Darth Yan wrote:[
Bilateral rope asked for proof of my allegations. I supplied proof. The anti gamer gate also doxxed a twelve year old boy. I posted an article containing an interview with a female gamer hate member and an anti gamegater (the female came across as more reasonable)
Also the point was that Ben kuchera and his pattern work (which isn't preordering) implied he had compromised interests. Kuchera helped quinn raise money for a game that he reviewed. He was invested and the articles were stating that kind of connection is unethical. It is relevant.
Except this still has
nothing to do with Zoe Quinn
Do you understand that? Is it sinking in? She did not
control the actions of those journalists when they decided to contribute to her crowdfunding campaign, therefore
any ethical concerns are about them and them alone. Bringing them up is irrelevant in a discussion about Zoe Quinn (which you started by posting untrue allegations about her) except as a tactic to tar her by association.
But this kind of tactic is common for people attacking her, when it turned out that she didn't actually
do any of the things she was accused of clutch at straws but somehow insinuate that she was the machiavellian manipulator behind it all so she's totally a bad person really.
2.) actually she did know graydon beyond being quoted on March 31
Holy shit people know each other shut down the internet everything is biased! The videogame journalism industry is remarkably small, and indie developers are far more likely to know journalists because they are also their own publicists. This does not actually say anything at all about ethics in videogame journalism.
What relevance does this have? How does it help your case that Zoe Quinn is a cause of ethical problems in the videogame industry. Her personal life is
not relevant no matter how much you keep trying to drag it back to being so.
3.) Also I linked those articles because they criticized sarkeesian without being sexist and even made the case that by painting herself as a representative of all feminism she hurts other more moderate feminist groups. The anti gamer gate crowd also harassed their opponents; one guy who says quinn raped him got attacked by Quinn's followers
So, a style over substance fallacy (whether Anita presents herself as "representative of all feminists" or not is irrelevant to the content of her arguments, which is
never addressed), and
yet another tu quoque.
Try harder.
Also, present your
own arguments if you want to, but do not engage in further gish galloping, posting a mess of links as if they constitute an argument and presumably feeling like you scored a point when they are not all refuted in detail is dishonest fuckery.