This is how I got addicted:salm wrote:you see, that´s a thing i dont do, and i dont understand why people do it. caffeine doesnt give you anything. if you dont do it regularly it will make you fit. but if you need that stuff in the morning to wake up (exaggerated), well, that´s stupid!Tosho wrote:I'd go insane if it wasn't for caffeine.Andrew J. wrote:I'm too young to drink, and I wouldn't even if I could. However, there is one drug that I ingest large amounts of, evey day. It's somewhat addictive, but millions of other people do it, and best of all, it's totally legal.
Ah, caffeine, my second-best friend next to sugar...
Age 6 I met my friend mr. soda
Age 8 mmm... tea
Age 12 so this is what coffee tastes like.
Why am I bringing this up, you ask? My theory is that all these corporations which produce drinks with caffeine have an agreement along these lines.
1:Soda to introduce children to caffeine.
2.Tea to introduce children to "hot" drinks to caffeine.
3.Coffee to cement the addiction.
That's why we're addicted, we were screwed over by Coca Cola, Pepsi, ect.