Weirdest Thing Found at Work.

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Post by Tiger Ace »

Alan Bolte wrote:I know perfectly well what it meant, but it's still funny to see a huge-ass binder labled simply, Erection Notes.
:? What does it mean?
Useless geek posting above.

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Post by Thag »

Probably just tips and notes for setting up a large building/structure.
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Post by Alan Bolte »

Er, whoops, forgot to mention the context. I had an unpaid internship at an engineering firm: the binder referred to erecting buildings.
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Post by aerius »

Tiger Ace wrote:
aerius wrote:Various animal and human body parts and organs when I was working at the Customs postal facility.
I don't want to know but I'll say it anyway...

Whats the story behind this?
The animal parts & organs were going to and from those fuckheads who believe that said animal parts are miracle cures for infertility, insomnia, arthritis, and who knows what the fuck else. So poor animals get killed to satisfy their folk remedies, which of course don't work. Pisses me off.

Human parts & organs, well, human organs are worth big bucks on the black market for some reason. The body parts I really have no clue, they just came through the mail one day and I'm like "WTF??"
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Post by Dakarne »

I found a Wasps nest in a classroom once... and then proceeded to run the fuck away... (I'm allergic to Wasps, so sue me)
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Post by White Haven »

Entirely too many cockroaches, dead and alive, in customer systems.


On the flip side, I've LOST my tolerance for dumb motherfuckers. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS DIGITAL, CAN WE REQUIRE A LICENSE TEST TO BE ALLOWED ONLNE?
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Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

erm when I was in housekeeping my second year in the park....

daily turn down service in a room without a DND sign.

1. 9mm pistol
3. bags of unknown white powder
4. sets hand cuffs at the various ends of the bed.
15. condoms stuck to the headboard.
very, very stiff sheets, and towels....

ok who forgot to tell me we had a rock/rap musician staying here for the week?

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Mad »

It's not so much weird as really cool (to someone in my field):

The biggest hard drive I've ever seen. Incidentally, it's also the oldest hard drive I've ever seen. Yes, it's sitting in a regular-sized chair.
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Post by J »

Mad wrote:The biggest hard drive I've ever seen. Incidentally, it's also the oldest hard drive I've ever seen. Yes, it's sitting in a regular-sized chair.
That's a hard drive? :o

I thought it was the was the motor & pump from a washing machine!
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Post by wilfulton »

As a soldier, I've had to work in a variety of environments. This would be a breif list of things I've come across.

In Yakima some years ago, I found a Shiv (actually one of my soldiers found it, but it was still an interesting find)

In Ft. Knox, I saw a cat in a training area, to say the least this was not long after one of our instructors, a crusty old E7, once boasted that he could find pussy out in the field, go figure.

In Ft. Leonard Wood, I saw a squirrel dodging bullets on a live fire range.

In Ft. Polk I saw an entire town that without a single liquor store (DeRidder, just south from Leesville which took on all DeRidder's liquor stores).

In Iraq I have seen 23 mm anti-aircraft bullets, just the bullets, not the cases or propellant or anything else, just the projectile, lying atop a trash heap. They were in pretty fair condition for having just been laying out in the elements for so long.

I saw a car driving across a bridge in Baghdad that had been T-boned. The body was crumpled in the center but that son of a bitch was still driving! :shock:

There was a live RPG laying off to the side of the road in Najaf, outside our base, when I was down there. It wasn't rigged to explode or anything, it seemed that it truly was intended for what it was designed for, just like somebody dropped it or something.

A box of 7.62 ammo that had beed stored on a HMMWV when it was struck by an RPG. The HMMWV burned to the ground, and the ammo went off. The steel box contained every single cartridge.

There were a few more impressive sights, like the supply sergeant I mentioned in another thread trying to show the Iraqi National Guard the virtues of toilet paper, but I'll save bandwidth and cut it off there.
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Post by Mad »

J wrote:That's a hard drive? :o

I thought it was the was the motor & pump from a washing machine!
Yep. You can see the individual platters through the tinted plastic, though unfortunately not at this angle. I'll try to get some better shots of it tomorrow while I'm at work.

Maybe I'll do some research and find out its specs, too. Someone said it stored about a megabyte of data.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

yes, I recall those quite well...

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by DrkHelmet »

Mad wrote:It's not so much weird as really cool (to someone in my field):

The biggest hard drive I've ever seen. Incidentally, it's also the oldest hard drive I've ever seen. Yes, it's sitting in a regular-sized chair.
I've seen a bigger hard drive, but it wasn't at work. The bank was showing off the hard drives they bought back in the 70s, I think it was. It was about 20% larger than that.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Ah, you're talking about a "washing machine" Winchester drive.
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Post by TimothyC »

A Box of 20000 handmade, wooden german dolls, that had been misplaced. Only thing is there were not 20000 german dolls in the box. There were 19999 german dolls and one french doll whos Tri-color was shall I say colorless. You just can't make this stuff up.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

A Box of 20000 handmade, wooden german dolls, that had been misplaced. Only thing is there were not 20000 german dolls in the box. There were 19999 german dolls and one french doll whos Tri-color was shall I say colorless. You just can't make this stuff up.
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Post by Tsyroc »

Currently we have live leaches in one of our refrigerators for use on a patient's finger.

He had part of it ripped off by a drill press and the leaches are being used to keep the blood flowing to the extremity. He get's one about every six hours.
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Post by Spyder »

A nice tidy bag of weed near the counter under some batteries. Suspected it belonged to the person that was in a few hours beforehand asking for "heat lamps for his dope table."
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Post by Zed Snardbody »

When we took posesion of an apartment after an eviction we discovered that they had cut a hole in the wall from the family room into the master bed room and had labled it "short cut"

A dead body.

An engine.

Underpants. They took everything else, but left underpants, lots of em.
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