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And Mockery of Stupid People

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:06pm
by Majin Gojira ...

I can't believe my THAT is stupid...

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:10pm
by Kuja

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:13pm
by HemlockGrey
Um. Right.

Goodbye, now..

Re: And Mockery of Stupid People

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:14pm
by Montcalm
I knew there was stupid people but thats just ridiculous. :o

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:16pm
by jaeger115


Posted: 2003-01-21 09:18pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I'm proud to be an American. :roll:

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:20pm
by neoolong
Gah, of course the town of Matamata actually has a sign saying, "Welcome to Hobbiton."

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:20pm
by RedImperator
I read somewhere that soon they're going to have to start labeling all news stories with "PARODY" or "NOT A PARODY", because the news is getting more bizarre than the spoofs. This is one of those stories. If I'd read this in The Onion, I wouldn't have blinked.

Posted: 2003-01-21 09:22pm
by Joe
Words fail me.

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:06pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Good. Fucking. God.

Just when I think people couldn't get any dumber, they do something to prove me wrong. Perhaps they need to write a discalimer in 40-font saying "This book is fiction, and Middle Earth isn't real" at the beginning of each book, as well as the movies.

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:09pm
by Exonerate

I wonder how many people search for airplane tickets to heaven...

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:11pm
by Alex Moon
It's probably kids who don't know any better.

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:13pm
by Dalton
Holy shit!

Re: And Mockery of Stupid People

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:13pm
by Master of Ossus
Majin Gojira wrote: ...

I can't believe my THAT is stupid...
OMFG. Next thing you know, they'll be trying to book passage on the Enterprise-D to Babylon 5 or Never Never Land.

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:14pm
by Master of Ossus
Alex Moon wrote:It's probably kids who don't know any better.
That's the thing--kids DO know better. If I had to be, I'd say that the average person trying to book travel to one of those places is between 20 and 35.

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:26pm
by Cal Wright
So, when do they slap the official seal of approval on that one?

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:37pm
by aerius
Damn! They get dumber every day! But as the shop mechanics' motto at my store goes, "never underestimate the stupidity of the common idiot".

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:43pm
by neoolong
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Good. Fucking. God.

Just when I think people couldn't get any dumber, they do something to prove me wrong. Perhaps they need to write a discalimer in 40-font saying "This book is fiction, and Middle Earth isn't real" at the beginning of each book, as well as the movies.
Actually I have a guidebook that goes through all of the different places that they filmed LOTR. Maybe more people should read it. :D

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:44pm
by neoolong
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:So, when do they slap the official seal of approval on that one?
Don't you mean the official seal of stupidity?

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:44pm
by Alex Moon
Master of Ossus wrote:
Alex Moon wrote:It's probably kids who don't know any better.
That's the thing--kids DO know better.
Some kid under 10 who just saw the movie? Not necessarily.[/quote]

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:51pm
by Cal Wright
neoolong wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:So, when do they slap the official seal of approval on that one?
Don't you mean the official seal of stupidity?
I like yours better.

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:55pm
by The Dark I think something just short-circuited in my brain...

Posted: 2003-01-21 11:20pm
by Malecoda
DAMMIT! I've been trying to book a trip to the Shire for my honeymoon for 6 MONTHS! And NOW you tell me?!?!?! Oh lord...

ummm.... I hate when people put "this is a joke" at the end of their posts, as if people can't get jokes. But maybe this time, I should put one....

Posted: 2003-01-22 12:28am
by Darth Servo
Ohhhh boy. Where do these people come from? Are we certain that these people weren't each doing it as a joke?

Posted: 2003-01-22 12:33am
by Shinova
Somehow this does not surprise me much. Hmm....I must be hanging around these boards too much ^_^