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Association of colors with songs

Posted: 2003-01-13 04:57am
by XaLEv
Does this happen to anyone else? I don't mean synesthesia; I don't literally see colors when I listen to music; it's just that there is an association made in my mind between the song and color, usually after listening to it many times. I have no idea what exactly causes it, but it seems to be at least partially due to the song's title and overall sound. I have noticed it most strongly with Orgy's Candyass: Revival and Stitches are blue, All the Same is red, Social Enemies is white, Blue Monday, Dissention and Dizzy are black, Pantomime and Platinum are silver, Fetisha and Fiend are indigo, and Gender is... indeterminate at the moment.

So is anyone else familiar with this? Also, feel free to let us know if you do experience synesthesia. :wink:

Posted: 2003-01-13 05:07am
by EmperorMing
Your sensory organs might be wired differently that normal people... :P :wink:

Seriously, I have heard of this from other sources...

Posted: 2003-01-13 05:10am
by Captain Kruger
Two things happen when I listen to music.

1. I see notes. Don't ask me to explain to you what exactly this is like — there's no way I could put it into words. All I can say is each and every note on the scale has a unique "look" to my subconscious eye — even the same note in different octaves look unique. This all comes from being a musician born with perfect pitch.

2. If I happen to be thinking about a particular movie or TV program when I hear a song for the first time, I will forever associate that song with that program, even if they have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Typically, hearing the song just makes me think of the movie in general, although I sometimes associate exact scenes with it. One example of how random and unrelated this trait is: Beat It Up Right by Korn always makes me think of the Yoda/Dooku lightsaber duel. :lol:

Posted: 2003-01-13 11:58am
by kheegster
Captain Kruger wrote:Two things happen when I listen to music.

1. I see notes. Don't ask me to explain to you what exactly this is like — there's no way I could put it into words. All I can say is each and every note on the scale has a unique "look" to my subconscious eye — even the same note in different octaves look unique. This all comes from being a musician born with perfect pitch.
You lucky bastard!
Captain Kruger wrote:2. If I happen to be thinking about a particular movie or TV program when I hear a song for the first time, I will forever associate that song with that program, even if they have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Typically, hearing the song just makes me think of the movie in general, although I sometimes associate exact scenes with it. One example of how random and unrelated this trait is: Beat It Up Right by Korn always makes me think of the Yoda/Dooku lightsaber duel. :lol:
Something similar happens to me too....often I hear a piece of music that I first heard in my childhood, subsequent hearings will cause feelings of nostalgia.

Posted: 2003-01-13 12:10pm
by aerius
It does happen for me, but only with some songs. For instance, I associate songs by Slayer with red, it likely has to do with the evil lyrics and and descriptions of hell. I also see blue when listening to "Blue" by Chantal Kreviazuk, that one makes sense since it's a sad song and of course the title.

Other stuff I notice. With good recordings I can picture the band on a stage or something playing their instruments and singing. I can actually see how they're playing their instruments even though I barely know a thing about playing music.

Posted: 2003-01-13 01:07pm
by Zaia
I associate some songs with colour, but I do the person/song association a hell of a lot more. There are some songs I can't listen to now, because of the people they remind me of. :(

Posted: 2003-01-13 01:13pm
by Cal Wright
The only time I see colors is when I listen to Garbage's #1 Crush. I see purple in my mind for some strange ass reason. Other than that, as strange as it sounds, I see action sequences. Basically of the characters and stories I've created, but you get the gist.

Posted: 2003-01-13 01:32pm
by Majin Gojira
You're lucky you only see colors. I see ENTIRE FILMED SEQUNCES when I listen to certain tracks.

Prime Examples:
KoRn: "Falling Away From Me" - ever see a Super Sayin fight a Golem who's arms could turn into any weapon imaginable? I have..
Linkin Park: "One Step Closer" - Something between Buffy, Godzilla and the Incredible Hulk...
Unknown: "All My Best Freinds are Metel Heads" - One of the Oddest chase sequences I've ever created
KoRn: "Thoughtless", "Here to Stay" - Rampage Sequences loaded with loss, pain, gore and Fire Breathing Crocodiles!
KoRn (again...): "Alone I break" - Suicidal, regretful rampage of self destruction. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. PS: I also See Black, Deep blue and a little dark Gray
System of a Down: "Chop Suey" - The Planet's Destruction, because of stupid people taking away something very important from previously mentioned Fire Breathing Crocodile.

Posted: 2003-01-13 01:36pm
by Zaia
Hmmm. Well, if the truth be told, I see film sequences too, but they usually star me as the main character in the music video for the song and take place when I'm driving somewhere. Either I'm singing along, looking thoughtfully into my mirrors (which act as the cameras, of course!), or dancing seductively (well, as seductively as one can dance in a car)--sometimes, depending on the song, it's a combination of all three!

So, um, yeah. Sort of weird, I guess, but I'm very happy in my own little world... :D :wink:

Posted: 2003-01-13 02:27pm
by Dalton
I make up music videos in my head. Like, I'll listen to "For Those About to Rock" by AC/DC and have a whole sequence of shots of Rogue Squadron blowing shit up.

Posted: 2003-01-13 03:45pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I odn't see these colors or music videos. However, I do usually listen harder, and find all of the instruments used in the song.

Posted: 2003-01-13 04:10pm
by Lord Pounder
for me i don't see colours but i do feel the emotions of the song. A great song is the ultimate feeling of passion and you feel it.

Posted: 2003-01-13 04:38pm
by Dalton
Darth Pounder wrote:for me i don't see colours but i do feel the emotions of the song. A great song is the ultimate feeling of passion and you feel it.
I have to agree with this sentiment.

Posted: 2003-01-13 05:08pm
by XaLEv
I can usually tell what color a song isn't, even if I can't say what color it is. I realized something strange earlier, though, about Rammstein's Engel: I am certain that it's red, but I'm also certain that it's not. That's never happened before. Perhaps it's a color I can weakly visualize but not see, and so have no experience with, but can recognize it's similarity to red. Infrared, most likely.

Posted: 2003-01-13 05:29pm
by InnerBrat
Dalton wrote:
Darth Pounder wrote:for me i don't see colours but i do feel the emotions of the song. A great song is the ultimate feeling of passion and you feel it.
I have to agree with this sentiment.
Yeap, me too.
I listen to the lyrics, and picture what is actually being described (Gods, I'm boring) - but not many other people care as much as I do about what the lyrics actually say...

Posted: 2003-01-13 06:14pm
by Andrew J.
Sometimes I'll see sequences from stories I plan on writing when I hear a particular peice of music.

Posted: 2003-01-14 12:28pm
by Peregrin Toker
Majin Gojira wrote:You're lucky you only see colors. I see ENTIRE FILMED SEQUNCES when I listen to certain tracks.

Prime Examples:
KoRn: "Falling Away From Me" - ever see a Super Sayin fight a Golem who's arms could turn into any weapon imaginable? I have..
Linkin Park: "One Step Closer" - Something between Buffy, Godzilla and the Incredible Hulk...
Unknown: "All My Best Freinds are Metel Heads" - One of the Oddest chase sequences I've ever created
KoRn: "Thoughtless", "Here to Stay" - Rampage Sequences loaded with loss, pain, gore and Fire Breathing Crocodiles!
KoRn (again...): "Alone I break" - Suicidal, regretful rampage of self destruction. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. PS: I also See Black, Deep blue and a little dark Gray
System of a Down: "Chop Suey" - The Planet's Destruction, because of stupid people taking away something very important from previously mentioned Fire Breathing Crocodile.
Well, when you're listening to Bal-Sagoth, Therion, Blind Guardian, Summoning or Nocturnus you are SUPPOSED to envision entire epic tales. (particularly the first band)

I could go ranting on about what I see when I listen to "The Voyagers Beneath The Mare Imbrium", "A Black Moon Broods over Lemuria" or "And Lo, When The Imperium Marches..."

Same goes for any concept album.

Posted: 2003-01-14 04:26pm
by Lord Pounder
The other thing i get is that a particular song will remeind me of a person. My big thing at the moment is Saliva - Always. It reminds me of my last relationship with a female. We ended badly but i love her and hate her at the same time.

Posted: 2003-01-15 10:05am
by Captain Kruger
Dalton wrote:I make up music videos in my head. Like, I'll listen to "For Those About to Rock" by AC/DC and have a whole sequence of shots of Rogue Squadron blowing shit up.
Sweet. :D Now I'll probably get hit with that imagery as well since you mentioned it.

For the record — as magnificent as classical film scores are, I would just once like to see a kick-ass interstellar sci-fi movie with a rock soundtrack. Just to be different.

Posted: 2003-01-16 10:03am
by Lord Pounder
Captain Kruger wrote:
Dalton wrote:I make up music videos in my head. Like, I'll listen to "For Those About to Rock" by AC/DC and have a whole sequence of shots of Rogue Squadron blowing shit up.
Sweet. :D Now I'll probably get hit with that imagery as well since you mentioned it.

For the record — as magnificent as classical film scores are, I would just once like to see a kick-ass interstellar sci-fi movie with a rock soundtrack. Just to be different.
The movie of Dune did have a kick ass Rock track. By Toto and Brian Eno if i remember correctly. Just a pity about the actual movie.....

Posted: 2003-01-16 06:46pm
by DPDarkPrimus
If the song doesn't have a color in the title, then usually not. However, I do associate moods and imagry with different songs. Oftentimes, I imagine out entire little music videos in my mind for a song (music videos having nothing to do with the artists, of course).

Yeah, I get bored sometimes.