A sad loss for all
Posted: 2003-01-22 01:38am
Recently I have noticed the slow decline in the world of mods.
People now are being unoriginal, ripping off other concepts and hard work. Though this is disgusting it is not the focus of my problem.
My problem lies with those who have turned their backs on the great mods of old. I don't want weapons tweaks, I don't want mini-mods that just copy weapons from CounterStrike (which a WHOLE other rant) into whatever game it happens to be, I don't even want mods that give you teletubby skins.
I want a mod that gives you a nice, immersive single player experience. Remember when you first played "They Hunger"? Or wandered the corridors of the "DarkStar"? The fun that you had playing through a module of "Dink Smallwood", or messing about in "Penultima".
All I see now are crappy multiplayer minimods, and pale imitations of mods at that.
Where did all the single player go? Did it disappear when CounterStrike became such a hit? I believe that was the start.
You cannot say that people don't play single player. I know that most people on this board do.
So, that is my rant. All about the utter lack of any singleplayer mods. Look around, can you find any for SoF2 or JK2? Where are the singleplayer mods for RtCW or MoH? What happened to our glorious past.
I leave you all with these closing words. Screw CounterStrike and screw those people who still play it.
People now are being unoriginal, ripping off other concepts and hard work. Though this is disgusting it is not the focus of my problem.
My problem lies with those who have turned their backs on the great mods of old. I don't want weapons tweaks, I don't want mini-mods that just copy weapons from CounterStrike (which a WHOLE other rant) into whatever game it happens to be, I don't even want mods that give you teletubby skins.
I want a mod that gives you a nice, immersive single player experience. Remember when you first played "They Hunger"? Or wandered the corridors of the "DarkStar"? The fun that you had playing through a module of "Dink Smallwood", or messing about in "Penultima".
All I see now are crappy multiplayer minimods, and pale imitations of mods at that.
Where did all the single player go? Did it disappear when CounterStrike became such a hit? I believe that was the start.
You cannot say that people don't play single player. I know that most people on this board do.
So, that is my rant. All about the utter lack of any singleplayer mods. Look around, can you find any for SoF2 or JK2? Where are the singleplayer mods for RtCW or MoH? What happened to our glorious past.
I leave you all with these closing words. Screw CounterStrike and screw those people who still play it.