long day (protests)

OT: anything goes!

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Enforcer Talen
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

NF_Utvol wrote:Talen, would you mind posting up your reasons here? Have been considering putting up some posters around my campus. Also, I have been thinking about writing a letter to the school newspaper, which usually prints alot of pro-war letters, and any input on that would be GREATLY appreciated.
for posters, keep it simple. one picture, or some bold lines, or some combination - red colors are best. you want attention. this wont convert anyone on the first shot, btw - it will just get them thinkign about it, which is just as good. the ones I used were assorted pictures of saddam, in uniform or firing a gun (ever notice how military leaders grate slightly on the viewer, in america?) with the caption, would you trust this man with a chemical weapon. . .chemical weapon being bolder or italic or somehow standing out.

other ones I used were pictures of hajabad (sp?), where the kurds were nerve gassed. a few tidy bodies that upset the viewer are always welcomed. captions for that were, at what price peace?, and 'he's used them before. . . what makes you think he wont again?'

another good one was three lines, one talking about hajabad and lost relatives - and then a quote of a major official saying in a global society, justice should be global. . and then ending with, what price peace?

I found one good motto and ran with it - much like they did no blood for oil. keep it simple, keep it loud. applying to emotion is a fallacy in a debate, but key in propaganda.

as for mailing newspapers - I dont argue wmds. I dont know the facts, and no one else does either. everyone conflicts each other. it's boring reading, and blends together with all the news on tv. instead, I prefer talking about human rights. . . whatever saddam's other faults, he's a bastard for that.
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
Nathan F
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Post by Nathan F »

Ok, thanks. I am going to make these up and, if nothing has happened by then, put them up after spring break next week.
Enforcer Talen
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

coolness. my basic debate when the subject comes up at school is
1. considering saddam's acts against humanity, should he be removed from power?
the answer is invariably yes.
2. can you think of a way besides war for this to be accomplished?
the answer is invarably no.

mind you, thats the basic script - the actual lines are much longer.
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
Enforcer Talen
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

I was checking out a college this afternoon - like everywhere, they had comments on iraq. but I was awed and inspired by the sheer number of pamphlets on the walls - a total of 3 on a 100 ft stretch of wall. and the comments in the school newspaper - sheer genius.

this school, I think, will be easy to influence. the one Im currently in has taught that nothing is wrong with an opinion poster every 10 ft, and that well reasoned arguments are best.

just for fun, Im quoting some of the newspaper things here -

"During the cuban missile crisis, where there was a clear and present danger to the u.s., Kennedy kept his head and did the right thing. No one was killed, and eventually cuba was disarmed. Today, we need to do the same thing. We must fight countries like Iraq, N. Korea, Iran and Saudi through economic pressure and global isolation, while at the same time instituting democracy in neighboring countries like Kuwait. Finally, we must make it absolutely clear that terrorism and the harboring of terrorists will not be tolerated. the best way to do that would be to focus our war effort on finding and punishing Osama."

my comments? what more economic pressure can you bring to iraq, what more global isolation?

as well, how did we manage to become superpower if we couldnt handle one fourth rate desert power and a manhunt at once? also. . . what good is the army looking for osama? it's not their training.

"If Bush decides to go to war, we should get in and get out. No pussyfooting around, not like in Vietnam or Desert Storm. So if we do it, do it right the first time."

Ehrm, Vietnam, if we had increased, wouldnt the communists have increased? Im not famaliar with it - but I dont remember pussyfooting in Desert Storm. It was one of the faster breakings of a nation. And, of course, its the second time.

"Because Saddam is not rational and does not play by the rules, he's got to go."

He seems quite rational to have survived this long, lol - you need some sanity to run that gauntlet.

"I'd be for going to war against President Bush, if we put him in Iraq."

o_O this took me some time to figure out - attack bush maybe? and what argument against him does it have?

there is "never an excuse to kill people in mass numbers."

there are lots of excuses. we've used them for centuries. doesnt make it moral, of course, but it's still a go. My thought is that our clearing out saddam will cause less death then leaving him in control.

"If Iraq turned democratic, it could lead to the resolution between Isreal and Palestine."

erhm, how?

"It's a win win situation. Why is it a win win situation? You get combat points and promoted in battle and it keeps allowing people to retire. If we dont go to war, it will destroy the use of the Army."

I completely agree. that justifies the invasion of mexico! we need our army practiced, and it's right near by!

"As long as he [Hussien] is a threat, we have to go over there."

threat to who? he's not a threat to us - if a nation is, do we attack them? russia and china can threaten us - do we attack them? or if they attack their own people, do we clear them out?

"No American in their right mind would argue the fact that Saddam is evil. He is a heartless dictator who has used chemical weapons to kill his own people. But, while it is true that the world would benefit without him, there is no reason why it should be our job to see it happen."

well, I guess being the only superpower doesnt count. if we dont, who will? you say hes evil and should be removed, but ask someone else to?
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
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