Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

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Post by Singular Quartet »

Nerd pride, man.


Ok, now that that's out of my system, we get intelligent banter. After being ganged up on in the third grade by most of the class, I was quickly considered the school outcast. Never gotten in a real fight until middle school, where there was the good ol` string of fights. Met some of the more intresting people in school there, and became good friends with the vice-principle. I was called down to the office several times for beliefs that I was going to kill everybody or some other random shit, whereupoin I earned the title of "Columbine" in my English class.

Whether it was serious or not, I still have yet to figure out.

In High School, much of it has left. I have bounced between three seperate cliches (ICP Freaks, Super-nerds, and the Anime Club (vice-tyrant is my official title) At present I'm dating a Trekkie/otaku, who is the tyrant of the Anime club, but only when she shows up. So life has turned around for me, I guess.
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Post by RogueIce »

Of course, I just realized...for a group that is currently posting on a Star Wars vs Star Trek board, and where many came from a SWvsST Newsgroup, all based on a site dedicated to scientifically evaluating SWvsST, which is run by an engineer no less...

I think we can all safely consider ourselves just a little bit nerdy. :roll:
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Post by Slartibartfast »

I guess that's why suicide rates are so high in the United States. Young (and old) people are always fucking with everyone else's feelings like that.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

RogueIce wrote:Of course, I just realized...for a group that is currently posting on a Star Wars vs Star Trek board, and where many came from a SWvsST Newsgroup, all based on a site dedicated to scientifically evaluating SWvsST, which is run by an engineer no less...

I think we can all safely consider ourselves just a little bit nerdy. :roll:
Just a bit.
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I was a nerd, but I didn't get treated like shit because I was also a prep... [shudders]
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Post by Singular Quartet »

verilon wrote:I was a nerd, but I didn't get treated like shit because I was also a prep... [shudders]
How does that work, exactly?
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Yes, but large enough and mean enoguh so no one touched me...so I wore my glasses with ease.

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Post by haas mark »

Singular Quartet wrote:
verilon wrote:I was a nerd, but I didn't get treated like shit because I was also a prep... [shudders]
How does that work, exactly?
That is a damned good question.
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verilon wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:
verilon wrote:I was a nerd, but I didn't get treated like shit because I was also a prep... [shudders]
How does that work, exactly?
That is a damned good question.
Oddball luck :D ?

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Post by Durandal »

Zaia wrote:So, obviously, I was a band nerd to the fullest, but never really got picked on for it or anything. In elementary school, everyone was in band, so that was no biggie. In my first year of intermediate school (7th grade), band had a lot of the cool people in it and the teacher was awesome, so band was cool. Then I switched to a Maryland middle school (8th grade), where the teacher sucked and there were still some cool kids in the band, so it was ok to be in band. In high school there were less cool kids in band, but at that point I didn't give a shit because I was in just about every instrumental and vocal music class offered, so I didn't have to see non-music people for the most part.

Of course, then I got to college, where the coolest thing in the world is to be a percussion major. So, band nerdiness isn't all that bad. And of course, now, there's the teaching thing that I do, which is kinda dorky I guess, but I also have playing gigs (with local orchestras, musical productions, statewide arts programs, etc.) which my friends think is the coolest job ever. :D
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Re: Were/Are you a nerd in high school?


Durandal wrote:Revenge of the Nerds was on Comedy Central, so I figured I'd ask how many of you were treated shittily in high school because of being a nerd or something like that?
I was a geek probably in the sterotypical sense, that I like Sci-Fi and comics, but I never got any grief for that. Some people did treat me like shit and did challenge me to fights (thinking they would win b/c I am skinny). I'd kick their asses though, so I'm not a nerd in that respect. As for the Ladies: I would think they were turned off by my geekiness, but I am extremely shy and I choke big time around many oft them, in hindsight I think I could have gotten some then.
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aerius wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote:Tracy Lords went there, and was one of the very few "cool" kids that treated me decent.
High school was a completely different story. Not once did I recieve any kind of abuse. Tracy Lords and I are on the same page of the yearbook, BTW. :wink:
Cool, I guess I'm not the only one who went to school with a famous person. In my case I was in the same high school as swimsuit model Estella Warren, and I sorta knew her through my swimmer friends. I can't say I talked to her much or anything, but we sorta recognized each other since we had a bunch of mutual friends who hung out together and we'd see each other at these gatherings.
You Lucky bastard!!!!
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Post by God Emperor »

In middile school everybody new my name, but I was a social outcast.
A Nerd am I for my reading.
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I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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Post by haas mark »

Ghost Rider wrote:Oddball luck :D ?
Probably. Worse yet, more people knew me than I knew them. o O
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Post by Ghost Rider »

verilon wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Oddball luck :D ?
Probably. Worse yet, more people knew me than I knew them. o O
Now there's a feeling I know all too well.

My 10th year reunion was bloody weird with strange guys and girls saying hi to me, and for the life of me I couldn't place a 1/3 of their faces or names...and I remember people by faces even after a gulf of years.

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Post by haas mark »

Ghost Rider wrote:
verilon wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Oddball luck :D ?
Probably. Worse yet, more people knew me than I knew them. o O
Now there's a feeling I know all too well.

My 10th year reunion was bloody weird with strange guys and girls saying hi to me, and for the life of me I couldn't place a 1/3 of their faces or names...and I remember people by faces even after a gulf of years.
This was as a junior in high school, though.
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Post by Howedar »

I definatly have some nerdy aspects, but I wouldn't say I'm a nerd.
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Post by haas mark »

Howedar wrote:I definatly have some nerdy aspects, but I wouldn't say I'm a nerd.
Oh, come now, you're ont his board, you'r ea nerd in some way shape or form.
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Post by Howedar »

Frequenting this board would be one of said nerdy aspects :D
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Post by Singular Quartet »

verilon wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Oddball luck :D ?
Probably. Worse yet, more people knew me than I knew them. o O
I have the same fucking problem, and its all my girlfriend's fault. I'm know to so many people as the guy she's dating. Damn annoying is what it is.
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Post by haas mark »

Singular Quartet wrote:
verilon wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Oddball luck :D ?
Probably. Worse yet, more people knew me than I knew them. o O
I have the same fucking problem, and its all my girlfriend's fault. I'm know to so many people as the guy she's dating. Damn annoying is what it is.
I was known by name. I dated one person in high school. My freshman year. Explain THAT.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Oh hell, during Middle School and most of High School I was the UBER-nerd. Middle School I remember I didn't even comb my hair let alone wear deoderant! Yes, I was the dork of all dorks (no, not quite.. there was someone even dorkier than I was).

But in the 11th grade I gradually began to change. Now the girls on campus have me pegged as the cool down-to-earth nerd, the husband material. I'm your token nerd at frat parties and sororities.. its pays off too, "hey! We're having a hot tub party!!! Wanna come?!!"
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I still don't wear deodorant. I'm not sure if there's even any deodorant in the house. As for hair, that's what a hat is for.
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Post by Ted »

Singular Quartet wrote:I have the same fucking problem, and its all my girlfriend's fault. I'm know to so many people as the guy she's dating. Damn annoying is what it is.
Same here, the majority of the people I know now, are via my GF.

Back in Grade 9-10, the majority of the people I knew were via my older sister, which made me friends with the ruling students then, and now makes me friends with the current ruling students.
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Post by Ted »

Trytostaydead wrote:Oh hell, during Middle School and most of High School I was the UBER-nerd. Middle School I remember I didn't even comb my hair let alone wear deoderant! Yes, I was the dork of all dorks (no, not quite.. there was someone even dorkier than I was).

But in the 11th grade I gradually began to change. Now the girls on campus have me pegged as the cool down-to-earth nerd, the husband material. I'm your token nerd at frat parties and sororities.. its pays off too, "hey! We're having a hot tub party!!! Wanna come?!!"
Though girls wont admit it, they are gold diggers.

Those students who do well have a better chance with girls than those who dont.
Nerds, being exceptionally smart have the greatest potential money earning capability post-school, therefor have the greatest draw for females.
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