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Sorry For Being Such A Bastard Lately

Posted: 2003-01-21 11:25pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
As many of you know, I've been rather hostile and jerkish lately. First of all, I want to apologise for my behavior.

Second of all, I'd like to offer an explenation. I know that this won't excuse my behavior, but at least you'll know why I've been such a jerk.

For more than a month, during the entire Winter Break, my computer had been deteriorating in it's performance. My OS was becomming corrupted, my HD was being accessed constanly, and many things just didn't work. Since my connection was terrible, and I had to deal with things like Java being totally nonfunctional and minute-long lags as I waited for my hard drive to kick in, I got a little testy and impatient with other users.

After moving everything importent off, formatting my hard drive, and reinstalling my OS last week, Sarah is back to normal.

Another problem was a major problem concerning my university course schedule. I had delayed in signing up for courses when I should have, so I had to meet with my advisor in an emergency appointment at the last minute. There was very little left to choose from, but after a period of about two weeks, I was able to complete my schedule, including some courses to contribute to my GE and Major requirements. That concluded this weekend.

So the past several weeks has been rather stressful for me, and debating in topics like the Eva thread and dealing with Kojikun didn't help much. When I get really stressed, I tend to vent it outward towards others. I can get rather worked up very easily, and I don't have much tollerance when people try to pass garbage by me, so I react without pulling punches and bite their balls off. I tend to tell people when I think they're being an idiot.

But I have noticed something: sometimes people badmouth me and occasionally just make plain insulting references to me, as if I'm some kind of monster. Here's what I have to say about it: if you don't want the dog to bite you, quit poking it with the fucking stick. ArmorPierce: you know what I'm talking about. Quit posting in BOTM that I'm such a fucking prude when I haven't said shit for more then a MONTH!!

Ahem, basically: please try to leave me alone and stop attacking me.

Basically, I know some of you think I'm becomming an asshole, and I assume a few even hate me. I'll work on controlling myself from now on, which should be easier as I'm no longer dealing with such stressful complications in my real life.

Thank you for your time.

-Spanky The Dolphin

Posted: 2003-01-21 11:27pm
by The Dark
OT, but...your computer has a name?

Posted: 2003-01-21 11:30pm
by Joe
Ah, so Windows ME, like I warned you, has finally reared its ugly head. :D

But welcome back, I suppose.

Posted: 2003-01-21 11:50pm
by Darth Yoshi
I haven't noticed. No seriously, I haven't. Anyway, it's nice that your computer has a name.

Posted: 2003-01-21 11:55pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, last week I got warned by Verilon concerning my attitude (he said that others were complaining), but seeing as I hadn't been acting particularly bastard-like at the time, I'll just tack it onto his Delayed Reaction Syndrome.

Doing a search for "spanky" brought up some stuff where I could tell that some were having a problem with me, though.

And yes, my computer is named Sarah. :P

Posted: 2003-01-21 11:56pm
by XaLEv
You were being a bastard? :?

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:04am
by Slartibartfast
:cry: I still think you hurt my feelings :cry:
Now let's talk reparations...

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:05am
by Darth Fanboy
Theres something in the midwestern air that does that sort of thing to people with normal or above average intelligence.

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:08am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Be silent, Fanboy. I just said not to give me anymore shit.

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:10am
by kojikun
I name my computers "glitch" and the like. Its fitting :lol:

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:13am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Don't hijack my thread, Pervert.

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:17am
by Cal Wright
In regards to people jumping on you and getting complaints, it seems to me that it's been a growing trend lately. We all have attitudes, and we're all a huge collection of internet elbows and assholes. A little click gets together and doesn't like what someone has or is doing (Pink Eye, Spanky) and they start dog piling on the rabbit (no, not you anarchist). So, apology accepted, not even necessary. If you feel the need to be an ass, then so be it.

Posted: 2003-01-22 02:01am
by Dalton
It's cool, Spanky. I'm glad to know life's getting back to normal for you. Don't worry about what happened to you here; it happens to the best of us.

Koji, Fanboy: Please don't exascerbate the situation. I'm sure your posts were in jest, but give the guy a fucking break.

Posted: 2003-01-22 02:30am
by Dalton
Thread split. Hyperion's shit has been HOSed.

EDIT: Unfortunately, I hit the wrong button and split some stuff I didn't mean to. You have my apologies. That stuff has been split off back here.