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Posted: 2003-01-13 07:52pm
by jaeger115
Check this out: ... 96,00.html

What do you all think?

Posted: 2003-01-13 07:58pm
by Admiral Valdemar

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:01pm
by Wicked Pilot
Looks like a toy.

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:02pm
by Anarchist Bunny
The crazy military school instructer was right, our jobs will be to build and maintain those robots.

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:02pm
by The Dark
They're gonna have problems with the bay rotation mechanism. That's my prediction, and I'm sticking to it. Seems like a cool idea, but there's something nagging at the back of my mind that I can't think of that makes me nervous.

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:05pm
by jaeger115
I'm not sure if this vehicle will be effective. True, it could roll back up when it runs over a land mine, but its wheels would be fucked.

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:06pm
by The Dark
jaeger115 wrote:I'm not sure if this vehicle will be effective. True, it could roll back up when it runs over a land mine, but its wheels would be fucked.
So would most other vehicles. The rollover is for if it hits a tree/ravine the teleoperator or computer doesn't see.

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:08pm
by jaeger115
So would most other vehicles. The rollover is for if it hits a tree/ravine the teleoperator or computer doesn't see.
Should we then keep men in our MBTs?

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:47pm
by The Dark
jaeger115 wrote:
So would most other vehicles. The rollover is for if it hits a tree/ravine the teleoperator or computer doesn't see.
Should we then keep men in our MBTs?
Unless and until computers become more effective at all parts of battlefield combat, yes, we do need humans in our MBTs. Right now, computers don't have flexible enough logic and teleoperations don't have the response time to be battlefield capable for armor. With teleoperations, certain land features could also cause problems (the Predator drone does not fall into that problem because it flies over most such obstacles; same with Global Hawk). Combat efficiency was and should be the goal of the military.

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:48pm
by paladin
Wicked Pilot wrote:Looks like a toy.
Reminds me of some thing from Terminator.

Posted: 2003-01-13 08:48pm
by Admiral Valdemar
This isn't an MBT though, it is a light scout by the looks and design of it.

Posted: 2003-01-13 10:46pm
by jaeger115
My Aviation teacher (yes, we have aviation class at my high school) once told the whole class that we were the last generation of would-be fighter-pilots, because robotics would take over soon. I don't know whether to believe him or not, since dogfighting requires that you outsmart the enemy assuming your plane is about equal to the enemy's.

Posted: 2003-01-13 11:05pm
by Sea Skimmer
There's not enough radio channels and bandwidth for remote control tanks and other heavy armor to be practical on any large scale, and we don't have the computer tech to make them effective as pure drones. If might work if the controller always has LOS to the tank and we can use UHF links, but that wont be possibul in most terrain.

What where going to see is something like a Bradley linked to a half dozen automatic unmanned rocket launchers plugged directly into the fire control net. The Brad could park a few hundred meters away, safe from counter battery fire while acting as a radio relay.

Something like this project would probably be used as a scout to help flush out ambushes or enter unknown towns.