Michael Moore says bad things about 9/11 passengers

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I haven't read "Stupid White Men", but I have seen the cover (I believe he was on it, with some business people on the corner). Who better to put on the cover than a stupid white man?
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

Actually the hijack and crash has been tried on numerous occaisions before, and there were some signs that AlQueda would be planning something. Even the Harris and Klebolde(excuse spelling) had thought of hijacking a plane and crashing it into New York. In "Bowling..." there was a scene with of a clip of a reporter stating that they had put this in a journal. Eerie stuff.
I think that Moore has gone TOO far here, and he could have found a better way to lash out against western societies pathetic points. Moore needs to go back to denouncing corporates and racists in the US like he's done for a while.
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Post by Dalton »

MKSheppard wrote:
Dalton wrote:You are stupid. Just because I agree with some of the ideas in his book doesn't mean I worship him...but should I be surprised that the king of the False Dilemma thinks so?
You're the one constantly talking about Stupid White Men...Do I spout off taglines from Rush Limbaugh books all the time? No.
Really?! Tell me how the FUCK that translates into me being a Moore zombie, dumbfuck.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Necro99 wrote: but you gotta be braindead when you are 100:1 and do nothing, knowing you will all DIE.
You should no a lil about stuff before you post it. They did not know that they were going to die. As other have said, before the 9/11 hijackers, hijackers didn't crash planes and instead took the passengers as hostages and demanded something. In that case, the smartest thing to do is do what the hijacker tells you because your best chance of living was by doing so. Since the 9/11 hijacking, doing what the hijackers tells you to is no longer be the norm.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Michael Moore is a stupid fuck.
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Glocksman »

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Michael Moore is a stupid fuck.
I wouldn't say stupid.

You have to have some brains in order to manipulate and distort the facts like he does. MM is the Goebbels of the American Left.
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Post by Vertigo1 »

But the thing is, they didn't have any firearms. Just box cutters. Shit, I say they were stupid for just sitting there. Granted, they probably didn't know what was going to happen, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit by when a couple of people hold a plane with box cutters. Shit, I would've been the first one out of my seat and rammed that blade right down that fucker's throat. If I'm gonna die, atleast I wouldn't die like a fucking coward.
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Post by Shadow WarChief »

Vertigo1 wrote:But the thing is, they didn't have any firearms. Just box cutters. Shit, I say they were stupid for just sitting there. Granted, they probably didn't know what was going to happen, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit by when a couple of people hold a plane with box cutters. Shit, I would've been the first one out of my seat and rammed that blade right down that fucker's throat. If I'm gonna die, atleast I wouldn't die like a fucking coward.

....only for you to put down with the box cutter rammed into your jugular.

The 19 took extensive self defense classes before they did the deed. A big mindless attack like what you're proposing is exactly what they planned for.

And once you're gone, you think anyone else was going to try anything?
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Keevan_Colton wrote:I loved the book Stupid White Men...and those comments if he was sticking true to form were probably an attempt to point out rather stupid racist sterotypes.
As for shouting at the £5 an hour bar staff....as one who was so poorly paid....that I dont like....but the rest....
He's a fucking moron. Stupid White Men had numerous factual errors. Moore is a screaming psychopath and an attention whore. I wish to kill him and sell his weight in body fat reconverted into soap.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Skelron wrote:Oh how quick we are to shout INSENSITIVE JERK... How dare he etc. We all kinda of ignore or don't know that he Knew People on those Planes. Yes indeed one of his friends, whom he had worked with on his Movies was onboard the plane that crashed into the south Tower. He knew the pain felt by the who lost friends that day onboard the Planes. He knew what they felt like, but of course to even mention sebtember the 11th in anyway other than 100% Serious, no sarcasm added is to be accussed of being insensitive. The Problem is if he is being insensitive he's being so too himself as well, to himself directly as a citizen of New York City and as a person that lost friends on that day aboard the planes.... So hay people should perhaps not be so quick to shout Insensitive Jerk
Ok. Screaming dipshit who cares more about throwing himself in the spotlight and drooling mass-marketed counter-culture shit at the expense of the memory of his dead friends. Even better.
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Post by Crossover_Maniac »

Here's another thread devoted to the Stupid White Man himself. He's also a fat, bloated pig.
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Shadow WarChief wrote:
....only for you to put down with the box cutter rammed into your jugular.

The 19 took extensive self defense classes before they did the deed. A big mindless attack like what you're proposing is exactly what they planned for.

And once you're gone, you think anyone else was going to try anything?
Exactly. The post-9/11 situation is very different; as the quote goes, "imminent execution beautifully concentrates the mind."
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Post by Skelron »

Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Keevan_Colton wrote:I loved the book Stupid White Men...and those comments if he was sticking true to form were probably an attempt to point out rather stupid racist sterotypes.
As for shouting at the £5 an hour bar staff....as one who was so poorly paid....that I dont like....but the rest....
He's a fucking moron. Stupid White Men had numerous factual errors. Moore is a screaming psychopath and an attention whore. I wish to kill him and sell his weight in body fat reconverted into soap.
Such as point out one Factual error, not an opinion you disagree with but a real bona fida Factual error, and you evidence to back it up.... Theres my challenge.

Also whats amusing to me is none of you have disagreed with the idea that Black guys would have handled it differently. You've all said it would have made no difference, but you've all accepted his intial point... Thereby proving what I think was his whole point, the acceptance that somehow Blacks are more violent, more likely to start a fight etc. He makes his points in extreme ways but sometimes thats the only way to be heard in the world if your disagring with the accepted line...
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Post by Vympel »

Shadow WarChief wrote:

....only for you to put down with the box cutter rammed into your jugular.

The 19 took extensive self defense classes before they did the deed. A big mindless attack like what you're proposing is exactly what they planned for.

And once you're gone, you think anyone else was going to try anything?
But they couldn't stop the rush on em on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania.
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Post by One True Spoon »

Crossover_Maniac wrote:He's also a fat, bloated pig.
Moron. Taking shots at Moore because of his physical appearance is fucking low.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

About as low as taking shots at dead people for cheap laughs, eh?
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Post by Crossover_Maniac »

One True Spoon wrote:
Crossover_Maniac wrote:He's also a fat, bloated pig.
Moron. Taking shots at Moore because of his physical appearance is fucking low.
Oh, boo hoo hoo. I made fun of Moore's weight problem. What a terrible person I am. :roll: That man stands for everything I hate. I dispise him. And after everything he's done, he deserves far worse than a jest about his weight.
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Post by Skelron »

HemlockGrey wrote:About as low as taking shots at dead people for cheap laughs, eh?
No, not really Moore is a Political guy with values he Passionatly belives in, insulting a guy over his weight is the actions of a mindless moron. Moore made an extreme point, GET over it, it's what comedy's all about sometimes, laughing in the face of disaster. PErhaps for Moore the time has come to address critically September the 11th, and since he addresses politics through comedy what else is he going to do.

After September the 11th, he wanted to take time off, postpone his book tour, because he couldn't face it then and there, and afterwards he suffered for it, because of people who decided to try and censor him. He doubtless therefore desires to challange the the whole September the 11th myth, and make us reeamine the issues. He also was making his Racism point I am sure, and interesting enough no one has yet commented on it, even after after having it pointed out....
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Post by Stormbringer »

Skelron wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:About as low as taking shots at dead people for cheap laughs, eh?
No, not really Moore is a Political guy with values he Passionatly belives in, insulting a guy over his weight is the actions of a mindless moron. Moore made an extreme point, GET over it, it's what comedy's all about sometimes, laughing in the face of disaster. PErhaps for Moore the time has come to address critically September the 11th, and since he addresses politics through comedy what else is he going to do.

After September the 11th, he wanted to take time off, postpone his book tour, because he couldn't face it then and there, and afterwards he suffered for it, because of people who decided to try and censor him. He doubtless therefore desires to challange the the whole September the 11th myth, and make us reeamine the issues. He also was making his Racism point I am sure, and interesting enough no one has yet commented on it, even after after having it pointed out....
No, he's a fucking jack ass that insulted the memory of the dead. That's far more callus than anything we've ever done. Regardless of the validity of his beliefs that was going too far. Moore's behavious was appalling. Utterly fucking appalling. As far as I'm concerned he deserves the cheap shots about his weight for that.
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Post by One True Spoon »

Stormbringer, if you had and good arguments against Moore you wouldn't need cheap shots.

The only person that such childish name calling reflects on is the person who initiates it.
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Post by Stormbringer »

One True Spoon wrote:Stormbringer, if you had and good arguments against Moore you wouldn't need cheap shots.

The only person that such childish name calling reflects on is the person who initiates it.
Fuck you too. I think Moore, whatever the validity of his other points, is a completely insensitive jack ass for making comments like that. The fact that he would ever say something so callus marks him as one. Insulting him in return is certainly fair, especially given his much more serious remarks.
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Post by aerius »

One True Spoon wrote:Stormbringer, if you had and good arguments against Moore you wouldn't need cheap shots.

The only person that such childish name calling reflects on is the person who initiates it.
Freedom of speech does not entail freedom from criticism. Moore can say whatever the fuck he likes, and if he acts like a jackass we have the right to nail his ass to the wall. Moore is talking out of his ass and being a prick with his comments, therefore we have every right to tell him to go fuck himself.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

aerius wrote:
One True Spoon wrote:Stormbringer, if you had and good arguments against Moore you wouldn't need cheap shots.

The only person that such childish name calling reflects on is the person who initiates it.
Freedom of speech does not entail freedom from criticism. Moore can say whatever the fuck he likes, and if he acts like a jackass we have the right to nail his ass to the wall. Moore is talking out of his ass and being a prick with his comments, therefore we have every right to tell him to go fuck himself.
I agree, but I believe that it needs to be done in a mature way. Instead of calling him a fatass, we should call him an imbicile, a liar, insensitive, a racist or something like that.
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Post by One True Spoon »

Stormbringer wrote:Fuck you too. I think Moore, whatever the validity of his other points, is a completely insensitive jack ass for making comments like that. The fact that he would ever say something so callus marks him as one. Insulting him in return is certainly fair, especially given his much more serious remarks.
Have you ever made a joke about a dead person? I have, on several occasions. I'm sure Moore regrets those statements now. Doesn't mean you can grill him about being fat.
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Post by Stormbringer »

One True Spoon wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:Fuck you too. I think Moore, whatever the validity of his other points, is a completely insensitive jack ass for making comments like that. The fact that he would ever say something so callus marks him as one. Insulting him in return is certainly fair, especially given his much more serious remarks.
Have you ever made a joke about a dead person? I have, on several occasions. I'm sure Moore regrets those statements now. Doesn't mean you can grill him about being fat.
I don't care what you think. I think Moore is a jackass and after that I see no problem with him being made fun of in anyway.
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