What do you guys do for a living?

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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Im a high school student.
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Post by Shaka[Zulu] »

Zaia wrote:
Shaka[Zulu] wrote:photographer
How did you get into that? I would absolutely love to do that...
well, Ive been shooting since jr high... up until a few years ago it was really just a hobby -- and I concentrated on the modeling side of it. then I was approached to do some sports on the local level, and have been doing that ever since. now I range over most of the east coast of FL from the keys to Cocoa. Havent hit big time yet, but it pays the bills.

I have to say it isnt what I want to be doing. I would have been in aerospace by now if my dad hadnt had a stroke in my 2nd year of college... the stress from that took me from a 3.3gpa to a 2.3 in a single semester -- after that I had to take off to help out. I still study though (people look at me strangely when the see the books I read to pass time), and hope to get back in eventually.
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Post by Tsyroc »

Pharmacy Techinican at a hospital.

I do a lot of things. I enter the physicians written orders into a computer system which then spews out print outs of stuff I either need to load to a machine out on the floor or in the IV room. If it's the IV room it can be anything as easy as slapping a lable on a bag to combining multiple ingredients together in the right proportions. I also ocassionally compound/repackage stuff that isn't an IV, usually then it would be something oral or topical.

Since I work nights I get to be a bit of a "Jack of All Trades" if I want things to go as smoothly as possible. This means I am sort of the default fix-it guy for the minor and moderate techical problems our scanners, printers, computers, Pyxis (computerized medication despensing) machines develope.

I used to be in the US Navy. I was in for 6 years and have been out since 1994. Which of course means I am also a "geezer" :D If I'd stayed in the Navy I would have been eligible to take my (early) 20 year retirement in 2008 and still be under the age of 40. :P
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Post by Zaia »

Shaka[Zulu] wrote:well, Ive been shooting since jr high... up until a few years ago it was really just a hobby -- and I concentrated on the modeling side of it. then I was approached to do some sports on the local level, and have been doing that ever since. now I range over most of the east coast of FL from the keys to Cocoa. Havent hit big time yet, but it pays the bills.
That's very, very cool. My grandfather was the chief photographer of the New York Daily News for about 35 years, and managed to get some absolutely incredible pictures over the years. I've always wanted to do that--when I was growing up, we actually had a dark room in the basement. I wish I'd learned more about it then when we did have that dark room...would've been very cool.
I have to say it isnt what I want to be doing. I would have been in aerospace by now if my dad hadnt had a stroke in my 2nd year of college... the stress from that took me from a 3.3gpa to a 2.3 in a single semester -- after that I had to take off to help out. I still study though (people look at me strangely when the see the books I read to pass time), and hope to get back in eventually.
I hope you do get back into that field if it's what you really want to do. I know how hard it is to know what you want and not quite be able to get to it. I also must say that I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your dad. I hope he's recovered completely or, if still recouperating, that he's recovering well.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I review hentai.

Well, that's what I'd like to say, but alas, I am a wee student. :(
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Post by haas mark »

Half-time student looking for a job. Major, music ed.; minor, Russian.
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Post by Sidious »

Internal 2nd level tech support for a large insurance company.
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Post by Cal Wright »

I work retail.

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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Durandal wrote:"University Computer Help Desk Mac Support, this is Damien."
How can I hurt you today?
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

I work developing webpages and other stuff like that, like internal web based administration systems and such, I also handle the webserver and mailserver.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I'm a Naval Cyptologist, I work with [classifed] to do [classifed]. So that American Servicemen will be protected from [classfied]. I also work the Engineering end of Cyptology and I've helped with quite a few projects inculding [classifed], [classifed] and the [classfied] project. I'm also taking distance education for three seperate collage degrees inculding
General(for now) Enginering, Psychology and Comptuer Engineering

I'm currently stationed at [classfied] and will be leaving for [classfied] on March 10th

As you can imagin with a job that intresting I'm the life of parties!

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Post by Durandal »

His Divine Shadow wrote:
Durandal wrote:"University Computer Help Desk Mac Support, this is Damien."
How can I hurt you today?
You can't. I got moved out of Winblows support.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Mr Bean wrote:I'm a Naval Cyptologist, I work with [classifed] to do [classifed]. So that American Servicemen will be protected from [classfied]. I also work the Engineering end of Cyptology and I've helped with quite a few projects inculding [classifed], [classifed] and the [classfied] project. I'm also taking distance education for three seperate collage degrees inculding
General(for now) Enginering, Psychology and Comptuer Engineering

I'm currently stationed at [classfied] and will be leaving for [classfied] on March 10th

As you can imagin with a job that intresting I'm the life of parties!
Better than mine...and you get to have the allure of secrecy with ya.

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Post by Xenophobe3691 »

I'm a high school student, and volunteer at the Hospital my dad works at on the weekends. Pushing pills in the pharmacy isn't exciting work, but it gets you the community service hours needed for Florida's Bright Futures scholarship :wink:
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Post by Lord Pounder »

I would like to say i was something a lot better like an Programer but i failed the MCP so i'm now a secretary for Kenco Spares Limited http://www.kencospares.com I'm actually making them a new site as we speak so look it up again in like 6 months.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

I currently leech off my parents due to my status as a full time high school student.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Durandal wrote:
His Divine Shadow wrote:
Durandal wrote:"University Computer Help Desk Mac Support, this is Damien."
How can I hurt you today?
You can't. I got moved out of Winblows support.
No, thats what you say.
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Post by Batman »

Semi-internal client support for an (among other things) IT company.
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Post by 2000AD »

6th Form student, soon to become (hopefully) a university student. Currently studying biology, chemistry, maths and physics, hoping to do biology at uni.

Got a small job at a Vets as a "Veterinary assisstant" which just means i'm a nurse but without qualifications. Hoping to be a vet, but realised after first batch of AS results that i wouldn't get straight in to Veterinary Medicine degree, so i'm trying to go post grad. People tell me i'm crazy and i pretty much agree, but it what i want to do, so i might as well try.
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Post by Defiant »

I'm a systems analyst for a state government. Here's a hint for which state:

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Post by jegs2 »

Defiant wrote:I'm a systems analyst for a state government. Here's a hint for which state:

Go Bucks!!!
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

I go to school and learn stuff. :wink:
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Post by Dahak »

I'm a full-time student at the university, with a spare-time job doing some network administration. For about 12$ per hour :)
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Post by Dahak »

salm wrote:student who lives of dad´s money. :P

i had a job at the uni as a webpage admin but it´s over now.
Where did you work as Hiwi? :)
And didn't you love those 8,02 ? an hour? <g>
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Post by aerius »

Bicycle service and sales, fun job, but it would be better without all the asshole customers. Pays my tuition and I get to buy everything at store cost so it's all worth it in the end.
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Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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