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Sluggy the Card Game!

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:24pm
by Alex Moon
For several months, a Sluggy Freelance card game called "Get Nifty" has been in testing and development. It will still be a while before you can buy it it. But at Ubercon, we shall unveil, explain, demonstrate and let you give it a whirl! The game was designed by the clever and all-brainy Rob Balder, of PartiallyClips (who will be running the demo), utilizing the design skills of myself and Joe Sunday and embodying the insanity of Sluggy Freelance! If you're not a Sluggite and you play Get Nifty, it's oddly hysterical. If you are a Sluggite, well, the game just make sense!

Posted: 2003-01-21 10:38pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Pete so needs to get Sluggy made into a cartoon. (Adult Swim, anybody?)