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Stupid MultiPlayer Questions

Posted: 2003-01-19 12:52am
by Stravo
Ok. I recently got myself a cable modem and I have been downloading anything I can get my hand son, including mods of Half Life. My problem is getting them to work in Single Player mode. There are a few mods that seem to be made especailly for multiplyaer like Team Fortress and Natural Selection. Is there a way for the computer to tak eon the roles of the other team so that I can play a single player version of these mods or no?

Stupid question to most I know but I rarely ventured into the Multiplayer world due to my connection.

Thanks in advamce for any help.

Posted: 2003-01-19 12:54am
by Sea Skimmer
If a mod is multiplayer only its multiplayer only. Unless yu know how to make your own mod and steal everything you want in it from others work your stuck.

Posted: 2003-01-19 01:00am
by Dalton
Most of those mods MUST be played online. Counter-Strike is another good example. I think there are other games that have DM matches with bots however. *shrug*

Posted: 2003-01-19 01:42am
by Shinova
There's no single player per se. Counter-strike, for example, has no official single player mode but you can download bots to play with as single player, as Dalton said.

Posted: 2003-01-19 01:43am
by IRG CommandoJoe
Uhm...why don't you play multiplayer if you have a cable modem??

Posted: 2003-01-19 01:48am
by Shinova
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Uhm...why don't you play multiplayer if you have a cable modem??

Maybe he's getting owned on all the servers :mrgreen:

No offense, Stravo, I can sympathize with your plight :)

*remembers getting owned so many ways on couterstrike servers*

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:24am
by Cal Wright
Fuck counter strike. Bunny hopping ak users picking my ass off across a god damned map. Then fucking whine when I cap thier ass with a fucking awp. At least I use a sniper rifle in the crouch position. Stravo, do yourself a favor, get Quake III and Wolfenstein. (Jedi Knight II and Galactic battlegrounds too for good measure) and play those. If you decide to play Counter Strike though, let me know what servers you play on, maybe we can run some together.

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:30am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
While you're on the HL mod download spree, pick up Day Of Defeat. A very well done WWII mod, with CS idiocy removed.[/url]

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:36am
by Knife
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Uhm...why don't you play multiplayer if you have a cable modem??
OK, I have broad band and have never, I mean, never played "on line". Have wanted too but have never done it due to the fact that I don't know how or I am not familure with it. Explain why I should and I might make the leap.

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:39am
by Shinova
Knife wrote:
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Uhm...why don't you play multiplayer if you have a cable modem??
OK, I have broad band and have never, I mean, never played "on line". Have wanted too but have never done it due to the fact that I don't know how or I am not familure with it. Explain why I should and I might make the leap.
Why should you p[lay online?

1. You get to play with real people.

2. You get to gloat at real people when you own their asses :lol:

3. You get to get owned by real people instead of bots. Take that as you will.

4. More challenge. (Or less challenge, depending on how good they are :mrgreen: )

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:41am
by Stravo
Thanks for all the replies guys, I truly appreciate it even though I'm a bit saddened by the fact that these really cool looking mods are only available in multi.

Shinova dinged it right when commenting on me getting owned...the few times I tried (Aliens vs. Predator and once on Half life) I was ASS RAPED by some smart asses who just decided to gang up and hunt the noob despite the fact that A) I had a shitty connection 56K back then AND it was advertsied as a noob only game (I serioulsy suspected they had played this many times.) So I decided to bow out gracefully and stick to single player.

But when Galaxies comes out I swore to myself that I would give it a try. Maybe I'll venture forth tonight and see if I can keep my ass unviolated this time.

Day of Defeat looks GREAT but I'm sure its also multi. SIGH.

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:42am
by Knife
Shinova wrote:
Knife wrote:
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Uhm...why don't you play multiplayer if you have a cable modem??
OK, I have broad band and have never, I mean, never played "on line". Have wanted too but have never done it due to the fact that I don't know how or I am not familure with it. Explain why I should and I might make the leap.
Why should you p[lay online?

1. You get to play with real people.

2. You get to gloat at real people when you own their asses :lol:

3. You get to get owned by real people instead of bots. Take that as you will.

4. More challenge. (Or less challenge, depending on how good they are :mrgreen: )
Ok, but I've also heard of being killed at the "spawn" or "clone" spot, or what ever it is called.

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:44am
by Ghost Rider
Unfortunatly as Shinova does point out much of the good the only reason I detest a great deal of online play is because many have been 10 year old morons who if I met in real life would probably have whoomped many times(the whining alone gets to me). That or cheesy gimps who run when I'm whupping their ass in Madden...damn bitches(7 points in the fourth does not guarantee victory)

But yeah playing online can be fun because human reactions are usually at least different then computer reactions...usually for some interesting plays and what not.

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:46am
by Ghost Rider
Yeah Knife...a few people do camp out near spawning point to rack up easy kills.

Basically where you come back to life with a regular weapon and no armor and full life...but pretty much shark bait to anyone with a decent weapon.

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:47am
by Shinova
Knife wrote:
Shinova wrote:
Knife wrote: OK, I have broad band and have never, I mean, never played "on line". Have wanted too but have never done it due to the fact that I don't know how or I am not familure with it. Explain why I should and I might make the leap.
Why should you p[lay online?

1. You get to play with real people.

2. You get to gloat at real people when you own their asses :lol:

3. You get to get owned by real people instead of bots. Take that as you will.

4. More challenge. (Or less challenge, depending on how good they are :mrgreen: )
Ok, but I've also heard of being killed at the "spawn" or "clone" spot, or what ever it is called.

It only happens in some games that let you take advantage of that.

But for Quake 3 (in case you have it) : You have to stay on the move at all times so there's no chance for spawn-camping.

Unreal Tournament : Same as Quake 3 and it's mostly CTF and similar so spawn-camping isn't really an issue.

Also it depends on the people you play with. Most people are honorable enough. (Don't play against me in Unreal Tournament CTF Facing Worlds though. I grab the sniper rifle and peg everyone on the opposing team as they spawn and run toward their base :twisted: :mrgreen: )

Posted: 2003-01-19 02:52am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Stravo wrote:Day of Defeat looks GREAT but I'm sure its also multi. SIGH.
Yes, it's great, but yes, it's multiplayer. But multiplayer is great IMO. I remember my 56K days *shudder*, I sucked royally at Firearms and TFC. But as soon as I got cable I started doing a lot better. Join a good server and there's usually no noticeable lag, it has a tremendous impact on your performance. It still takes some practice to get good at the game, but there are usually "n00b weapons" you can use :wink:. Anyways, if you decide to try playing it, I hang around if you want some pointers :).

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:00am
by Knife
Shinova wrote:
Knife wrote:
Shinova wrote: Why should you p[lay online?

1. You get to play with real people.

2. You get to gloat at real people when you own their asses :lol:

3. You get to get owned by real people instead of bots. Take that as you will.

4. More challenge. (Or less challenge, depending on how good they are :mrgreen: )
Ok, but I've also heard of being killed at the "spawn" or "clone" spot, or what ever it is called.

It only happens in some games that let you take advantage of that.

But for Quake 3 (in case you have it) : You have to stay on the move at all times so there's no chance for spawn-camping.

Unreal Tournament : Same as Quake 3 and it's mostly CTF and similar so spawn-camping isn't really an issue.

Also it depends on the people you play with. Most people are honorable enough. (Don't play against me in Unreal Tournament CTF Facing Worlds though. I grab the sniper rifle and peg everyone on the opposing team as they spawn and run toward their base :twisted: :mrgreen: )
Ok, as a noobie on "online" gaming, what should I play? If you actualy need the game, which I supose you need, I got Xwing ( in all it's carnations), SW rebellion, ST Bridge Com., 007 (nightfire), Hitman, Ghost recon, Subcommand, Civ, Jedi Kngt II, and a couple others.

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:02am
by Ghost Rider
Try out Jedi Knight 2...

If you're good at it, it should go along well for a first time through.

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:03am
by Knife
Ghost Rider wrote:Try out Jedi Knight 2...

If you're good at it, it should go along well for a first time through.
Should I try the official "online gamming" spot or try a fan thing?

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:03am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Hmm... from what you have, your best bet would likely be JKII... but that game is positively infested with arse-brains. Its gotten better over the months, but most lightsaber duels consist of your opponent whoring the same move over and over until you die. You can find some X-Wing Alliance games on MSNZone, but its pretty laggy.

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:04am
by Ghost Rider
Wow they still have X-Wing Alliance stuff alive? :!:

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:05am
by Ghost Rider
I would try the Official gaming unless someone recommends to you a good fan site...more for lag reasons then anything else...and yeah JN is right about Saber nature of the beast at times.

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:06am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Ghost Rider wrote:Wow they still have X-Wing Alliance stuff alive? :!:
Yeah, I have a tendency to reinstall it every couple of months, play some MP games, then delete it. :mrgreen: There are still quite a few players, but nearly all of them are in a clan/squad/guild/assosciation or whatever they call 'em in Alliance.

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:07am
by Ghost Rider
Ah...I used to belong to one long ago for X-Wing vs TIE.

Something that was akin to an elite Imperial squad...funky still alive...though skills are worth crap now :P

Posted: 2003-01-19 03:07am
by Stravo
JediNeophyte wrote:
Stravo wrote:Day of Defeat looks GREAT but I'm sure its also multi. SIGH.
Yes, it's great, but yes, it's multiplayer. But multiplayer is great IMO. I remember my 56K days *shudder*, I sucked royally at Firearms and TFC. But as soon as I got cable I started doing a lot better. Join a good server and there's usually no noticeable lag, it has a tremendous impact on your performance. It still takes some practice to get good at the game, but there are usually "n00b weapons" you can use :wink:. Anyways, if you decide to try playing it, I hang around if you want some pointers :).
I'm just about done dowloading DoD, so where do you suggest I go to play. The long string number addresses are like greek to me. Is there a site thats good?

Christ I am such a spoiled little bitch with this cable modem, I have no idea whta I ddi before without it. :D