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A sad loss for all

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:38am
by weemadando
Recently I have noticed the slow decline in the world of mods.

People now are being unoriginal, ripping off other concepts and hard work. Though this is disgusting it is not the focus of my problem.

My problem lies with those who have turned their backs on the great mods of old. I don't want weapons tweaks, I don't want mini-mods that just copy weapons from CounterStrike (which a WHOLE other rant) into whatever game it happens to be, I don't even want mods that give you teletubby skins.

I want a mod that gives you a nice, immersive single player experience. Remember when you first played "They Hunger"? Or wandered the corridors of the "DarkStar"? The fun that you had playing through a module of "Dink Smallwood", or messing about in "Penultima".

All I see now are crappy multiplayer minimods, and pale imitations of mods at that.

Where did all the single player go? Did it disappear when CounterStrike became such a hit? I believe that was the start.

You cannot say that people don't play single player. I know that most people on this board do.

So, that is my rant. All about the utter lack of any singleplayer mods. Look around, can you find any for SoF2 or JK2? Where are the singleplayer mods for RtCW or MoH? What happened to our glorious past.

I leave you all with these closing words. Screw CounterStrike and screw those people who still play it.

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:41am
by Shinova
You could try playing the originals again but that's probably something you're bored with already.

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:54am
by DPDarkPrimus
Does no one here play StarCraft?! That game had only quality mods.

Posted: 2003-01-22 01:56am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Or Neverwinter Nights, for that matter?

Posted: 2003-01-22 02:06am
by weemadando
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Or Neverwinter Nights, for that matter?
Please note the Penultima reference.

And I only got NWN the other day...

Posted: 2003-01-22 02:06am
by weemadando
Shinova wrote:You could try playing the originals again but that's probably something you're bored with already.
More than you would believe.

I demand moddie goodness!

Posted: 2003-01-22 02:08am
by Spanky The Dolphin
weemadando wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Or Neverwinter Nights, for that matter?
Please note the Penultima reference.

And I only got NWN the other day...
Sorry about that. Utsanomiko is pretty deep into the A land Far Away servers, so I'm rather familiar with it.

Posted: 2003-01-22 02:23am
by Cal Wright
I'm a console individual myself. We don't believe in mods.

Posted: 2003-01-22 02:30am
by weemadando
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I'm a console individual myself. We don't believe in mods.

Feel the cleansing power of the PC!

Posted: 2003-01-22 04:06am
by Boba Fett
weemadando wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I'm a console individual myself. We don't believe in mods.

Feel the cleansing power of the PC!

Yes, I miss good mods too!

For MoH, EA gave us Spearhead, for JKII there are quite a lot mods out there but most of them crappy.

What I see is that people stopped creating mods, they mainly focusing on creating new characters.

Posted: 2003-01-22 04:30am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I have Quake 3, and I like playing with the really off-the-wall mods like Bouncy Quake, Alternate Fire, and Generations. What's everyone else do? Fucking Urban Terror!! WTF?! I like city maps as well as the next guy, but if I wanted to be a 31337 c4mp1ng CS ph4g07, I'd get CS! Dunno about UT, I don't play it much.

FPS is like sex. Quake 3 is the gay sex; which I do all the time but not very many others do. UT is like BDSM sex; common, but I don't do it much. CS is the straight sex: Something I'm only passingly interested in at best, but EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER does it!!!!

Posted: 2003-01-22 06:43am
by Mr Bean
Suggest orgionalish Mods

Might and Magic-Battlefield 1942 Engine
Yep thats right, Combing Die by the Sword Combat with Might and Magic rules in the BF-1942 Engine, look for it sometime next year, still in concept stages

Natureal Selection-Half-Life
Take Star-Craft, Switch to an Indoor mission where you can build, Take away the Protoss and you have the "Confederacy Marines" VS "Werid bug eyed alien things who's name I can't spell"
VERY fun, Humans are based around the Command Console which like it sounds lets a Commander step up and start building things, From Respawn points(More you have more people who can respawn on the 4 second timer, if not enough wait another 4) Resource Cappers(Yes their are resources in the game) to Ammo stations and Turret Factorys(Which let you build automated Turrets Near-by)

Marines get tons of toys which do everything from Jetpacks and Gernade Launchers, To Heavy Chaingun like weapons and Laser-Trip mines....

I'll could go into Aliens but to much space, just google "Natural Selection"

Day of Defeat-Classic WWII Action in Half-life, Machine guns are fun

Desert Combat-BF 1942
Think the Gulf War with everything from A-10s and F-16s to MIG 27s and Apache Helecopters to T-72s and MRLS Missle Launchers and you have Desert Combat