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Rant: Wide-screen vs. full-screen
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:28am
by Temjin
*I hope you'll excuse the rant below this. I'm just sick of dealing with stupid people on this subject and I need to vent.*
I'm a movie buff. I go to the movies whenever I get a chance. I have a ever-growing collection of movies for both VHS and DVD. But unlike a lot people, I perfer my movies in widescreen.
There lies my problem though. Whenever I try to buy a wides-creen movie, someone, whether it be a clerk or a fellow custumer, always give's me the line "Get the full-screen instead. On the wide-screen they cut out the top and bottom". Yes, you read that right, I've had numerous people say that exact same line to me. They have the entire thing ass-backwards.
For those of you that don't know (and I hope there's not many), it's full-screen that cuts off part of the picture. That's why when you put a full-screen movie on, you get the message "This film has been modified to fit your screen.". With the wide-screen, nothing is cut off. The black bars are there because a theatre screen is larger than your TV.
Is this all that hard to understand?! What would be the point of selling a damn movie with the top and bottom cut off! Please, people, would it kill you think it through all the way!
What really pisses me off is that this isn't just limited to big department stores. At least there I could at least somewhat understand it happeneing. But it also happened just a few hours ago at Blockbuster! People who are supposed to be knowlegable about movies! Witness this exchange between me and the check-out guy:
Him: You are aware this movie is in wide-screen?
Me: Yes.....
Him: May I suggst the full-screen version. On the wide-screen they edit out the top and bottom.
Me : *Blank stare*
When my age was still a single digit I managed to figure out that you don't get all of the picture on full-screen! Why is it so hard for these people.....
*I apologize for the above rant. Yes, I realize that the above will most likely be gibberish to normal readers, but I'm just so sick of it happening.*
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:30am
by Ghost Rider
No prob...I have this rant many times as I valiantly search for a Wide Screen on DVD and someone know those black bar block some of the movie.
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:33am
by neoolong
Just a nitpick, but the preferred term should be OAR(original aspect ratio) considering that there are some movies and especially television shows that are not filmed in widescreen.
But I agree with you.
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:36am
by jaeger115
Same here.
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:38am
by XaLEv
I remember seeing a website a while ago about putting a stop to this form of 'censorship'. Wish I could remember where.
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:38am
by AdmiralKanos
Sadly, they have to say that (although they're obviously putting it in the wrong terms) because they probably get a lot of complaints from idiotic jack-asses who come storming back into the store demanding an explanation for the black bars.
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:40am
by neoolong
AdmiralKanos wrote:Sadly, they have to say that (although they're obviously putting it in the wrong terms) because they probably get a lot of complaints from idiotic jack-asses who come storming back into the store demanding an explanation for the black bars.
And when everyone switches to widescreen televisions, they'll go back and demand an explanation for the black bars on the sides of their fullscreen movies.
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:45am
by RedImperator
I've never run into that, but I have had experience when I'm watching movies with people who BITCH and MOAN the whole time that the movie is in widescreen (because all my DVDs are in the proper aspect ratio, and that's what you watch when you watch a movie with me), instead of just watching the fucking movie and tuning the bars out. Christ, I've watched some movies that were broadcast in widescreen I didn't even realize were in widescreen until I saw the closing credits scroll off the screen before they got to the top.
The sad thing is that these dolts bitching about the movie being "censored" might just be numerous enough to get companies to stop putting movies in widescreen, except for a few "classics" that are going to end up in hardcore movie buffs' collections.
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:45am
by Temjin
neoolong wrote:AdmiralKanos wrote:Sadly, they have to say that (although they're obviously putting it in the wrong terms) because they probably get a lot of complaints from idiotic jack-asses who come storming back into the store demanding an explanation for the black bars.
And when everyone switches to widescreen televisions, they'll go back and demand an explanation for the black bars on the sides of their fullscreen movies.
I long for that day......
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:50am
by Temjin
RedImperator wrote:I've never run into that, but I have had experience when I'm watching movies with people who BITCH and MOAN the whole time that the movie is in widescreen (because all my DVDs are in the proper aspect ratio, and that's what you watch when you watch a movie with me), instead of just watching the fucking movie and tuning the bars out. Christ, I've watched some movies that were broadcast in widescreen I didn't even realize were in widescreen until I saw the closing credits scroll off the screen before they got to the top.
The sad thing is that these dolts bitching about the movie being "censored" might just be numerous enough to get companies to stop putting movies in widescreen, except for a few "classics" that are going to end up in hardcore movie buffs' collections.
That's the thing though. Normally when you watch TV, you're looking at a small box. You just naturally tune everything around that box out. Why the hell shouldn't it be the same for wid... I mean O.A.R (Happy now, Neolong?
Posted: 2003-01-14 12:54am
by Tsyroc
I've had clerks point out that I had wide-screen just to make sure that was what I really wanted. That was with video tape though when wide-screen wasn't very common, especially on tape.
In some cases I like DVDs that include both aspect ratios. As a purest I like the movie in it's original form but ocassionally I like to see it blown up to fit my tv. Unfortunately I don't have a rectangular tv so that means p&s.
I'd heard a rumor that at one time Blockbuster was trying to push DVD makers to always make the DVDs Pan & Scan because of all the customer complaints about "the small picture" and "black bars".
I'm sorry but the people who made DVD popular aren't joe shmo renter but videophiles and borderline videophiles and those people want to see it all and that means seeing what the director intended to film and show. Luckilly, most directors agree so it doesn't appear that widescreen will bow to the lowest common denomenator (whiners). You'd think with the size most people's televisions have gotten that it wouldn't matter that much. In some cases the aspect ration makes it so the difference between ws and p&s is very little size wise (many non fx movies).
I've noticed that a lot of the mainstream popular movies are released on DVD in either widescreen or pan & scan with the P&S version more prominently displayed. It looks like Blockbuster has decided to carry both as an option in most cases. In some of the newer movies they've even started renting the "unrated" versions which they previously avoided as a "family" friendly business (I guess that was why they had all of those Red Shoe Diaries episodes and Skinemax porn
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:00am
by RedImperator
Temjin wrote:RedImperator wrote:I've never run into that, but I have had experience when I'm watching movies with people who BITCH and MOAN the whole time that the movie is in widescreen (because all my DVDs are in the proper aspect ratio, and that's what you watch when you watch a movie with me), instead of just watching the fucking movie and tuning the bars out. Christ, I've watched some movies that were broadcast in widescreen I didn't even realize were in widescreen until I saw the closing credits scroll off the screen before they got to the top.
The sad thing is that these dolts bitching about the movie being "censored" might just be numerous enough to get companies to stop putting movies in widescreen, except for a few "classics" that are going to end up in hardcore movie buffs' collections.
That's the thing though. Normally when you watch TV, you're looking at a small box. You just naturally tune everything around that box out. Why the hell shouldn't it be the same for wid... I mean O.A.R (Happy now, Neolong?
Seriously. These same people don't bitch about the entertainment center above and below the TV distracting them, so why are two fucking lines such a big fucking deal? Urgh. I hate it when people bitch about stupid fucking bullshit when I'm trying to watch a movie.
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:00am
by Sokar
I too have had this happen , at no less a place than Suncoast Movies retail outlet. I was looking for a copy of "A Bridge to Far" for my dad, while looking for it I perused a copy of "Braveheart" on DVD( I only recently acquired a DVD player and am still building my collection). The only copies they had out were fullscreen so I cornered a clerk and asked if they had a wide screen copy. These were her words verbatim "But that copy is better since it dosent look all tiny on your Tv and they didn't cut the top and bottom off the movie...." I stood there processing for a bit before I supressed an urge to at once laugh and throttle her and then very patiently explained to her that she had it bassackwards at to please see if they had a WIDESCREEN copy of "Braveheart" which they didn't. Needless to say I spent the rest of the afternoon in the Mall wondering if my expectation are just to damn high or if, in fact, Im surrounded by braindead male and female amoebas who just move through the world eating, sleeping and fucking all in order to wipe me out with their stupidity........To quoth Dark Helmet, "I knew it Im surrounded by assholes"
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:01am
by Vympel
Whenever I buy a DVD I demand that it's in widescreen.
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:27am
by neoolong
Sokar wrote:I too have had this happen , at no less a place than Suncoast Movies retail outlet. I was looking for a copy of "A Bridge to Far" for my dad, while looking for it I perused a copy of "Braveheart" on DVD( I only recently acquired a DVD player and am still building my collection). The only copies they had out were fullscreen so I cornered a clerk and asked if they had a wide screen copy. These were her words verbatim "But that copy is better since it dosent look all tiny on your Tv and they didn't cut the top and bottom off the movie...." I stood there processing for a bit before I supressed an urge to at once laugh and throttle her and then very patiently explained to her that she had it bassackwards at to please see if they had a WIDESCREEN copy of "Braveheart" which they didn't. Needless to say I spent the rest of the afternoon in the Mall wondering if my expectation are just to damn high or if, in fact, Im surrounded by braindead male and female amoebas who just move through the world eating, sleeping and fucking all in order to wipe me out with their stupidity........To quoth Dark Helmet, "I knew it Im surrounded by assholes"
A lot of it in my opinion has to due with lack of training and lack of interest on the part of retailers. The majority of places that sell DVD's are major retailers that have no real interest in DVD's beyond just selling product. Thus, the employees aren't trained to know the difference between widescreen and fullscreen and other stuff like DTS. In fact, many places are just large commercial centers like Wal-Mart and Target that don't place a lot of value in training staff in the details of their product.
A comparison can be made to comic book stores. Most comic book stores are run by fans and they are usually highly knowledgeable about their products. Walk into a Barnes and Noble with a comic rack and ask an employee about it, and chances are they'll know jackshit. Except for me of course.
The upside of the large retail centers is lower prices, the downside is that they are having an effect on the production of DVD's. I for one would rather pay a bit more for a good DVD, than pay less for a crappy one.
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:29am
by Frank Hipper
I have had the good fortune of never running into someone that has said "you lose the top and bottom of the picture". Fucking idiots! When a movie filmed in Cinemascope is formatted to fit a TV screen, you lose FIFTY PERCENT of the fucking picture! Idiots!
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:40am
by Vertigo1
Gimme widescreen anyday. I absolutely refuse to buy a DVD thats in any other format.
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:53am
by Cal Wright
I don't buy movies too often, but when I do it is most definitely widescreen. In fact I used to get into some heated arguments with my cousin about that. He's into widescreen now too. I never got to see Star Wars on the bigscreen since I was born in '80. When the SE came out I was astounded. Then when I got the widesreen versions of the trilogy I was blown away by what I had missed. In fact when AotC IMax came here, I realized it was pan scan right away.
Posted: 2003-01-14 01:59am
by Robert Treder
AdmiralKanos wrote:Sadly, they have to say that (although they're obviously putting it in the wrong terms) because they probably get a lot of complaints from idiotic jack-asses who come storming back into the store demanding an explanation for the black bars.
Believe me. As an employee of Hollywood Video, I can fucking assure you that this happens all the damned time.
Customers CONSTANTLY ask about the "black bars on the top and bottom of the screen" and complain about them. They ask me why the movie's like that. I tell them the entire history of the Cinemascope format, and they just stand there with a blank look on their face. So I tell them, "It's really annoying and you should get the VHS version" and they emphatically agree.
Re: Rant: Wide-screen vs. full-screen
Posted: 2003-01-14 02:10am
by Enlightenment
Temjin wrote:The black bars are there because a theatre screen is larger than your TV.
Size has nothing to do with it. It's the aspect ratio.
Posted: 2003-01-14 02:14am
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont know diddly about film and video but Ive always understood that you are missing something if you watch in full screen. I think someone explained that to me, oh in 1991 or something! Im surprised most people have not picked it up along the way.
With that said, I do like to have the option to watch full screen simply because sometimes I want to watch tv without my glasses.
Re: Rant: Wide-screen vs. full-screen
Posted: 2003-01-14 02:15am
by neoolong
Enlightenment wrote:Temjin wrote:The black bars are there because a theatre screen is larger than your TV.
Size has nothing to do with it. It's the aspect ratio.
That's probably what he meant. If you enlarge the height of a tv to match a theater screen. The theater screen still is larger because of the aspect ratio.
Posted: 2003-01-14 02:50am
by Darth Wong
The only way to explain it to idiots is to use pictures. Nice, pretty pictures with bright colours.
Posted: 2003-01-14 02:52am
by neoolong
Darth Wong wrote:The only way to explain it to idiots is to use pictures. Nice, pretty pictures with bright colours.
Uh, it's been tried. Hasn't really worked.
Posted: 2003-01-14 10:24am
by Durandal
I've had this argument with my mom dozens of times. It usually ends up with, "I don't care! I want it to fill up the whole screen." I seriously cannot believe that people are unable to just think for a second, "Why would an editing house just arbitrarily knock off almost 2/3 of the full picture? Is there a reason for the so-called 'widescreen'?"
It further amazes me that people are incapable of noticing what the screen looks like in the cinema. It's wide! Do they honestly think that they magically get the full, rectangular picture on a more-or-less square television set? Jesus Christ.