Do you swear more online or off?

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Do you swear more online or off?

Online, motherfucker.
About the same.
32% said a bad word...
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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

I swear as much offline as I do online. That said, I really don't swear THAT much...yet.
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Post by LeftWingExtremist »

I honestly dont swear to often, I tend to prefer profanity (unless you count: bugger, bloody, or crap swear words). But im pretty sure I tend to swear more online than offline. You would have to get me pretty pissed off to get me to swear on a chatroom or a forum (depending how formal the forum). Although I can be a little liberal when im playing an online game.

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Post by Darth Raptor »

Pretty much the same. I'll hold my tongue when appropriate, of course.
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Post by Rye »

About the same, assuming that a forum equates to a similar social group/situation. Like, I swear the same here as I would with my friends, same on the bolton music forum which is how I talk with musicians, when I'm with a lot of uptight people and it will adversely effect me to swear, I'll try to keep it down.
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Post by Darth Quorthon »

Definitely offline, simply because I don't like typing out extra, unnecessary words, and typically swear words fall into that category for me. I'm not a particularly fast typer, so, the less words I have to type, the better. Yes, I know I'm lazy.
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Post by Sharp-kun »

I tend to swear more offline, partially because my major hangout online is a company forum that I mod, so swearing isn't really appropriate.
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Post by Alerik the Fortunate »

I never swear. I'm too inhibited. If I swear in a dream, I'll wake up feeling guilty. I've gotten past that phase now, and I'll consider doing it if the situation warrants it, but no situation yet has. I think that keeping profanity absolutely out of my vocabulary will make it that much more effective to anyone who knows me if I should ever choose to deploy it for earnest dramatic effect in some impassioned concatenation. But that time has not yet come, and I'm not inclined otherwise anyway.
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Post by The Aliens »

Far more offline, with the exception of MSN. This is, of course, context-sensitive- I don't swear at work or with family, but with friends I'm extraordinarily foul-mouthed.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

I tend to swear more offline.
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Post by DesertFly »

Alerik the Fortunate wrote:-snip-
You pretty much said it for me. I swear more online, but that's only because I don't swear at all in real life, unless you count "crap" as a swear word. Online I still don't much, the rarity of it I think helps increase the impact when I do. Or if I'm drunk. I'll swear colorfully online then.
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Post by Acidburns »

I swear casually when I'm with friends, or with imediate family. I very rarely swear online.
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Post by Coalition »

Offline, as online I have to make a deliberate choice to put the swear word in. Of course, I mainly swear Farscape style, making up random words, but the sentiment is there.
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Post by LordShaithis »

I'm pretty fucking foulmouthed offline, but I swear even more online.
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Post by namdoolb »

Offline, easily.

Mostly due to the fact that you can (and most of us do) swear as much as you like at work. (where I work at least)

Nobody cares if you throw in a fuck or a shit or something equally coulorful.

For some strange reason I actualy hold my tongue when I'm on here, and this is the one forum I go to where people don't care if you swear as long as it's for a good cause.
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Post by haard »

Offline. I almost never swear online, other than if I feel the need for a calculated insult - and then there are almost always better (as in more insulting) ways. Might be an effect of the fact that I (almost) never respond to a post while angry, since I dislike to read angry rants myself, and since angry rants are often easily dissected, disassembled, and left humiliated.
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Post by brianeyci »

J wrote:About the same which is to say almost never.
Damn that's sexy.

I swear all the time at home. At least a few times a day. I know it makes me sound uneducated, a baffoon, maybe an attention whore, or somebody who can't express his emotions any other way, but I say fuck that shit :P.

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Post by thejester »

I swear like a trooper offline - I've even started doing it iny my tutorials ("Y'know, the fucking, the fucking what's-it-called - Cambodia, that's it. Man, that was bullshit.") I really have to try and curb it.
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

You people all need your mouths washed out with soap!!!

No seriously, it's about the same for me. Living with an ex military man has me used to hearing swear words and saying them too. I'm not proud of it but I try to not swear around my children and I almost never do it when my parents or other older folks are around.
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Post by Batman »

I certainly swear more over here and on LA than I do when talking to people in Real Life. Overall is a whole different ballgame. If PCs had feelings there'd be any number of them wanting to kill me.
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Post by Lisa »

I try to avoid swearing but some times it's a nice release.
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Post by Larz »

I hardly type swear words online... but in real life I swear quiet an amount especially when driving ("Damn shithead, learn to fucking drive!"), when playing games ("No fucking shit I'm dead... asshole NPC."), when putting things together ("Why the fuck can't I get this damn piece of shit thing to fit in this other shitty damned hellspawn thing!"), and even at work ("This asshat wants some benzos to get shit faced with, should I tell him to fuck off?").
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Post by Lord Pounder »

I swear a lot more on-line mostly to get my point across. If i tell someone in RL i'm angry they will know i am but the look on my face, on-line conversations sometimes require a little extra defination. Though because of the internest i do swear a lot more, even in front of my parents which is something i never used to do.
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Post by Vendetta »

I use the word "fuck" as punctuation.
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Post by Zaia »

About the same. It's the topics of conversation more than environment that influence how much I swear.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

About the same...though depends on setting as well. I do not ever curse to clients, rarely to the IRS, but at the office? I'm a sailor. But given that my boss has heard worse, she's pretty good with it and laughs.

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