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Is there Anyone the US should Not Attack?

Posted: 2002-08-06 10:44am
by Azeron
Seeing as there are so many threads asking the question "Should we attack [Insert Country Name Here]", I figured it would be easier to ask the question "who Shouldn't we attack?" As every thread so far has enjoyed widespread support for invasion and crushing the "anti-American infidels"

Now before we get started, I have discussed this with a learned scholar, over a fine 6 pack of fine imported german brew, and we have already concluded that a compelling case can be made to attack any country, except France, it is so pitful it doesn't deserve the priviliage of being attacked by the US.

What do you think?

Posted: 2002-08-06 11:00am
by Anarchist Bunny
Anarctica... yeah thats about it.

Posted: 2002-08-06 11:16am
by Mr Bean
Seeing as the Azeron Ill get all the rational countrys out of the way

1. German, The lands not great, and the Ecomoney is not the best
2. Switzierland, They have a true 100% Milita, Every citizin above 18 is trained and is issued a Assult Rifle, Taking them on would NOT be fun and besides Consdiering the Swiss History more likley than not, they would march over us, Take over France, UK and Germany then renturn home when they remeber they are about to miss the game leaving half the world in ruins in thier wake
3. Most of South America- To many problems, not worth it
4. The North and South Poles, Sure it looks pretty but I won'n't want a base stationed there
5. Russia-Sinces Russia's Miltary is in the crapper thier ownly alternative is a full nuclear strike, which we undestanble don't want
6. The Moon- The moon is for American, Will you be one of her Astro-men?

Re: Is there Anyone the US should Not Attack?

Posted: 2002-08-06 12:12pm
by Wicked Pilot
Azeron wrote:we have already concluded that a compelling case can be made to attack any country, except France, it is so pitful it doesn't deserve the priviliage of being attacked by the US.
I would have argued that they would surrender before we even declared war, so attack is redundant.

Posted: 2002-08-06 12:24pm
by Enforcer Talen
what would we do after we won?

Re: Is there Anyone the US should Not Attack?

Posted: 2002-08-06 01:51pm
by Admiral Piett
Seeing as there are so many threads asking the question "Should we attack [Insert Country Name Here]", I figured it would be easier to ask the question "who Shouldn't we attack?" As every thread so far has enjoyed widespread support for invasion and crushing the "anti-American infidels"

Now before we get started, I have discussed this with a learned scholar, over a fine 6 pack of fine imported german brew, and we have already concluded that a compelling case can be made to attack any country,

With what?Death ray satellites?Space marines with powered armor?
Or are you simply meaning the every country deserve to be attacked?

except France, it is so pitful it doesn't deserve the priviliage of being attacked by the US.

What do you think?

Is really any comment necessary?

Posted: 2002-08-06 02:18pm
by Stravo
France?! I FART in their general direction! Now go away before I taunt you a second time!!

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:04pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Not Canada. Most US kids don't even know where it is!

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:13pm
by Azeron
Yes well a major problem for any invasion is the average Ameericans ignorance that any other country actually exists. We seem to think that beyond our borders are just indian tribes that haven't been confined to a reservation yet.

So it would take a massive education program to inform them 1st that t here are other countries, natuarrally arousing the warlike nature of any american and
2) calling the question some sort of ritualisitic name meaning "targeted for destruction" like Commie, nazi., or just foreigner.

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:53pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Accually its more like, outside america theres the messed up countries(Brittian, Canada, France, etc), Commies(Asian), the third world(Africa, South America) and Muslim terrorist looking to kill us(the entire middle east).

I accually have had someone call the war on terrorism, the war on islam, but America, simply put, can kick your countries ass, so fuck off and God Bless America.

Posted: 2002-08-06 04:43pm
by Master of Ossus
Of course. I don't think Saudi Arabia (or that peninsula), most of Africa or Europe or Asia, and South America should be attacked. They haven't done anything wrong, and why should the US attack people who are helping us stay rich?