Ever been in a fight??

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Post by salm »

i dont know how many it were because it used to be a lot, usually one on one.
i´ve never lost one. we ran away once because it was 5 of us against a whole party ( 60 people or so ) so if that counts as losing i´ve lost once.

then i started boxing and have never had a fight in my life again and probably wont ever have one again.

the fights were a big load of fun (yes, stupid stuff can be fun) back in the days, but now i wouldnt fight anymore. i dont want to fight anymore either. weird, i guess i´m getting old...
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Post by Antediluvian »

I've been in a few fights, but there's one that has stuck in my mind:

Well, me and a friend of mine named Athena found out our girlfriends were cheating on us, and we found out the hotel that they were going to.

So we drove over there and waited until they came out (My girlfriend's name was Diana and hers was Artemis) then we confronted them and the next thing I knew, a catfight broke out.

I tried to stop the fight and Diana threw me aside. I flew for a few feet and crashed to the ground.

They fought for a few minutes until Athena knocked them both out. Diana had a shattered jaw and Artemis had cracked ribs, as we found out later.

Damn, that was intense.
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The funny thing about fighting is that most people who punch someone in the face tell me that it hurts their hand. I'm surprised that people say that, because whenever I punch someone, there's no pain, it actually feels good on the knuckles. It's practically pleasurable. Has anybody had a similar experience?
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Post by haas mark »

7th grade, a semi-fight in the locker room before PE. I had him backed up in the corner, punding on him.

Nothing else.
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Post by aerius »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:The funny thing about fighting is that most people who punch someone in the face tell me that it hurts their hand. I'm surprised that people say that, because whenever I punch someone, there's no pain, it actually feels good on the knuckles. It's practically pleasurable. Has anybody had a similar experience?
I think it's a matter of technique and where you hit the guy in the head. With a good tight fist you'll reduce the chances of hurting your hand, and targeting the more fragile parts of the head helps too. Aim for the eyes, nose, cheeks, and ears, hitting him in the forehead will likely hurt you more than it hurts him.
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Yeah Your probably right there. Most of the punches I throw, Although not fully planned, usually hit the nose, cheek, jaw, and eyes. It hurts them even more because I hav large hands and bony knuckles.
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Post by NecronLord »

School. Many. I went to an all boys school, which means they were usually trying to show off to their friends.
I was bigger than most of the people in my year, so it was usually about two to one. Eventually I arranged for myself to get a reputation for beating the crap out of people, which worked well on my own year. I did a combination of Kickboxing, Judo and Aikido at the time, which is a fairly nasty combination. Also the ability to be able to lift people Vader style was useful. :twisted:
Notable incidents, not really fights as they only lasted about five seconds.
this happened twice. The opponent tried to choke me from behind (using the forearm) this is where the judo came in handy. There is a throw in judo that starts from the same position. Suffice to say they made contact with concrete.

Next one the other guy who was about half my size {he attacked me} absoloutely freaks out. They say that hate makes you powerful. Not unless you are a jedi. I swept his legs and he slid across the floor and hit his head on a radiator. :twisted:
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
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Post by aerius »

Cyril wrote:Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
By my standards, yes. It's happened to me and I've decked them for it, and I've done the same to some assholes who deliberately threw a cigarette butt at me. It's disrespectful and insulting, and a violation of my personal space, which is why I feel perfectly justified in punching the perp out. I won't break his leg for it, but he will get a good beating.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
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Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Cyril wrote:Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
I would respond in kind by spitting back(if this is in school esp). If they hit you first and kick his ass then you are more in the right. I usually try to be in the position to not be the obvious aggressor. But I might be tempted to drop someone who's that disrespcetful. (even though a punch to the face is much more so in my eyes)
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Post by Frank_Scenario »

My only fight was in high school. I was out playing mini-golf with some friends, and some guy (whom I had never seen before) came up behind me, tapped me on the shoulder, and punched me in the face as I turned. I was a little stunned (I now had a broken nose, as well), but he just stood there, instead of taking advantage of his chance to beat the crap out of me. Once I got my bearings, I kicked him in the chest, dropping him to the ground. He got up, charged, and I kicked him again, also knocking him down. Then the fight got broken up. Turned out that he thought I had been hitting on his girlfriend, when in fact nothing of the sort had happened. Mistaken identity.

I saw him one more time, a few weeks later. I broke several of his ribs on his right side and cracked some on the left. He only landed that one sucker punch.

The moral of the story: little guys know that they are little, and thus they study martial arts. At the time, I only had one black belt, and I wasn't trying to hurt the guy, just figure out what the hell was happening, so one could say he was lucky.
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Post by Frank_Scenario »

Cyril wrote:Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
Perhaps, but I'd recommend just sucking it up. There's no glory in fighting.
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Post by Hyperion »

Cyril wrote:Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
someone does that to me and they'd better be praying that i either have no weapons on me (not bloody likely) , or that i am in a good mood and don't feel like landing them in the hospital.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

No praying..

I tell them have they made their peace with God and be done with them.

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Post by Vympel »

Does primary school count? That's pretty much the only place I've fought. Won both times tho hehe :)
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Post by neoolong »

If some guy did that, I'd rip off his shirt wipe my face with it, and shove it down his throat. If I was in a good mood.
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Post by Evil Sadistic Bastard »

Two guys tried to jump me once. The first grabbed me from behind. I fell back on him (I weigh 95 kg), rolled off, took a kick from the other guy, then rushed him into a wall and punched him until I was pulled off by two other guys.

I ALMOST got into another fight, but the principal was nearby. Too bad though, since I wanted to see how well a metal watch would be as a kunckleduster.
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Post by weemadando »

Cyril wrote:Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
Drop the fucking cunt.

Punch to the jaw, even a light throat strike is perfect there.

Then give them a big knee/kick as they go down.

Let them know they should NEVER EVER fuck with you again.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Cyril wrote:Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
Yes, without a question yes. Of course you'll still end up punished, however so will whoever did it and there likely to get off scot free without the fight. Do not let them get away it.

Personally I'd be going for the throat, people have learned the hard way not to fuck with me though so I have not had any problems of note for almost two years.
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Post by The Dark »

Eight fights between fourth and eleventh grades, would say I lost two, won one, and the other five were pretty much draws (neither of us could really hurt the other).

The one I won was in sixth grade, when this one kid wouldn't stop picking on me. Calling me names, throwing stuff at me, the whole nine yards. Lasted until he walked up next to my desk one day and started to say stuff, at which point I threw an elbow to his mouth, knocking out a tooth. A couple punches were thrown, and we both got hauled to the principal's office, where he threatened to suspend me until my mother threatened to press harassment charges against the school if he did. Neither of us got suspended, but we were warned we would be expelled if it happened again.
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Post by Pcm979 »

None. I have a reputation as a dangerous lunatic who always carries sharp objects. :D
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

Just a bunch of petty shit in elementary school. Nothing after that.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Me... Not many that I can count. A few years ago, while I was at summer camp, I had the misfortune of being stuck in the same cabin with a complete asshole. We weren't on the friendliest of terms to start with, but that week didn't help anything.

Near the end of the week, he was messing around in a storage room and pulled out some boxing gloves. I refused at first (I knew that I'd never done boxing before and would hence suck at it) but stupidly I allowed him to goad me into it.

Well, fine. So we start, watched by a bunch of other people, and he promptly says that it's kickboxing. :roll: Well... to make a long story short, the area we were in was bordered by a three-foot wall and a garden. I got too close to the edge, misstepped trying to dodge him, and went over. Skinned my knee, tore up my clothes on the rosebushes... the usual. (My counselor at the time, a paramedic in training, commented that he was amazed I didn't crack my head open on the rocks in the garden.)

Anyway, I was completely pissed off at that point, and ignoring my injuries I charged back up at him. I probably would have smashed his nose in if the others hadn't stopped me :wink:

About half an hour later, some of his cronies were messing around with water balloons. One of them nailed me right in the leg, where I'd just applied a fresh gauze. Needless to say, it was very satisfying to feel my fist connect with that other jerk's face and send him reeling :D
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Frank_Scenario wrote:
Cyril wrote:Question. If some guy spits in my face, am I justified in dropping him?
Perhaps, but I'd recommend just sucking it up. There's no glory in fighting.
There is also jail time to be had from throwing the first punch
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Post by Hyperion »

Pcm979 wrote:None. I have a reputation as a dangerous lunatic who always carries sharp objects. :D
like me, triblade (custom weapon BTW), daggar (right hand draw position), pocket knife, switchblade (left side quickdraw). that's standard armaments, that doesn't get into other stuff i tend to like carrying.
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