Nawlins??? Where's that?Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Hey I like Goths... I sorta get into the Goth thing myself!Goth: I actually am a semi-goth skatery type...I wear all black, yes, have worn black nail polish ONCE, and don't do the whole makeup thing. I am applying for manager where I work. And am almost bound to get it. I am also a Comp Sci major with a Russ minor. And black just seems more comfortable to me.Chess? My husband LOVES Chess! Smoke out? Where da Bud At? Classical? K3wL!Chess: I am a very avid chess player...I also smoke out. And listen to classical music.ZELDA?!?!?!?!!? I h8 it too! I'm a gamer, and my area is good old QUAKE! Lata and Happy Fragging!I hate this: To be a gamer, you have to like Zelda. I can't STAND Zelda... (Time to be grilled...) Personally, I prefer Tekken and Dynasty Warriors to anything. (that I have played)
P.S. Wanna come over to my haus- wait.. Albuquerqe? DAMMIT!!! Too far from Nawlins... oh btw FIRST POST!!! \/\/0000000T!!!!
Anyways, I like your avatar!!!