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Snow Day!

Posted: 2007-01-16 01:40pm
by Hawkwings
We have a snow day here today! Now, this may not be great news to those of you that have snow on the ground 7 months out of the year or anything, but where I live, we're lucky to get one snow day like this a year!

School's canceled, too :wink:

Here's some pictures. I'll go outside and take more soon.

Posted: 2007-01-16 01:49pm
by Red Star
School was canceled because of that?

And roads are closed because of that little dusting?

WOW you must not get a lot of regular snow :o

Posted: 2007-01-16 01:53pm
by Master of Cards
I got out of School beacause of a Water Main Break (only half day thourgh)

Posted: 2007-01-16 01:53pm
by Ace Pace
Fuck that is alot of snow.

*stares at desert outside*

Posted: 2007-01-16 01:53pm
by Big Phil
We've had snow up here in the Seattle area since last Wednesday - couple that with below freezing temperatures and an inability to de-ice roads and you've got some nasty problems. I can't even get down the hill to go into town, since they haven't bothered plowing or sanding the road.

Posted: 2007-01-16 01:57pm
by Hawkwings
Yeah, that's a lot of snow for here. We don't have snowplows in regular service every 7 months of the year, like some places...

Posted: 2007-01-16 03:58pm
by Necromancer of Rath
Oh yes, we get so much snow that I got off work due to a dusting of snow that wasn't even sticking to the roads.

Posted: 2007-01-16 04:02pm
by Zor
Lucky bastard, its -24 degrees outside in winnipeg and no snow day for Zor, though i am liking my courses at university and i did get a lift.


Posted: 2007-01-16 04:06pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Iowa got snow for the first time this winter over the weekend, and it still here. it's also damn cold now!


Posted: 2007-01-16 04:11pm
by Spin Echo
Ace Pace wrote:Fuck that is alot of snow.

*stares at desert outside*
No, this is a lot of snow. The bump in the snow in roughly the middle of the photo is a roof.

That being said, I would have been grateful for any snow we would have had over Christmas. Bloody 16 degree and sunny. Bah!

Posted: 2007-01-16 04:16pm
by LadyTevar
Shit, you people are wussies... I remember sloshing thru 2-3 feet of snow to get to the school bus, and the only reason we didn't make it to school that day was because the bus started sliding backwards on a hill a mere two miles from the school!

Posted: 2007-01-16 05:44pm
by Uraniun235
Two feet of snow here would be unheard of and would literally shut down the entire region. We get this sort of snowfall in the Portland metro area maybe once a year. There have been years where we don't ever get snowfall to this degree.

Posted: 2007-01-16 07:57pm
by Hawkwings
Nope, like last year.

New pictures are up!

EDIT: For a surprise prize, calculate how many inches of snow fell!

Re: Snow Day!

Posted: 2007-01-16 08:17pm
by General Zod
Hawkwings wrote:We have a snow day here today! Now, this may not be great news to those of you that have snow on the ground 7 months out of the year or anything, but where I live, we're lucky to get one snow day like this a year!

School's canceled, too :wink:

Here's some pictures. I'll go outside and take more soon.
That's it? Call me back when you have some real snow. :P

And those images are just from the metro area. The suburbs and mountains got considerably more snow during our big storm this year.

Posted: 2007-01-16 11:34pm
by Uraniun235
Looks like a lot of schools are going to be closed for a second day - the concern being that the compacted snow will freeze up good overnight and lead to hazardous driving conditions. I imagine it wouldn't be a problem for a lot of places that have the infrastructure to deal with regular snowfall, but as it is it looks like a lot of students in the area will have enjoyed a five-day weekend this year.

Including me. Whee!

Posted: 2007-01-16 11:54pm
by Zor
LadyTevar wrote:Shit, you people are wussies... I remember sloshing thru 2-3 feet of snow to get to the school bus, and the only reason we didn't make it to school that day was because the bus started sliding backwards on a hill a mere two miles from the school!
I live in a city with winters tougher than those that sent the nazis packing from russia. In elementry school me and my classmates had outdoor recess in negative thirty degree weather before windchill. You don't know cold until you faced down a full fledged Winnipeg Winter.

Edit: and Hawkings, they called a snow day for THAT, fuckin' Pathetic. My little sister echos that sentiment.


Posted: 2007-01-17 12:06am
by Noble Ire
I remember the good old days, when we got two-foot plus snow storms at least half a dozen times a year, and a week of school closings, at least, was a given. What do we have this year? Two transient dustings and a sleet storm. :?

Posted: 2007-01-17 12:07am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
I heard some places in the US don't allocate much funds to clearing snow, so when they get hit by too much, they simply shut down.

That isn't quite a lot of snow to get Michigan to shut down that's for sure. I know we were hit by stuff every weekend at one point of time and sch will still go on as if nothing has happened. Can't help but noticed that no one cleared the pathways in those photos.

Posted: 2007-01-17 01:01am
by Uraniun235
Zor wrote: I live in a city with winters tougher than those that sent the nazis packing from russia. In elementry school me and my classmates had outdoor recess in negative thirty degree weather before windchill. You don't know cold until you faced down a full fledged Winnipeg Winter.

Edit: and Hawkings, they called a snow day for THAT, fuckin' Pathetic. My little sister echos that sentiment.

If you read the thread you'd realize that the Pacific NW metro areas simply don't get hit by any appreciable amount of snow very often at all, and as such we lack the equipment and experience to keep things operating smoothly in the face of such weather. Even if we had the equipment, given that most people don't know how to drive in the snow around here I'd personally prefer that we shut down rather than try to press on like nothing's going on.

Posted: 2007-01-17 01:06am
by Flagg
SancheztheWhaler wrote:We've had snow up here in the Seattle area since last Wednesday - couple that with below freezing temperatures and an inability to de-ice roads and you've got some nasty problems. I can't even get down the hill to go into town, since they haven't bothered plowing or sanding the road.
I cannot understand why we don;t have any real capability to at least salt the fucking roads. I know this is supposed to be all rare and shit, but how expensive is it to get half a dozen plows?

Posted: 2007-01-17 12:11pm
by Hawkwings
When they just sit around for 2 years at a time doing nothing? And still have to be maintained? Probably not that expensive, but more trouble than it's worth. Besides, who doesn't like several unscheduled days off?

And yes, we do have some plows. They were busy clearing the main highways.

No school for a second day here. Yes, we're so pathetic that we don't have to go to school for two days, maybe even three. Pathetic, I tell ya.

Posted: 2007-01-17 03:04pm
by Shinova
It's SNOWING. Here. In Southern California. Around the Los Angeles area. RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!

The impossible has happened!!!

Posted: 2007-01-17 05:17pm
by Singular Quartet
Well you fuckers can put it into dumptrucks and ship it to massachusetts, cause we aren't see shit. For the first time I've seen ice on the motherfucking ground, and that was today.


Posted: 2007-01-17 08:29pm
by Raptor 597
Fort Hood has been closed for nonmission essential personnel for the last two days. Luckily this happened at the end of a four day weekend, so I'm been off for si days straight now. My tank has been frozen shut by the ice, so I can't do any work or got on them. This is the first time on my life I've seen snow or any accumulation at all, it's great.

Posted: 2007-01-18 12:15am
by Ace Pace
Singular Quartet wrote:Well you fuckers can put it into dumptrucks and ship it to massachusetts, cause we aren't see shit. For the first time I've seen ice on the motherfucking ground, and that was today.

Click below.
