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How many of you play this?

Posted: 2003-01-18 12:48am
by Darth Balls ... e?link=737

And if you're too lazy to read the page I'll give a brief description:
They made a Star Trek Vs Star Wars mod for Armada 1 and it's pretty good. The sides are the Empire, Rebellion, Federation, Klingons. Really well balanced.

They're working on Star Trek Vs Star Wars II mod for Armada 2. They plan on including The Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Yuuzhan Vong, Federation, Klingons, and Romulans. There is also the Fleet Command mod for Armada 2 which includes the Imperial Remnant and New Republic only, no Trek factions.

If you are interested in purchasing either game (as I was after seeing this page) here's a link

Posted: 2003-01-18 12:49am
by Joe
So would I be correct to assume that those who play as the Federation would hold absolutely no chance against the Empire, no matter how good they are?

Posted: 2003-01-18 12:50am
by Darth Balls
Balanced for gameplay I meant. Not for authenticity.

Posted: 2003-01-18 12:58am
by Captain tycho
Pretty neat, although maybe they should make it really balanced and have a single ISD overcome the entire AQ. :twisted:
(Oh ,wait, it can probably do that already. :twisted: )