
Moderator: Edi
For some reason I feel evil right about now...Wicked Pilot wrote:Considering that I'm currently an E-2, or course... sir.Captain tycho wrote:So, Wicked Pilot, I happen to be a superior officer...hmmm....
Your IRS sounds a lot like the NZ IRD..those bastards are everwhere....Ghost Rider wrote:All depends upon which state he claims for he can make a pretty hefty deduction on his W-2...course then again the IRS bites everyone in the ass...on something, somewhere.Crown wrote:That had better be tax-free!jegs2 wrote: Don't be. My base pay is over $4000 a month.
It also makes you the smartest man here as no one witha brain screws with thre barkeep.The Yosemite Bear wrote:I cook therefore I am, and I eat.
Hey it's not bad being a Bartender/Cook
Cheers! I never say no to a cold one. You should try a Kiwi beer like Mac's or Monteiths, they have some nice ones. But when it comes to Guiness, accept no substitutes.The Yosemite Bear wrote:*Slides down a cold Irish Beer to Stuart*
(Yes. I know you live in New Zealand, I just like Guiness better then American or Aussie beers, besides, it's summer over where you live so, you could handle something cold rightnow)
How did you get into that? I would absolutely love to do that...Shaka[Zulu] wrote:photographer
It isn't unless I'm in a "Hostile Fire Zone." Kosovo and Kuwait come to mind right now. This month, I payed over $475 in Federal taxes, and I lost over $250 to Social Insecurity (plus $60 to Mediscare). On a good note, I pay no state taxes.Crown wrote:That had better be tax-free!jegs2 wrote:Don't be. My base pay is over $4000 a month.weemadando wrote: I'm sorry...
Me full time student (last year yeah!) at RMIT Aerospace Engineering, and casual worker as a projectionist at Village Cinemas.
Housing allowance for an O-3E in this area would be an additional $1200 a month, but I live on post, so I don't get BAH. Here's a handy calculator for those who want to know about BAH:TrailerParkJawa wrote:That isnt too bad. At least not for here. Its pretty damn decent for most other markets. Does not include a housing allowance?jegs2 wrote:Don't be. My base pay is over $4000 a month.weemadando wrote: I'm sorry...
My friends allowance as an E-7 is 2100 a month but only if he is on active duty for more than 120 days. Luckily his employer will continue to pay him while on active duty for at least a little while. The economic impact of activation on some families is very harsh if they dont get the an allowance.jegs2 wrote: Housing allowance for an O-3E in this area would be an additional $1200 a month, but I live on post, so I don't get BAH. Here's a handy calculator for those who want to know about BAH: