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To all those in SK and Japan ...
Posted: 2003-01-14 04:46am
by Rathark
... I'd like to know how you're feeling right now. Personally, I'm a bit relieved that NK is still willing to talk it out. This is all relative, of course, following its withdrawal from the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and subsequent threats to resume missile testing.
What are your thoughts on the matter? what is the likelihod of the UN taking this matter to the Security Council? How does this affect you personally? (The last question is obviously optional). Do your Korean/Japanese friends, co-workers and students share your concerns?
Posted: 2003-01-14 03:19pm
by j1j2j3
Since I am a Korean born and living in SK, I would like to comment.
This is like the 124134325629432943272th time that the idiotic North has threatened us.
We fucking learned how to use gas masks and M-16s in High school.
The North cannot even contend with the South's military alone. With US backup the North is even more fucked.
Our government spreads paranoia because some fucked up politicitians think it is good to have a mortal enemy/be in a constant state of fear, it makes the general populace look over faults of the current government.
They are fucking starving to death. We send them HUGE amounts of food, medical aid, pesticides every fucking day.
The only card the North has to play is threatening everybody with it's scary toys.
In the 60's it was highly trained operatives infiltrating the South.
In the 70's it was 1231232234873 fucking tanks.
In the 80's it was more manpower than the South.
In the 90's it was chemical weapons.
In the late 90's it was those ICBM tests.
Now it's withdrawing from the nuke treaty.
We here DON'T FUCKING CARE. They are starving to death. let that stupid Kim-Jung-Il asshole threaten all he wants.
Sorry for all the profanities. I'm just sick and tired of this paranioa sweeping every fucking year!
Posted: 2003-01-14 03:32pm
by Knife
j1j2j3 wrote:Since I am a Korean born and living in SK, I would like to comment.
This is like the 124134325629432943272th time that the idiotic North has threatened us.
We fucking learned how to use gas masks and M-16s in High school.
The North cannot even contend with the South's military alone. With US backup the North is even more fucked.
Our government spreads paranoia because some fucked up politicitians think it is good to have a mortal enemy/be in a constant state of fear, it makes the general populace look over faults of the current government.
They are fucking starving to death. We send them HUGE amounts of food, medical aid, pesticides every fucking day.
The only card the North has to play is threatening everybody with it's scary toys.
In the 60's it was highly trained operatives infiltrating the South.
In the 70's it was 1231232234873 fucking tanks.
In the 80's it was more manpower than the South.
In the 90's it was chemical weapons.
In the late 90's it was those ICBM tests.
Now it's withdrawing from the nuke treaty.
We here DON'T FUCKING CARE. They are starving to death. let that stupid Kim-Jung-Il asshole threaten all he wants.
Sorry for all the profanities. I'm just sick and tired of this paranioa sweeping every fucking year!
Well put.
Posted: 2003-01-14 04:56pm
by Mr Bean
"Oh? Nukes?
Tell you what! If you don't have those gone by next month we CAN and WILL Fill your Country from mountian top to sea-shore with NUCLEAR HELLFIRE and then we shall salt the land so that nothing shall ever grow agian!
The US as the Rest of the World Views us
Posted: 2003-01-14 04:59pm
by Colonel Olrik
Mr Bean wrote:"Oh? Nukes?
Tell you what! If you don't have those gone by next month we CAN and WILL Fill your Country from mountian top to sea-shore with NUCLEAR HELLFIRE and then we shall salt the land so that nothing shall ever grow agian!
The US as the Rest of the World Views us
Oh, most of the Nato allies would sign below that.
BTW, isn't salting a Nuclear Hellfired terrain a bit overdoing?
Posted: 2003-01-14 06:29pm
by HemlockGrey
I'm not quite sure where Pyonyang gets off on threatening the US with a 'sea of fire' when they don't actually have any missile delievery systems yet.
Posted: 2003-01-14 06:36pm
by Enlightenment
HemlockGrey wrote:I'm not quite sure where Pyonyang gets off on threatening the US with a 'sea of fire' when they don't actually have any missile delievery systems yet.
Delivery via FedEx is much cheaper and just as effective.
I'm not kidding. It doesn't take a genius to stuff a nuke in a cargo container and ship it somewhere.
Posted: 2003-01-14 06:46pm
by Sea Skimmer
HemlockGrey wrote:I'm not quite sure where Pyonyang gets off on threatening the US with a 'sea of fire' when they don't actually have any missile delievery systems yet.
They have nothing, which can reach US soil. They can however hit all of Japan and South Korea and have hundred of Scud's and Scud spin-offs on hand. Even a moderately advanced nuclear bomb would fit on one.
Posted: 2003-01-14 06:50pm
by Sea Skimmer
Enlightenment wrote:HemlockGrey wrote:I'm not quite sure where Pyonyang gets off on threatening the US with a 'sea of fire' when they don't actually have any missile delievery systems yet.
Delivery via FedEx is much cheaper and just as effective.
I'm not kidding. It doesn't take a genius to stuff a nuke in a cargo container and ship it somewhere.
And if its discovered, by say one of the countless hand held detectors in use for decades that can give you a weapon yield through a steel sub hull, the nation that sent it is utterly fucked. Such delivery systems are too unreliable for any nation state to use.
The USCG and Boarder Patrol have hundreds of them BTW. There the ones who gave the NYPD a hundred to use for new years eav 2001.
Posted: 2003-01-14 06:51pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
What would a U.S. response be if they nuked SK? Nukes or a conventional military campaign? And lets say both before and after we invade Iraq, for good measure.
EDIT: Er...before, after, and during an invasion of Iraq.
Posted: 2003-01-14 06:55pm
by Crayz9000
Enlightenment wrote:HemlockGrey wrote:I'm not quite sure where Pyonyang gets off on threatening the US with a 'sea of fire' when they don't actually have any missile delievery systems yet.
Delivery via FedEx is much cheaper and just as effective.
I'm not kidding. It doesn't take a genius to stuff a nuke in a cargo container and ship it somewhere.
Damnit, I can't find the image...
Suffice it to say, it was a picture of a B-52 engaged in carpetbombing. Some enterprising soul replaced the B-52 with a FedEx jet.
Funny as hell.
Posted: 2003-01-14 06:59pm
by Stormbringer
Enlightenment wrote:HemlockGrey wrote:I'm not quite sure where Pyonyang gets off on threatening the US with a 'sea of fire' when they don't actually have any missile delievery systems yet.
Delivery via FedEx is much cheaper and just as effective.
I'm not kidding. It doesn't take a genius to stuff a nuke in a cargo container and ship it somewhere.
They try that and they'll be turned into a self lightening parking lot from all the nukes. Unless they're insane they won't try something like that.
Posted: 2003-01-14 07:08pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Just got back from seeing The Sum of All Fears at my Uni movie society and now I can see how weird it is to be discussing these things in reality, quite humbling.
Posted: 2003-01-14 07:10pm
by Crayz9000
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Just got back from seeing The Sum of All Fears at my Uni movie society and now I can see how weird it is to be discussing these things in reality, quite humbling.
You think that's surreal? I decided to sit down and read The Sum of All Fears. My dad turns the television on a few minutes later, and guess what? It was the start of the escalating Israeli-Arab situation. This was a couple years ago... but man, talk about surreal.
Posted: 2003-01-14 07:18pm
by Admiral Valdemar
We live in interesting times, let us hope they aren't the end of days also.