Vympel wrote:Sure it could be the FSB. Just like it could've been the CIA that blew up the World Trade Centre. Both are extremely unlikely, and there is no evidence for it whatsoever.
There's no evidence that it was the Chechens either, no more than there is for the FSB being guilty, because there
is some evidence pointing in that direction, just as there is some evidence pointing at the Chechens. The WTC isn't in any way analoguous to the Moscow bombings, so I don't know why you bring that up. In the WTC case we have identified culprits, known affiliation with extremists and links to A-Q, so saying Bush had it done is preposterous. In the Moscow bombing case we have no identified culprits, unknown affiliation of same and conflicting evidence pointing at both the Chechens and the FSB as equally likely suspects.
Vympel wrote:It was a form of anisthetic. It saved lives, despite the high death toll. Or would you prefer that the Chechens set off those bombs? As for 'denying' the antidote, do you suggest that they did it out of malice? Why bother rescuing them in the first place
Yes, it was a form of anesthetic. So what? If they were going to use it, they misght as well have had enough of the antidote ready for immediate administration to the hostages when they were rescued. The fact that they didn't and that it was withheld, along with information about the anesthetic used, and the conduct of the Russian administration in the aftermath of the incident points clearly in the direction that the main objective was just to annihilate the terrorists and fuck the hostages, they were expendable. If they could be rescued, good, but if not, too bad. Mind you, this is not something I just made up on my own, Russians, especially families of the victims are asking these same questions.
Vympel wrote:What is the logical connection between 'indiscriminate oppression of minorities' and murdering 300 of your own citizens on purpose? You also ignore the Chechen incursion into Dagestan.
When you look more widely at what's happening in Russia and what happens to anything and everything and everyone who doesn't suck up to the powers that be and tries to actually do anything independently instead of according to the interests of those powers, they're nothing more than part of the same pattern. The Dagestan invasion was lunacy, and I'm not ignoring it. That was a complete fuckup by the Chechens, and is one of the few legitimate reasons for Russian intervention in Chechnya.
Vympel wrote:Remarkably racist comment there, don't you think? But of course, you're from Finland, such things are to be expected.
I've never made secret of my dislike for Russia, Vympel, nor of my bias. Take a look at what I said in the threads about the hostage situation for more details. There is very little about Russia that I like, though I do have some Russian friends. Thing is, when meeting Russians, I judge them as individuals, but collectively their country is fucked up, that's a fact. I know I'm biased and I fight it, but I'm not about to apologize for my criticism of a country that deserves it. Individual people are another thing entirely. Just lay off insults like that, implying that it should be expected that I'm a racist because of my nationality instead of because of my words. I don't take offense at being called biased and discriminatory toward Russians, because it is largely true outside face-to-face encounters, but I resent your allegation that it is just because of my nationality instead of some other, more logical reasons (as far as a bias like this can ever be logical).
Vympel wrote:The Russians had cause to go in there for good reason in both cases. For one thing, Chechnya is part of the Russian Federation, it attempted to secede- it declared independence in 1991, and then in 1993 declared full independence.
Just like the Baltic states declared independence in 1991, and you haven't seen them bombed and shelled into rubble and their people ruthlessly oppressed by Russian occupation troops. If the Baltic states could go independent, why not Chechnya too? They were also part of the Russian Federation, so by your logic Russia would have been within its rights to do the same to them. Enough with the double standard, your argument has no merit.
Vympel wrote:Civil war broke out in the province. 1994 was an attempt to bring Chechnya 'to heel'- the Russians accused Dudayev of suppressing political dissent, corruption, and taking part in international criminal activities. It had indeed become an outpost for drug-running, gun smuggling and organized crime in general. The objective was to put the Russian-backed political opposition into power.
Civil wars sometimes happen. Does that somehow remove the right of a people to self-determination? It's nice of you to point out that the Russians accused Dudayev of the very things they are just as guilty of, and it was Yeltsin himself who allowed the Chechens such a free hand with the criminal activities, even discouraging attempts to bring the region under real control prior to the 1994 invasion, due to the support he had been getting from Chechens previously. See below:
Kolovrat, HG message board wrote:After return in 1956 Chechens achieved higher as average level of well being in Soviet Union not due to pipelines , but due to oil-refining industry, built in republic. Three Chechens became the ministers of oil-refining industry. Rich Chechens diaspora formed in Moscow and through clan relations sacred for every Chechen controlled the situation in republic. When famous Gorbachev-Eltsin conflict happened Chechens diaspora was the first who offered to Eltsin unconditional support. Eltsin election company in 1990 was financed by Chechens and he had only Chechens bodyguards. First time Eltsin pay for it in 1991 closing eyes on declaration of independence and creating “off shore” zone in Chechnya. You are right like many islands there the money are recycled. The only problem is that local Chechens used this opportunity to concentrate exclusively on primitive criminal activity (with great success). Chechnya transformed in secure shelter for any criminal from Russia. Spontaneously rebuilt Cossacks demanded the right to wear weapons from 1991, not from 1994 or 1996. The reason was the harassment of Russian border regions by Chechen bands. Eltsin didn’t worried about it. But Moscow Chechens were preoccupied. They lost control of own republic. Local Chechens became wealthier and stronger. So Chechens in Moscow asked Eltsin for intervention in order to reestablish their power status in Chechnya. And when Eltsin break down the resistance of Russian parlament and violated Constitution he could finally pay his debt again. The first Chechnya war started. In was rather strange war. When Chechens finished in difficulties many times cessation of fire was proclaimed. The Chechens regrouped their forces and always started the war again. In 1996 Lebed signed with Chechens the peace.
That's part of a debate on the Chechnyan situation I had several months back at Heavengames. See
here for he rest of that debate.
Vympel wrote:Consider that Chechnya is strategically vital to Russia: access routes to the Black and Caspian Sea go through Chechnya, and Russian oil and gas pipelines to Kazakhstan and Azerbaijain also run through Chechnya. Peace was reached in 1996. Resolution of the question of Chechen independence was to be postponed until 2001.
Of course it's strategically important, but right now it's of no value whatsoever. Giving them independence from the get-go (in 1991) and then trading with them would have cost a lot less than the futile and endless war.
Vympel wrote:For the next 3 years Chechnya was a festering sore- the terms of the peace were violated by the Chechens: under the agreement they were supposed to combat crime, terrorism, and national/religious enmity. Kidnappings were big (foreigners, journalists, diplomats, soldiers serving in the Caucasus, and in 1999 the Interior Ministry envoy to Chechnya), as was the usual gun and drug smuggling. Then of course came the invasion of neighbouring Dagestan by Islamic fundamentalists based in Chechnya. There were subsequent bombings in Dagestan, as well as the infamous bombings of the shopping mall and two apartment blocks in Moscow.
Hardly a simplisitic case of 'the Russians started it'.
I refer you to the Kolovrat quote above. Besides, you'll have a hard time with the argument that the Russians didn't start the first war, which in turn led to all the unfavorable later developments.
Vympel wrote:Russia will never give the place up. It's too important. This war will probably go on for a long time- unless the Chechen leadership unifies so the Russians have someone to talk to.
So Chechnya will remain their permanent Vietnam, and as long as they keep treating the Chechens the way they do now, good riddance to every Russian soldier killed there. There won't emerge a united Chechen leadership anytime soon, their society is too fragmented and clan-based for anything of the kind to happen under current conditions, which are not going to change in the foreseeable future.