Sorry, let me clarify.Peregrin Toker wrote:Atheism, though compatible with morality, does not necessarily confer it - just ask the nearest Nihilist.Innerbrat wrote:Born and raised atheist to atheist principles (i.e. actual morals)
I've been having an argument about religion and morality, because as far as I see it, needing a religious (or secular) law to tell you what is right and wrong is incompatible with morality.
Someone who cannot understand why something is wrong outside of simply being told it is by authority (i.e. law or God) is to my mind, amoral by definition.
Everyone else develops their own morality based on reasoning, emotion and actual experience. These, to my mind, have what I called "actual morals", whether I agree with them or not (immoral is not amoral)
Most people admit that just because something is illegal doens't make it immoral, so really this argument only applies to religion.
I also note that most religious people do have a morality of their own. It's just the fundies I deal with are often incapable of separating morality from religion. These people scare me.