Sea Skimmer wrote:
The West went to war over far lesser crimes in the former Yugoslavia, several time in fact.
Nope. If it was for crimes how come they haven't done anything about the crimes in China, or Turkey? In both cases, it's not in the national interest. Same with Russia.
Excalty, we are talking about Stalin, a return of a hard core communist goverment headed by him would result in war,very quickly. It would not be suicide for the west, but rather for Russia. The American heavy forces in Germany could defeat the entire Russian army currently, and the Ukraine on its own could hold them.
Nuclear deterrent.
Given Russians lack of a effective nulcear detterent, less then 200 warheads and almost all on bombers, theres not a lot of reason to hold back.
What in the world are you talking about? Russia's nuclear deterrent currently consists of thousands of warheads, not 200 mostly based on bombers ... where do you get your info?
ICBM force:
360 RT-2PM Topol road mobile ICBMs (360 warheads)- SS-25 SICKLE
40 RT-2PM2 Topol-M silo/road mobile ICBMs (40 warheads)- SS-27
204 R-36M heavy ICBMs- the infamous SS-18 SATAN (almost 2000 warheads, although only the Mod 4 and Mod 5 version have 10, the Mod 6 has a single vehicle rated at 20MT )
170 UR-100N ICBMs- SS-19 STILETTO (one or 6 MIRVs depending on the Mod)
46 RT-23 ICBMs- silo-based and rail-mobile SS-24 SCALPEL (460 warheads)
SSBN force
3 Typhoons in service, with one currently having emerged from an extensive refit for testing of the next generation Bulava SLBM (600 warheads)
7 Delta IVs in service, one currently in refit (4-10 warheads on 16 SLBMs each, so 448 to 1,170 warheads)
4 (maybe 5) Delta IIIs (3-7 MIRVs on 16 SLBMs each not taking into account that ssome of the force refitted with the Delta IV SLBM, so 192 to 448)
Strategic Bomber force:
18 Tu-160 BLACKJACK bombers with 12 AS-15 KENT ALCMs
89 (68 deployed) Tu-95MS BEAR-H6/16 bombers with 6/16 AS-15 KENT ALCMs
You can go to for much more exact numbers- but they are in line with mine. Over 3,000 for the ICBM force, 1,000-2,000 for the SLBM force depending on how many MIRVs they've got, and 626 for the bomber force (as of 2001-
Lack of a deterrent indeed