Rebellious Teens

OT: anything goes!

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Post by AylaKat »

Teenage Rebellion pissed me off when I was a teen, which was only about two weeks ago. O_o

I remember though, at like 13 or 14 desiring to be the rebel, be the big hippie, etc. And it wall fine and dandy until about 16 when I realized that it was all bullcrap. Most of my friends were punks or goths and there were your jocks and preppies and etc. I guess I rebelled in a different way--by being as mundane as possible (which is quite possible when you're as lazy as I am). It was all tee shirts and jeans. I think I got respect among the crowds for that.

As for rebellious action... I think I probably pissed a lot of people off by being the non-drinker non-drug doer. That changed after high school, but during high school, it was an area for a lot of tension. I guess that's what it takes to be different. O_o

Now I really just don't care.
"Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed. Still, I'm doing the little FAX thing. I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE."

--Fight Club
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