I knew a guy who, even though he loved puppys, could not keep them alive. The man is like, cursed or something.
1st puppy: broke its neck when he got out of bed one mornig and stepped on it.
2nd puppy: ran it over backing out of the driveway because he didn't realize the chain was too long.
3rd puppy: The dog was riding on his skis (no, I'm not shitting you), fell off and he ran it over. By the time he got back to it, it was dead.
4th puppy: fell out his truck's window as he made a high-speed turn and got run over.
5th puppy: ran out into traffic. He ran out after it, picked it up, and ran back, nearly hit by three cars. As he comforted it, the dam thing bit his thumb. In the automatic reaction, he threw out his arms. The dog let go, slammed into a steetlight, and broke its neck.
There's his sad tale (or should I say tail
