Workers See Jesus Image In Nacho Pan

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Post by Wyrm »

Grand Admiral Mango wrote:What a pile of crap! :roll:
'Specially if you see him in the toilet bowl. Just you wait. It'll happen!

Really, it's just the same as seeing a duckie in the clouds. I once saw an avatar that was a silhouette of someone with hands outstretched in some prayer bullshit, but for the longets time I thought it was a hand-puppet of a jackal's head. Unlike these fundie asshats, I don't take it as a sign from Anubis.
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Grand Admiral Mango
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Post by Grand Admiral Mango »

Wyrm wrote:
Grand Admiral Mango wrote:What a pile of crap! :roll:
'Specially if you see him in the toilet bowl. Just you wait. It'll happen!
Now i can see that happening! Fundie sees "Jesus" and scoops him out of his toilet bowl with his bare hands ("I'm touching God!")... or never uses his toilet again!
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Mutant Headcrab
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Post by Mutant Headcrab »

3rd Impact wrote:I see a headcrab. I think I'm going to interpret that as a sign that Half-Life 3 will be Jesus-approved.
Yes! My plans to take over the weak minded fundamentalists progresses!
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