Non-Science Fiction Shows that you HATE...

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Post by atg »

Big Brother.

Its in its 5th or 6th series here now, and the amount of advertising channel 10 do over it is bloody annoying. Hyping up the 'big secrets', The big secret is that there is a mum and daughter in the house and the other housemates don't know!! And the daughter has fake boobs!! :roll:

The people in the house are a bunch of losers that are annoying even on the adds... then having to hear other losers at work talk about it all day....
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Post by Trogdor »

All of reality TV, especially American Idol. There's three reasons for my particularly hating this one. One: practically everyone I know at college loves it, so I occasionally get stuck having to watch it and getting shushed if I dare say anything. Two: The songs released by the winners have a tendancy to be ones that I don't like but get stuck in my head anyway. Before American Idol, only sk8r boi did this to me, and now there must be half a dozen songs that have this effect. Three: Simon Cowell just really pisses me off for some reason.

Another vote for Mind of Mencia. Man's just not funny.

My Super Sweet Sixteen. A showcase of spoiled, bitchy teenage girls.

Every attempt Nickelodean's made at appealling to the teenage crowd. There are too damned many teen dramas on TV as it is and that's not what Nick is supposed to be.

While there are exceptions, the bulk of current cartoons are pathetic compared to those of the 90s, both in terms of story and the quality of the animation, and I hate them for it. Disney and Nick used to put out lots of great cartoons, but these days all Nick has is Avatar and Danny Phantom, and I think they might've pulled the plug on the latter. All the modern Disney cartoons have been piss so far as I know.

The OC, and any shows like it. Painfully predictable and absurdly dramatic, with lots of pretty people.

There's this anime...thing on Cartoon Network that came on before Justice League called Bobobobobo or something. Somebody must've been smoking some damned bad stuff when they came up with it...

I don't understand all the hatred for Charmed. I've seen it a few times and I'm not about to argue that it's great TV, but I don't understand why three hot chicks doing magic merits such hatred.
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Post by lance »

Trogdor wrote: I don't understand all the hatred for Charmed. I've seen it a few times and I'm not about to argue that it's great TV, but I don't understand why three hot chicks doing magic merits such hatred.
Because its to "Demons R teh Evil!" coupled with a new bigger badder menace that only the power of 3 can handle. It was fine for a little while, but after the whole them killing the source of all evil and bigger badder badguys are still poping out of the woodwork. Also it comes off as really pretentious to boot.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Simple. Reality shows and Teen drama. Both are waste of energy to watch or produce, and really are formulaic as can be.

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Post by Ryoga »

I've said it before, but...I can't stand House. The guy's supposed to be the hot-shot 'I'm eccentric but really good!11' stereotype, except he's addicted to Vicodin and has done operations under its effects. In a later episode one of the adminstrators actually fucking JOKES with him about how they got sued for around two million dollars, and somehow the shithead still has his job and medical license? about 'no'? :roll:
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Post by Faqa »

Ryoga wrote:I've said it before, but...I can't stand House. The guy's supposed to be the hot-shot 'I'm eccentric but really good!11' stereotype, except he's addicted to Vicodin and has done operations under its effects. In a later episode one of the adminstrators actually fucking JOKES with him about how they got sued for around two million dollars, and somehow the shithead still has his job and medical license? about 'no'? :roll:
Blasphemer. Dr. House pwns your soul.

He's brilliant, he's just also an unethical asshole. That's what's so great about him.

When'd he operate under the influence? Shit, considering the man needs a cane to walk around, how'd he end up doing surgery in the first place? I'd think his muscles couldn't handle the absolute steadiness.
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Post by Pick »

House is a great show! Snappy dialouge, no completely "likeable" characters, just the right amount of silly!

Though I don't recall him ever actually operating --doesn't he always have his team do that stuff?
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Post by Dartzap »

All soaps, apart from Neighbours. It's my one guilty pleasure. The majority of house/DIY shows. The OC....

Oh and House is one of about.. 6 Yank shows i actually like. :P
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Post by Patrick Degan »

Pick wrote:House is a great show! Snappy dialouge, no completely "likeable" characters, just the right amount of silly!

Though I don't recall him ever actually operating --doesn't he always have his team do that stuff?
Gregory House is a diagnostician, not a surgeon. And yes, his "House pets" are the ones who do all the grunt-work.
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Post by Rye »

Dartzap wrote:All soaps, apart from Neighbours. It's my one guilty pleasure. The majority of house/DIY shows. The OC....
I have to mimic this. Sensationalist reporting on ITV annoys the shit out of me, "killer or cure?" for genetic modification or choosing the gender of the baby? Eat my anus. :roll:
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Post by Big Orange »

I don't dislike House; from what I've seen of it the show seems ultra slick with tight writing, snappy script and first rate production values, plus I don't really mind Hugh Laurie (despite his borderline phoney American accent).

One other show that I like is American Dad!; sure it’s obviously modelled closely on Family Guy, but I do not understand all the rabid vitriol directed against it. :(
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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

Frank Hipper wrote: Have you seen any of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares? This show has him strolling into restaurants on the verge of failure (bad food, pretentious "chefs" who have no business even washing dishes, nauseating health-code violations) and attempts to steer them towards success.
I know the topic of this thread is hated TV, but that show rocks so many, so hard. Watching it, I realise I'd enjoy working with that bastard; I'm something of a prick in a kitchen my own self. :P
He has quite an entertaining show called Ramsey's F Word which is quite an entertaining "food magazine" program, too. I can barely make myself toast and I find it quite fascinating. :)

On topic: The whole of ITV. Someone earlier mentioned ITV news being like the Sun, I agree. But I think the same applies to the whole channel. I just feel stupid for watching anything on ITV.

Big Brother is awful, but ironically enough Big Brother's Big Mouth is pretty funny. I could watch Russell Brand for hours.
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Post by Darth Servo »

Any and all talk shows and soap operas. :evil: :finger:
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Post by JointStrikeFighter »

"Today Tonight" and "A Current Affair"
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Post by Stofsk »

JointStrikeFighter wrote:"Today Tonight" and "A Current Affair"
Oh, god yes.
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Post by Hamel »

General dislike of WB shows because they're prep bullshit.

Mucho hate of CSI because of the trendy nature of the show, not the good old-school tough guy attitude from the guys in Law and Order. Seems to be enjoyed mostly by Fox News viewers.

Reality TV, which anyone with an IQ over 2 would dislike.

Also, I'm starting to get sick of the camera work in National Geographic shows. In almost every program they speed up the footage and then stop the camera right in front of someone's face. And they also spin the camera around the person while everything is sped up. I hate that.
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Post by Durandal »

I began hating American Idol because it came before 24 during one season. I wanted to see Jack Bauer kicking terrorist ass, not Ryan Seacrest telling me I was about to see Jack Bauer kicking terrorist ass.

I never watched Nashville Star, but after seeing that pug-ugly broad Wynona Judd (quite possibly the best argument against eye-shadow in existence) in commercial after commercial telling me to watch it when I was trying to watch Law & Order, I decided to actively hate it. Oh yeah and Cowboy Troy is a douche. You can't be black, have "Cowboy" as one part of your name and then a nancy-boy, white-bread, upper-middle-class named like "Troy" as the other. I'm sorry, it just doesn't work.

Same deal with Top Chef. Never watched it, and with the Bravo announcer once again interrupting my Law & Order to tell me about it in his annoying, nasally, asinine voice, I never will.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I don't watch TV much, so I don't have much to go on. Mostly because just about everything's so just-about-universally crappy.
JointStrikeFighter wrote:"Today Tonight" and "A Current Affair"
A Current Affair!? That old fossil's still around?! I thought the early '90s came back to pick it up on the Short Bus. Does it still have that annoying intro "deedeedaadodu-WHUMMMMMMMMM!!!" sound?
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:A Current Affair!? That old fossil's still around?! I thought the early '90s came back to pick it up on the Short Bus. Does it still have that annoying intro "deedeedaadodu-WHUMMMMMMMMM!!!" sound?
It didn't actually last that long. The show died, and then was ressurected last year or earlier this year, I can't remember. I haven't watched on full episode of it since it came back.
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Post by Admiral Johnason »

I hate the OC and most of the crap on MTV along with most of the WB's lineup.
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Post by Zero »

I dislike the modern incarnation of SNL. It use to be funny, occasionally witty, but now it's all just annoying bullshit.
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Post by Big Orange »

I guess other shows that were widely disliked back in the day were David E. Kelley stinkers such as Ally McBeal (which I saw and wrote off as dreadful) and possibly The Practice (which I haven't seen - I heard it started off well but went down crapper after the first couple of seasons).

The more recent David E. Kelley shows had popular Trek stars; Boston Legal has Bill Shatner and the now cancelled Boston Public had Jeri Ryan. Both those shows have never been imported properly over here and I've seen a brief clip of Boston Legal and it looked pretty awful, so by extension Boston Public must've been pretty bad as well.

What David E. Kelley shows do you like or dislike?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I hate all of DEK's shows.

And frankly, there are also a large number of science fiction shows that I hate, too. So there, BO, there. HA!!
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Post by Big Orange »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I hate all of DEK's shows.
Uh, OK, what David E. Kelley show do hate more than the other David E. Kelley shows?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I don't bother to remember anything he's done in the long term.
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