If you could. what would you tell your twelve year old self?

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Post by LordChaos »

1 - Forget Kim and Sara. Ask Ona out.

2 - put a little effort into schoolwork.

3 - don't go out for basketball.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Start running for a half hour every day for you are to become a great runner but if you start now, you'll become even greater!
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Lord_Xerxeswith, why were you willing to have sex with her if she was as bad as you said she was. From what you've said about her, I would touch her with a 9 foot pole.
Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Bug-Eyed Earl »

1. You know how you like to act when they read plays in class? that's what you want to do with your life. Start taking dance and acting classes, and some martial arts to prepare you.

2. If I was one of the kids in class, I'd pick on you too. Shape up, you little bastard!
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Post by Jadeite »

I would say:

1. Start exercising more.
2. Kristens a waste of time
3. Freshmen year: Start talking with Allyse after she dumps Andy, and later ask her out.
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

Internet friends are people to chat with about mundane issues, leave it at that.
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Re: If you could. what would you tell your twelve year old s

Post by Shaka[Zulu] »

Lord_Xerxes wrote:
Enforcer Talen wrote: and xerxes, that is the most horrific story I have ever heard.
Well, he was curious.....

I did have a disclaimer. Imagine what it would be like to experience it first hand. *shudders in rememberance*

indeed... I had a similar experience when I was young (actually I was about 12-13 myself) -- was in such a rush to grow up, I inadvertently subjected myself to that most malodorous air as well (with similar results to your initial exposure xerxes, although I never had a repeat with the girl in my case)... the experience served to drive me to nearly obsessive levels of pickyness when it comes to women, and even then the 'test' is a prerequisite.

as for the note to self:

1 - dont bother with Robin... the scent can scar you for life. :shock:
2 - get serious into sci/eng... dont let anything distract you from the path. :wink:
3 - when you meet a girl named Sarie... dont be stupid like I was and snatch an utterly humiliating and regretted defeat from the jaws of victory, as you may never again find what you lost with her. :cry:
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Post by Raptor 597 »

Starting learning Chess Strategies in order too rival a great Senior you become friends with your freshmen year. Invest in as follows:
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Re: If you could. what would you tell your twelve year old s

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Sokar wrote:This was a really interesting post over on Slashdot
If you could travel back in time and leave a note for your twelve year old self, what would you say?

For me it would be the following :
Dear Jake,
Be yourself, and have confidence, it's all you really need.
Oh...and dont ask out Jenny Podawski in the 10th grade, shes not what you think.
Jake at 27(you make it this far :wink: )

What would you guys say?
Dear <name edited out.>

This is a message from your future. It's a premise you might be using in the third edition of that story you've been writing every day on the bus home. Well, first, keep at it.

Second, don't be such a slacker. It's going to kill you the first semester of college. It will dog you for the rest of your college career, and it will make finding a job much harder.

Third, work on being social now. The sooner you have some confidence to go with the veneer of cynicism, the better things will ultimately go for you.

Fourth, when you get your hands on Internet access, there's this thing called "usenet." Find a group called "alt.startrek.vs.starwars"

That's about the most I think I can give you.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Bet a lot of money that a Bush wins the 2000 election. Bet a lot of money that Nintendo's next console will be purple. Bet a lot of money that by 2002, the word Microsoft will no longer apply to only computers. Don't save images as .bmp on a floppy; you're only asking to get busted. Get off your lazy ass and find a job as soon as you can--you'll need the money, even after you collect on those bets you made.
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Post by Lord Poe »

Dear Wayne;

1. Put the fucking food down, you fat fuck. Lose weight NOW.

2. Don't give up on the martial arts; but avoid the fucking idiot that wants to teach "Ju Kung Bo".

3. Avoid Norma at ALL costs.

4. Use a rubber ALWAYS. [Got lucky the first time 'round]

5. Don't let Ray move in with you. He'll stay three years instead of three months.

6. Forget the girl from Taiwan. She wasn't worth leaving film school early every Thursday.

7. Lose weight you fat fuck. Singe worse mistake of your life.

8. No matter how much it sucks, don't give up on film school.

9. September 11, 2001: Avoid Baldwin Park.

10. Don't give up on your cartoons.

11. Make sure Dad gets checked for cancer every year.

12. Do NOT move in with Mom after the divorce.

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Post by Lord_Xerxes »

ArmorPierce wrote:Lord_Xerxeswith, why were you willing to have sex with her if she was as bad as you said she was. From what you've said about her, I would touch her with a 9 foot pole.
I wasn't willing to have sex with her. That's why I did what I did.
"And as I promised, I said I would read from the bible..." "...And if we could turn our bible to Pslams..."Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." (Pslams 137:9) So let me ask you a question? Who is the worst influence, God or Marilyn Manson?" "God!" "And if that's not the best fucking example, God HIMSELF killed his own MOTHER FUCKING SON!"-Marilyn Manson

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Re: If you could. what would you tell your twelve year old s

Post by Lord_Xerxes »

Shaka[Zulu] wrote:
Lord_Xerxes wrote:
Enforcer Talen wrote: and xerxes, that is the most horrific story I have ever heard.
Well, he was curious.....

I did have a disclaimer. Imagine what it would be like to experience it first hand. *shudders in rememberance*

indeed... I had a similar experience when I was young (actually I was about 12-13 myself) -- was in such a rush to grow up, I inadvertently subjected myself to that most malodorous air as well (with similar results to your initial exposure xerxes, although I never had a repeat with the girl in my case)... the experience served to drive me to nearly obsessive levels of pickyness when it comes to women, and even then the 'test' is a prerequisite.
I don't know whether I should be joyed or shocked that so many people have responded to that story and related to it. It's bizarre that out of all the thigns I've posted on this message board, that was the subject that seemed to garner the most attention.
"And as I promised, I said I would read from the bible..." "...And if we could turn our bible to Pslams..."Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." (Pslams 137:9) So let me ask you a question? Who is the worst influence, God or Marilyn Manson?" "God!" "And if that's not the best fucking example, God HIMSELF killed his own MOTHER FUCKING SON!"-Marilyn Manson

"Don't fuck with a Jedi Master, son..." -M.H in J.A.S.B.S.B
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Post by Dillon »

Don't slack off in school,
Make a move for Christina the time you go with her and your friends to that Chinese restuarant (she liked you the whole time),
Goths are idiots,
Most of rap music sucks,
Dressing like a rapper is pointless, and only makes you look like a jackass.

Uh oh, there's a problem, if I never had slacked off in school I wouldn't be in the school I am and therefore would have never met Christina. :?

Ok, instead, slack off like hell in grade seven, and from grade 8 and on, do well. :D
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Post by TheDarkOne »

I think a more interesting question would be would your 12 year old self listen to or believe anything you had to tell them.
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Post by Specialist »

Write a detail journal of my life up till now and send back a few winning lotto numbers. (tickets for last maybe month; don't want to change too much...)

Now what would I want my future self to send me?

Code: Select all

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Post by Kelly Antilles »

What would I tell my 12 year old self?

Go to the doctor now and get on the pill.
Don't drop out of school EVER, no matter how much you hate the teachers.
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Post by Enricko »

Dear me,

- Make friend with Gabriel, that little guy won't be around for long. You'll feel sad, but you'll get over it.

- Religion and philosophy are great subjects for discussions, but NOT WHEN YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING!

- Take karate or something similar instead of folkloric dancing lessons. Yeah, you'll meet less girls, but it'll make you look like a sissi. The girls don't worth it anyway (more on that later)...

- The year before you choose to go to college, research what you'll want to do before picking a bac at random. It'll waste less time.

- Study more for Math 301, your paying for the class, remember!

- When you'll meet Mylène, I don't care who you'll have to kill to go out with her, but ask her out! She's the most perfect being on this world. Don't let your insecurities stop you!

If you screw up this time, we'll be in deep shit!!!
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Post by XPViking »

To my 12-year old self?

Believe in yourself. Study Korean. When you get a little older, stick with the weights.

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might if they screamed all the time for no good reason.
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Dear 12 year old self.

Hello, it's well, you in the future! I'm supposed to tell you shit like be yourself, ask that hot blond out, invest in Microsoft, etc.

But if I do, and You/I follow my/your advice, then I will never send this letter. Then you will never follow my advice. Then I would have to send the letter.

It should be obvious in the future I still haven't figured out temporal paradoxes.


Your Older self.
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Bah temporal paradoxes!

Besides that'll just make my 12 year old self poor head to simply explode into a gory mess...upon which my mom will just walk in faint as my dad wonders what all the fuss is about.

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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Ghost Rider wrote:Bah temporal paradoxes!

Besides that'll just make my 12 year old self poor head to simply explode into a gory mess...upon which my mom will just walk in faint as my dad wonders what all the fuss is about.

I was pondering paradoxes after I saw ST when I was younger.
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Bah temporal paradoxes!

Besides that'll just make my 12 year old self poor head to simply explode into a gory mess...upon which my mom will just walk in faint as my dad wonders what all the fuss is about.

I was pondering paradoxes after I saw ST when I was younger.
Many sci-fi readings, Transformers episodes and what not did that...but actually getting something from my older self?

That would not bode well for my younger self.....certainly not in those days

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Post by salm »

don´t start smoking, dumbass! 8)
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Dear David,

Life is pretty good, keep up what you're doing, except for this.


When you meet Betsy, and you realize you like her...she likes you, ASK HER OUT DAMNIT!

Mom is a bitch and a moron, just pretend you are listening, keep your head down and you'll live fairly well.

Do your homework, study...life will turn to hell at home real fast if you don't.

Forget paleontology...it doesn't work out. Go with writing.

Have fun, but not too much fun.

Pay attention to this, and our lives will be much better.

David, 17

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