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Hehe, your robot name

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:25pm
by His Divine Shadow

I am:
Humanoid Designed for Sabotage

And LOL, typed in wong to see what I got, ROFL!

Link fixed. ~Crayz9000

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:27pm
by Mr Bean
broken link

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:27pm
by Faram
Dude you missed an I in the url...


F.A.R.A.M.: Functional Artificial Repair and Assassination Machine

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:28pm
by Crayz9000
Mr Bean wrote:broken link
Beat you to it :)

For the record...

R.A.G.L.E.: Robotic Android Generated for Logical Exploration
H.A.N.S.E.N.: Hydraulic Artificial Nocturnal Sabotage and Exploration Neohuman
C.R.A.Y.Z.: Cybernetic Robotic Android Yearning for Zoology

Re: Hehe, your robot name

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:29pm
by MKSheppard
S.H.E.P.P.A.R.D.: Synthetic Hydraulic Entity Programmed for Potential Assassination and Rational Destruction

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:30pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Now that the link is fixed, I got this:

Mechanical Android Trained for Troubleshooting

I tried other names:

D.A.R.K.S.T.A.R.: Digital Artificial Replicant Keen on Scientific Troubleshooting and Accurate Repair

Not too accurate of a description of him, though.

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:30pm
by Crayz9000
Oh yeah, want some fun?

D.A.R.K.S.T.A.R.: Digital Artificial Replicant Keen on Scientific Troubleshooting and Accurate Repair

This is a keeper:
R.S.A.: Robotic Synthetic Android
Sums him up, huh?

T.O.W.N.M.N.B.S.: Transforming Obedient Worker Normally for Mandatory Nullification and Basic Sabotage

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:31pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Now that the link is fixed, I got this:

Mechanical Android Trained for Troubleshooting

I tried other names:

D.A.R.K.S.T.A.R.: Digital Artificial Replicant Keen on Scientific Troubleshooting and Accurate Repair

Not too accurate of a description of him, though.

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:31pm
by Mr Bean
M.R.B.E.A.N.: Mechanical Robotic Being Engineered for Assassination and Nullification

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:31pm
by Ted

T.E.D.: Troubleshooting and Exploration Device

Damn that!

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:33pm
by DPDarkPrimus

Digital Android Responsible for Killing and Peacekeeping/Robotic Intelligent Machine Used for Sabotage

Interesting paradox there... no doubt I'm a product of the United States... :roll:

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:33pm
by His Divine Shadow
Well, this one was just the most hilarious:
W.O.N.G.: Worker Optimized for Nocturnal Gratification

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:34pm
by weemadando
W.E.E.M.A.D.A.N.D.O.: Wireless Electronic Exploration and Mathematics Android/Digital Artificial Neohuman Designed for Observation

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:34pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
N.E.O.P.H.Y.T.E.: Networked Electronic Organism Programmed for Hazardous Yardwork and Terran Exploration

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:34pm
by Ted

HAHAHAHAHA, our local assassin is a yardworker!!!!!!!

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:47pm
by Raxmei
Raxmei: Robotic Android eXperienced Mathematics and Efficient Infiltration

Henry: Humanoid Engineered for Nocturnal Repair and Yardwork

Mundstock: Machine Used for Nocturnal Destruction and Sabotage/Technician Optimized for Calculation and Killing

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:47pm
by Keevan_Colton
K.E.E.V.A.N.: Kinetic Electronic Efficient Violence and Assassination Neohuman does sound like a fun job.....

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:48pm
by Keevan_Colton
Ted wrote:Image

HAHAHAHAHA, our local assassin is a yardworker!!!!!!!
Weeding out the undesirables?

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:50pm
by Keevan_Colton
C.A.O.I.M.H.I.N.: Cybernetic Artificial Organism Intended for Mandatory Harm and Intensive Nullification

F.E.A.R.G.H.U.L.: Functional Electronic Android Responsible for Galactic Harm and Ultimate Learning

I think I prefer my other psuedonym for this little thing though.....

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:50pm
by Raxmei
Rat: Robotic Artificial Technician

That sounds like it could describe an actual sci-fi object. Like those mouse things that do maintenance on the Death Star.

Posted: 2003-01-14 05:53pm
by Next of Kin
Networked Electronic Xenomorph Trained for Observation/Functional Killing and Infiltration Neohuman


Posted: 2003-01-14 05:53pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Raxmei wrote:Rat: Robotic Artificial Technician

That sounds like it could describe an actual sci-fi object. Like those mouse things that do maintenance on the Death Star.
ph34r teh Imperial Maintenance Droid's "beep beep beepbeep."

Posted: 2003-01-14 06:06pm
by neoolong
N.E.O.O.L.O.N.G.: Networked Electronic Organism Optimized for Logical Observation and Nocturnal Gratification

How, accurate. :D

Posted: 2003-01-14 06:10pm
by Raptor 597

HTML doesn't work, dumbass :) ~Crayz9000

Bah you. :P

Posted: 2003-01-14 06:16pm
by ArmorPierce
A.R.M.O.R.P.I.E.R.C.E.: Artificial Robotic Machine Optimized for Repair/Positronic Individual Engineered for Repair and Ceaseless Exploration