How would you like to die? (Warning: Morbid)

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Post by Stormbringer »

Q1:If you had to choose the manner of your death, to pass in one hour, what would it be? (No old age)

Would you be alone? Would your friends be there? Where (location) would it be?
Ground Zero of a Nuclear Armageddon. Why? Because it would be quick, painless, and on the off chance there is an afterlife I could say I died in the Apcolypse. How cool would that be?

Barring that, in the middle of a very large orgy.
Q2: What way would you least like to die?
Anything lingering.
Q3:Is there anything worse then knowing the exact moment of your death before it happened?
Lots of them. For one thing knowing when your loved ones would die.
Q4: If you could be reincarnated as any Sci-Fi/Fantasy or videogame hero who would it be and why?
Anything Culture. :D
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Post by Petrosjko »


With my boots on.

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Post by HemlockGrey »

While dying having sex would be cool, it would be even better to go down in a blaze of military glory, being forever immortalized in a song or poem of some sort.

It would suck to die of exposure on the street, homeless, all alone, and then get tossed into an unmarked grave somewhere. That would really bite. Worst death I can think of.

I wouldn't mind knowing the precise moment of my death, because then I do all sorts of crazy shit without fear of death (maiming and pain, maybe, but not death).
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

1. Bleeding out during something fun... :twisted:
2. Fire...I'm a pyromaniac, but I'm really sensitivie about heat.
3. There are much worse things as have been said.
4. A Culture Mind. :D
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Post by Enigma »

1. While sleeping with my closest family (in other words my sisters, brother and parents but no extended family) present.

2. asphyxiation and being burned alive at the same time.

3. Knowing when anyone I loved would die.

4. Q obviously. Or Pre-Crisis Superman.

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Re: How would you like to die? (Warning: Morbid)

Post by darthdavid »

Locutus_8472 wrote:Q1:If you had to choose the manner of your death, to pass in one hour, what would it be? (No old age)

Would you be alone? Would your friends be there? Where (location) would it be?

Q2: What way would you least like to die?

Q3:Is there anything worse then knowing the exact moment of your death before it happened?

Q4: If you could be reincarnated as any Sci-Fi/Fantasy or videogame hero who would it be and why?
Q1: Launched from a cannon into a brick wall.
Q2: Beling slowly lowered onto a giant belt sander feet first.
Q3: Lots of stuff. I can actually think of advantageds to this.
a) Eragon: I want my psycially linked dragon damn it!
b) Borg Ruler: Imagine a competently run borg collective. That would kick ass.
c) Luke Skywalker: Wheee force powers!
d) Some random heroic person in this universe.
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Post by Vicious »

I'd like to die doing something really fun.
The worst way to die for me would probably be by torture or something, although eventually you won't really feel much.
Knowing when I'm going to die wouldn't be bad. I think the worst thing is knowing, truly knowing, just how utterly, pathetically insignifigant my life will be in the grand scheme of things.
Boba Fett would rock, but he's not really a hero and he's been taken, so I'd like to come back as Grand Admiral Thrawn, maybe.

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