she recognized our camp ground as her own territory, and barked furiously (well, at least it sounded people know how it is; the bark is bad, but she wouldn't dream of biting) at anybody she saw. We got a lot of complaints.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'

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Post by Kelly Antilles »

My kennel is my mom. It's like going to spend the weekend at grandma's house. *heh* My mom spoils the dogs like crazy.

Odly enough, my beagle gets car sick. Not violently, just drools a lot. But, we take her to the beach with us and she does fine. Helps a lot when she sleeps most of the trip.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Odly enough, my beagle gets car sick. Not violently, just drools a lot. But, we take her to the beach with us and she does fine. Helps a lot when she sleeps most of the trip.
Heh, I've seen a few Dogs like that, yet others love the car so much, its not even funny

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Post by Kelly Antilles »

She's the first in our family that doesn't like to ride. She likes to go, but not the ride to get there.

Then again, we had an English Setter that was a lap dog. That dog loved my mom. When he'd get let out of his pen, he'd head for the house and if he could get inside, he'd run for my mom and jump in her lap. :D
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Post by Ted »

My friend had a dog that got car sick once and threw up all over his lap. Right in the middle of a 2 hour long trip to the cottage.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Ted wrote:My friend had a dog that got car sick once and threw up all over his lap. Right in the middle of a 2 hour long trip to the cottage.
Fuzzy threw up in the car the first few times we took him with us. Now he's used to it. It seems to help if he can see where we're going; he likes to lie on the ledge under the rear window so he can see the road (of course, he also loves to stick his head out the window, but that's a universal dog thing).
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by Ted »

Darth Wong wrote:
Ted wrote:My friend had a dog that got car sick once and threw up all over his lap. Right in the middle of a 2 hour long trip to the cottage.
Fuzzy threw up in the car the first few times we took him with us. Now he's used to it. It seems to help if he can see where we're going; he likes to lie on the ledge under the rear window so he can see the road (of course, he also loves to stick his head out the window, but that's a universal dog thing).
You got a cottage?

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Post by Doomriser »

Darth Wong wrote:Here's a question for the official dog thread: what is it that makes certain people hate dogs?
I used to be one of those people so I can explain.

I had a paper route for several years when I was a kid and that meant delivering papers to houses that had dogs. My opinion of dogs and dog owners became very low when I would non-threateningly walk up to a house and deposit a newspaper into their mailbox and the dogs would go absolutely freaking insane and try to claw their way through the door and attack me. Moreover, there was a pitbull down the street and every time I passed it, -every time- it would try to jump over the fence and kill me. So I became very untrusting of dogs. They all seemed alike from my point of view so I generalized qualities of aggressive dogs onto all dogs.

"I could understand a dislike of certain breeds, particularly the known aggressor breeds such as Dobermans, pit bulls, etc. But there's something seriously fucked up when someone says he loves cats but utterly despises every breed of dog, especially the cute little lapdog breeds (who are, after all, the most cat-like of the canines in terms of size and temperament)."

I strongly disagree. First of all, the term "cute" in the description of laptop dogs is extremely subjective. I find them to lack all the attributes that make dogs majestic such as size and intelligence. Secondly, they look stupid in comparison to the graceful lines of cats. And most importantly, they are STUPID LITTLE YIPPY YIP YIP YIP BASTARDS. They are completely spastic and run around barking and being generally annoying. I despite little dogs.

My personal theories:
  • "
  • Traumatic childhood experience. Some kid gets bitten by a dog, learns to hate all dogs."

    See above.

  • Obsessive-compulsive neat-freaks. It is impossible to be a neat freak with a dog around. Dogs either force you to relax about cleanliness or ruin your sterile existence. This is actually one of the things I like about dogs, since I dislike neat freaks."

    Not necessarily. Our dog has scratched up the hardwood floors and drinks from the toilet, but otherwise he causes very little destruction.

  • Self-absorbed people. Dogs are like children; they require attention. People who prize their personal needs above all else are rarely willing to give that kind of attention to a pet. Such people tend to list a dog's need for love and attention as the chief failing of the species."

    Dogs are high-maintainance creatures, and therefore not for everyone.

    "So there's my theory about why dog-haters exist. Any others?"

    I continued to hate dogs until my brother brought home a labrador retreiver that was extremely friendly and extremely intelligent. The dog was bred and I own his son. I am a proud owner of a purebred lab and my dog is easily one of the most likeable dogs in the city. I also own two cats. All of my animals are valuable to me and do not exclude each other in terms of usefulness. My dog is great for security, companionship, and sports while my cats have reduced the rodent population significantly.
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Post by victorhadin »

Toby is a bit weird about riding in the car. Whenever the rear door is open he goes mad trying to jump in and seems to look forward to the trip and the sheer excitement of riding in the car, but once you get underway, the poor guy gets scared out of his wits and requires someone in the back constantly stroking him to calm him down.

When he was a puppy, he also found the tropical fish fascinating. He would sit on the bed just staring at them as they swam about. He became bored with them when he got older, mind.

I don't understand why friendly breeds like Golden Retrievers still get nervous looks from some people. He is a big dog but has only thus far killed a rabbit in his life. He tries to make friends with cats and smaller dogs and gets nervous if they don't like him back.
The only time he's ever come close to biting me was when I was cleaning his feet and accidentally poked hard at a sore spot between his pads. He turned round and snapped at me, and accidentally nicked one of my fingers. I looked at him and he instantly backed away, tail between his legs. He was guilty about it (or scared I would try to punish him).

Honestly; you can't be scared of a dog like that if you're not allergic.
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Darth Wong wrote:
Ted wrote:My friend had a dog that got car sick once and threw up all over his lap. Right in the middle of a 2 hour long trip to the cottage.
Fuzzy threw up in the car the first few times we took him with us. Now he's used to it. It seems to help if he can see where we're going; he likes to lie on the ledge under the rear window so he can see the road (of course, he also loves to stick his head out the window, but that's a universal dog thing).

Heh. Diamond (my dog) was scared of the car. Know, she'll bolt to it if you let her outside.
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Post by Sothis »

I'd love a labrador, or golden retriver. I've never heard anything wrong about their temperment, plus they're gorgeous dogs, and seem bright enough.

My Dad had an alsatian/labrador cross-breed, with the appearance of an alsatian, yet the temperment of a labrador. Prince, his name was. He was incredibly loyal, and very protective of women and children (to the point where he even bit my Dad whilst he was goofing off around my Mum).

Sadly, I can't remember Prince. He died when I was still a baby. Apparently I used to dangle biscuits over my high chair, and he'd jump up and eat them.

I guess I'd be happy to have an alsatian as a pet, one or two concerns about their temperment though, which means I'd not have one around young children.
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