Were/Are you a nerd in high school?

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Post by Dalton »

Ted wrote:Though girls wont admit it, they are gold diggers.

Those students who do well have a better chance with girls than those who dont.
Nerds, being exceptionally smart have the greatest potential money earning capability post-school, therefor have the greatest draw for females.
I recommend you edit your post, using choice modifiers like "some", before you ignite yet another flamewar.
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Post by Mark S »

I'm sure there were uber-cool people that considered me a nerd but I wasn't really branded as one. In junior high I had lots of friends, some cool, some not so cool and didn't spend too much time thinking about people who tried to pick on me. Our group was too large and diverse for people to try anything directly and I had as much fun as anyone at dances and shit like that, so no one really had much to say. Then I moved right at the beginning of High School and I was the new guy. Luckily at this school that somehow made me cool and mysterious. I got a lot of attention from the 'cool' girls until they realized I didn't want to hang around with the 'cool' crowd. Then the novelty wore off I guess, which didn't matter because there were plenty of other girls. None of the guys tried anything with me because they didn't know what to expect. I'm another one of those ones that has a pretty emotionless face for the most part. That and I could always put on a good, 'you're nothing but a piece of shit to me and I would just as soon kill you if you try anything' look. I remember fairly soon after I moved, I was sitting at a lunch table with some people who weren't considered very popular, someone came along and tried to steal the chair out from under one of them. To his credit, the person I was sitting with wouldn't give in so the guy started looking for another target. His eyes fell on mine and I just looked at him. It lasted about two seconds, he didn't say a word, just moved on to another table. Fear is a very powerful ally.

In high school people didn't really bother anyone else that much. They just stuck to their own little groups. I've always been able to fit in a little with every crowd so I didn't have trouble with anyone. If anything I was a High School Phantom. I didn't really care about school spirit or sports or anything else. I wanted to get the grades I needed for university, have fun with my friends and get the hell out. I sure as hell didn't want high school to be my glory days. As such, I'm pretty sure the only people who would remember me are my friends. I am still close with most of them so it doesn't really matter.

Now University. Those were some wild times.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

I should add that I probably qualify for Alpha Band Geek around here, since I am Band President this year. I also like to hang out with the director after class and talk about class.

And I'm slowly considering a career in being a band teacher.
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Post by Ted »

Dalton wrote:
Ted wrote:Though girls wont admit it, they are gold diggers.

Those students who do well have a better chance with girls than those who dont.
Nerds, being exceptionally smart have the greatest potential money earning capability post-school, therefor have the greatest draw for females.
I recommend you edit your post, using choice modifiers like "some", before you ignite yet another flamewar.
Why? Innerbrat would confirm if she were here, that females will choose the most succesful mate.

Survival depended on who could bring in the most amount of food.

Now, it is dependant on who can bring in the most amount of money.
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Post by Dalton »

Ted wrote:
Dalton wrote:
Ted wrote:Though girls wont admit it, they are gold diggers.

Those students who do well have a better chance with girls than those who dont.
Nerds, being exceptionally smart have the greatest potential money earning capability post-school, therefor have the greatest draw for females.
I recommend you edit your post, using choice modifiers like "some", before you ignite yet another flamewar.
Because not everyone is innerbrat, and what you said was pure flamebait. It would be in your own best interests to modify your hasty generalization.
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Post by weemadando »

I walked the middle ground, had friends in all social circles.

When I came to uni, there is no hierarchy. No group can claim superiority over the others.

Well, they can claim it, but I'd like to see them try and back it up.
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Post by Ted »

Dalton wrote:Because not everyone is innerbrat, and what you said was pure flamebait. It would be in your own best interests to modify your hasty generalization.
It is NOT a hasty generalisation, it is the truth, with evidence read in Scientific American to back it up, besides several dozens of surveys over the years.
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Post by RedImperator »

Which explains why nerds get laid all the time, right?
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Hmm. I had all the characteristics (inordinate interest in science fiction, above average intelligence, spectacles, relative physical weakness, in band) but I used to be a damn funny guy, so pretty much everyone liked or tolerated me except for the asshole thug types, who thought I was a wiseguy or something. Nobody ever actually beat me up, though there were two occasions when it was quite close.

Event 1:
I give a guy shit in History for screwing with the thermostat while the teacher was out. Shortly thereafter he breaks the damn thing, prompting me to crack jokes at his expense. After school, he and his friends accost me on the street and threaten to 'kick my ass.' I tell him I was only joking, point out the large Polish bayonet which I had recently purchased from a militaria catalogue, and suggest that we let the matter drop. They chicken out.

This leads to event two:
The two guys get some of their friends and accost me in the locker room during school. They start pushing me. At this point, about three of my friends come in from the out of doors, just finishing up baseball practice, and thus each wielding an aluminum bat. Nobody says anything, they just stare at eachother.

Me: Soooo... like I was saying, this is all just a misunderstanding. Why don't we just let it drop, because I certainly don't want any trouble. I say a lot of stuff, but it's all just joking. I don't mean anything by it.


Me: So, uh, why don't we part company, and let's just forget our little disagreement.

The thugs left quietly, and did not bother me ever again.
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Post by Dalton »

Ted wrote:
Dalton wrote:Because not everyone is innerbrat, and what you said was pure flamebait. It would be in your own best interests to modify your hasty generalization.
It is NOT a hasty generalisation, it is the truth, with evidence read in Scientific American to back it up, besides several dozens of surveys over the years.
There is QUITE a difference between saying women look for strong/wealthy men (as determined by natural selection) and calling all women gold-diggers.

Do you even know what a gold digger is, Ted?
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Post by Zaia »

Dalton wrote:
Ted wrote:It is NOT a hasty generalisation, it is the truth, with evidence read in Scientific American to back it up, besides several dozens of surveys over the years.
There is QUITE a difference between saying women look for strong/wealthy men (as determined by natural selection) and calling all women gold-diggers.
Do you even know what a gold digger is, Ted?
First of all, thank you, Dalton, for trying to shed some light on the difference between those two topics. *kisses cheek* We need more people around here like you, sweetheart.

Second of all, I am getting so fucking sick and tired of some of the members of this board. Ted, do you feel impotent or something if you aren't trying to bait someone with your stereotypes? Is that it? Do most of the people on this board feel the need to constantly have attention on themselves at all times, whether it's good or bad? The fucking topic here is whether you were a nerd or not in school, not whether women are biologically gold-digging bitches from hell or not. MUST you go out of your way to get in the spotlight yet again?


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Post by weemadando »

Pablo Sanchez wrote: The thugs left quietly, and did not bother me ever again.
Ah the wonders of the "big talk little action" brigades that spring up all over the world.

I remember as a grade 7 student getting accosted by a bunch of grade 10s for a "ring of death". 1 shoulder charge into the nutsack of the biggest fucker in the group and I never had an issue with those guys bothering me again.
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Post by TheDarkOne »

I suppose I was a nerd in high school, but I never really had any problems with people picking on me, except for about a month in grade 9, but other then that nothing. Come to think of it, after around grade 9 I don't recall seeing much of anyone being picked on at all.
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Post by Gandalf »

Ghost Rider wrote:
verilon wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Oddball luck :D ?
Probably. Worse yet, more people knew me than I knew them. o O
Now there's a feeling I know all too well.

My 10th year reunion was bloody weird with strange guys and girls saying hi to me, and for the life of me I couldn't place a 1/3 of their faces or names...and I remember people by faces even after a gulf of years.
Though I am still in school, I remember the day where suddenly everyone knew my name, I don't know why, they just did. Confused the hell out of me.
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Post by Durandal »

Yeah, everyone pretty much knew my name in the latter years of high school. I became extremely well-known after I published an editorial in the school paper that blasted the local diocese and clergy in general for being hypocrites. I also started wearing a black trenchcoat, which people gave me shit for, but that's all they gave me. I noticed a sudden decrease in the number of actual challenges people were laying out.
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Post by Sienthal »

In Middle School I was...different from what I am now. If I was a nerd, I was too busy being preoccupied by other things.
Now in high school, I am the neo-classical nerd, :). On the newspaper, a computer geek, and to top it off I greatly enjoy my Orchestra class. But, my clothing is black with a great coat to wear, and my personality is nothing short of a perverted strangeness, :D.
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Post by salm »

i´ve never been a nerd. i used to be one of the cool guys who drank, smoked and had at least one sport with the trendy word "board" in it.

the popular/unpopular thing isn´t that extreme here, as in the us.
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Post by Ted »

My original post was on topic.
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Post by Larz »

I never remember being a small, crunchy, tasty little candy during HS...

Actually, I played computer games during lunch time for 2 years and played chess in a math room my senior year. The people I hanged out with tended to be labeled the smart ones, and we did occasionally mock society and had bouts of quoting Monty Python, Mel Brooks, and other such things. Hmm, so I guess I was rather nerdy, though with my bulky size and my quiet demenour no one ever did tell such... wonder why...
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Post by ArmorPierce »

In school I wasn't treated bad. I was pretty well known around the school. It was out of school with people that were either high school drop-outs, went to other schools, or something that were trying to mug me. In my school I don't think we really had classes. It was more 'mind your own business' unless the guy wasn't liked in particular for some reason but there would be a reason.

Actually, I don't believe that real nerds-that-gets-picked-on-in-highschool without-reason actually really exist in that great of numbers. I've never seen it except for on TV or on people who deserved it or if people were just joking around if told to stop they would.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Durran Korr wrote: At one point in seventh grade I saw a group of people talking who I thought were my friends, and one of the girls saw me trying to join in and flat-out told me that I wasn't part of the group. That was the beginning of my social paralysis, I think.
Maybe that was just her opinion? I doubt that most people gives a shit if you try to join up in their group unless you aren't liked for a reason like if you're annoying or something.
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Post by RogueIce »

verilon wrote:I was known by name. I dated one person in high school. My freshman year. Explain THAT.
I have yet to date one and I'm three months from graduation! Far worse than you. :cry:
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Post by Zaia »

Ted wrote:
My original post was on topic.
I'm sorry, that's relevant how? You can answer a question and then spam your brains out; there isn't a rule that says if you've answered the topic you can go on to babble inanely for as long as you like.

And must you always talk back? If you have eyes, you can read that you were way off topic and there was no reason to say anything at all in response, but if you felt the urge to say something, why wasn't it along the lines of an apology? Admitting you were wrong? Seeing that I had point? Why act like a child, go into a snit and sulk? What the fuck's the point?

So, we've learned that you got all your cool friends because your sister was cool. Hooray for you. If you'd like to talk about how all women are gold-diggers, start another thread for it. Otherwise, just drop it. It doesn't belong here, and although you don't care, I'm absolutely fed up with all this shit.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

weemadando wrote:Ah the wonders of the "big talk little action" brigades that spring up all over the world.
Some of them actually were tough guys, but I think it had something to do with me being a much maligned minority in a school of ignorant upper class folks. Stereotypes being as they are, and me mildly threatening them with a six inch knife and a trio of baseball bats, I think that they got the wrong impression.

Not that I'm complaining.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Right, I'm here, and I don't appreciate being spoken for, so DON'T DO IT, OK?

Yes, studies have shown that many women go for wealth (I'm not looking up the reference) but it's still a generalisation, and not really one that affects girls below a 'certain age' (sorry, generalising myself)

Do you know how much stick I've put up with from my intellectually snobby friends for falling in love with a non-university educated bartender? If I wanted potential earning power, I coyuld get it. Silly me went for personality though.
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