This is a joint project between russell and myself..
A bitchslapping/crucifiction machine
It would consist of a massive converyor belt and the great wall of china. The stupid people are brought up on the belt, bitchslapped by a robtic arm, and then nailed to the wall by three pneumatic nailguns. The machine woud move on railroad tracks along the wall, and to conserve space, the people would be arranged staggered, heads up, heads down, to save space.
Then there are our "Murder competitions" where we try to find creative ways to kill people in any given room
Then there is the Trouting of our teachers the last full schoolday....
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
would creating a house out of dried mucous, underarm goo, dead skin and belly button fuzz count?
What's the most shocking thing I can do?
well when I give my parents 2 weeks notice on my moving out of home to go to Melbourne to rent with my 2 best friends (one of whom is female). That ought to bring about much shock and shouting... but anyway