The Simpsons Renewed through 2005

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Yay or nay for the Simpsons renewal?

Hurray more Simpsons
The Simpsons has jumped the shark
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The Simpsons Renewed through 2005

Post by neoolong »

On Yahoo News it has just been reported that The Simpsons has been renewed for two more seasons. That'll make it 16 seasons and about 360 episodes.

And King of the Hill has been renewed for another season.

What do you think? Good news or has The Simpsons past its prime?
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Post by LadyBarbara »

I think it's good news. Very few shows can maintain the levels of comedy or drama and originality that they started with, which is exactly what 'The Simpsons' has done.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

I wouldn't mind the Simpsons going on for another 10 years. They just need to find better material cause I think it is getting a bit dry.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

The Simpson's is not what it once was, but the quality is still well above much of what is on TV. By 2005 I think that will be the end though.
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Post by Faram »

Fuck Simsons gimme Futurama

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Post by ArmorPierce »

Futurama will never be able to match the Simpsons.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Even if it gets old its still funny

More Simpons=More chance of funny=Allways a good thing

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Post by Stormbringer »

ay. Sure it has been declining for the past few year but it's still better than damn near anything else out there.

Fuck Simsons gimme Futurama
Cartoon Network has picked up Futurama and has suggested it wants more if the ratings are good.
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Post by Dalton »

I seriously hope CN puts the Futurama guys back in business. I love that show.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Dalton wrote:I seriously hope CN puts the Futurama guys back in business. I love that show.
Then watch it. Because they've said if the ratings are there they'll put it back in production.
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Post by Dalton »

Stormbringer wrote:Then watch it. Because they've said if the ratings are there they'll put it back in production.
I AM watching it. Sun-Thu at 11.
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Post by Durandal »

The problem with Fox and most quality new shows is that they get shitty timeslots. Family Guy was barely advertised and had a shitty timeslot, even though I found it just as funny as The Simpsons. I think Futurama started off weakly, but it got extremely funny in the later seasons, but again, crappy timeslot on Fox.

What gets the good timeslots? Fucking moronic "reality" show.
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Post by johnmarkley »

I'm glad. So-so Simpsons is till pretty good.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

As long as there are curtural icons to make fun of, and a society to critize, there will always be The Simpsons.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Simpsons is past its peak, but Im willing to give it a go for another two years.
And of course it will be in re-runs for a long time to come.
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Post by paladin »

hoo-rah. more Simpsons!!!
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Post by Vympel »

I'm sick of the Simpsons and it's let all laugh at Homer idiocy. Kill it now please.

Give us more Futurama and Family Guy.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

The Simpsons is the pedestal of cartoon humor. Slightly below it is Family Guy, and then down and a little to the left is Futurama.
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Post by Alyeska »

IIRC Futurama isn't exactly canned. The episodes are so absurdly easy to make that they will make 2-3 seasons worth then take a break, then years later make some more. Right now they aren't sure if their going to continue Futurama, but we still have a health supply of episodes not yet aired.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

You should have offered another option in the poll, " They've jumped the shark, but I want more". :D And may whoever cancelled Family Guy be used as a demon's butt-plug in hell.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alyeska wrote:IIRC Futurama isn't exactly canned. The episodes are so absurdly easy to make that they will make 2-3 seasons worth then take a break, then years later make some more. Right now they aren't sure if their going to continue Futurama, but we still have a health supply of episodes not yet aired.
The animation takes more time than that but it's pretty easy especially compared to disney-type or anime cartoons. And they have a season and a half worth of episodes that never aired.

The big problem is they disnbanded the Futurama team. That's the most difficult part of resuming the show. It's rebuilding a team capable of resuming the series. According to Groening most of the team would be willing to come back though.
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Post by neoolong »

Alyeska wrote:IIRC Futurama isn't exactly canned. The episodes are so absurdly easy to make that they will make 2-3 seasons worth then take a break, then years later make some more. Right now they aren't sure if their going to continue Futurama, but we still have a health supply of episodes not yet aired.
It still takes a while to make episodes. And the reason that there is still about a season unaired is because Futurama was preempted all the time. Not because it was so easy to make.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

I Stopped watching The Simpsons years ago. I felt it jumped back around 97' or 98', when the humor got too dry and relied on too many long, drawn-out fanciful tangents (The Critic did this alot. It'd just take a single mildly silly idea and run with it for 3-5 minutes sometimes).

Some episodes I caught recently practically bolied down to "Hey, look at us, we're the Simpsons! You all know our characterizations; they're funny by default!" I just want them to steele down and go back to their earlier seasons of two through eight or nine (season one was really akward, and on the opposite side of the problem with the recent ones; it seemed they barely knew what to do with their characters.).

King of the Hill is great, though. I should watch that more often.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Ugh. I hate King of the Hill with a passion.
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Post by Isil`Zha »

I actually thought Family Guy was slightly better than the Simpsons...
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