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Bring on the Titans!

Posted: 2003-01-13 06:19pm
by Next of Kin
I expect that the Raider's will win this game cleanly by 14 pts. Although the Titans will put up more of a battle than the Jets!

Did anyone catch Darth Vader in the stands of the Raider Game??? :wink:

Posted: 2003-01-13 07:53pm
by Pink Eye

The Titans, the last bastion of hope to defeat the Raiders [until the Superbowl]. I hope the Raiders lose.

Posted: 2003-01-13 07:54pm
by jaeger115
PinkEye, PLEASE change your avatar!! It makes me puke :!:

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:48pm
by The Dark
All will fall before the might Eagles! Bwa-ha-ha-hA-HA![/maniacal laughter] *Ahem* sorry about that, don't know what got into me...

Posted: 2003-01-13 11:46pm
by Tsyroc
jaeger115 wrote:PinkEye, PLEASE change your avatar!! It makes me puke :!:
It reminds me of a film I saw in basic where someone had gonarea in his eye.

Re: Bring on the Titans!

Posted: 2003-01-13 11:55pm
by Kuja
Next of Kin wrote:I expect that the Raider's will win this game cleanly by 14 pts. Although the Titans will put up more of a battle than the Jets!

Did anyone catch Darth Vader in the stands of the Raider Game??? :wink:
Yee-ha! Quite a game! Three interceptions in 45 seonds!

And yeah, I caught Vader. I saw him last season, too....